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Overheard at the Watercooler: Even Without Proof, I Just Believe

just gotta believe

What follows is a discussion between two Christians about atheists/atheism. This is an actual conversation, overheard by someone I know quite well.

The discussion began with one woman saying that atheists are closed minded. Then the discussion moved to a particular atheist:

Woman: I don’t know why they don’t believe in God. They weren’t raised that way. But, they don’t. How can they live thinking this is it? I guess we just love them.

Other Woman: Yep, you gotta have hope in the afterlife. I don’t care what anyone says. Even without proof, I just believe. You just KNOW God is out there.

Just two ignorant Christians? Here’s what Paul said in Hebrews 11:1:

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJV)

Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see.  (CEV)

The Christian’s hope rests in things they have never seen. By faith, they believe the Christian God exists, the Bible is true, and heaven awaits the saved and hell awaits the lost. They have no proof, no evidence that these things are true or exist, That’s what it really comes down to…either you believe or you don’t. Either you have faith or you don’t.  All the preaching, Bible verse quoting, and hate mail won’t change the fact that I do not have the requisite faith necessary to believe.

What would it take to change your mind, Bruce? Jesus stopping by for lunch would certainly do the trick, along with Jesus turning water into wine and helping the Cincinnati Reds win the World Series. Just three little things that should be no trouble for the God who holds the universe in the palm of his hands.



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    J.D. Matthews

    “How can they live thinking this is it?”

    Simple. By appreciating the only thing that I’m guaranteed, which is this very moment. By living my life so that when I finally expire, I will do so, to borrow from Thoreau, without having failed to actually live.

    So my question in return is “how can you piss this life away by putting all your eggs in the basket of eternity? Why are you wasting what your god has ostensibly given you?”

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