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Christians Say the Darnedest Things: Satanic Atheism is Taking Over the World


The End Time of the last days is where we believe our present history finds us. The Bible prophetically characterizes this time as a global delusion sent by God whereby He gives the world over to the culminating powers of satanic deception, yet for a season. In the light of the intensifying depravity of mankind, such a season will give witness to the lowest ebb of human history, resulting from the long and persistent investment of Satan’s ploys in his quest to control mankind. The End Time is the prelude to Satan’s greatest and most mature hour. It will mark his collaboration with the leadership of humanity to bring about what he believes to be the overthrow of God on the planet Earth. It will culminate with his ultimate covenant with the Man of Sin, the Antichrist.

In this prelude season, what are the present powers that rest upon contemporary humanity? Two such powers for candid observation and consideration await us in this issue of Straightway. Although they may seem to be contradictory at a glance, from a closer vantage point they are working together toward the same goal. These two powers or forces are New Atheism and Postmodernism. In this article we will examine New Atheism.
From one perspective, in this tabernacle of humanity’s present dwelling is the obsessive belief of secularism which at its core is the denial of God. Its present appearance in history is the mutation of a mighty force that has steadily risen in the earth, especially in the past 275 years; it is dedicated to the powers of man’s intellect, his “reasoning.” Emerging from the Enlightenment period in European history was its prodigy child Immanuel Kant. Kant stated in the latter part of the 1700s that man had now come “to age.” This acknowledgment by Kant was the belief that man no longer needed religion and the concept of God in order to exist. Man had come to that fourfold power of (1) the inward enabling, (2) the outward ability, (3) the power of authority, and (4) the living performance to do anything he wanted to do. Truly, he believed that man was the measure of all things and that his hour of boast and power had come to maturity.

The world today has accelerated on its information highway to such an overwhelming, staggering proportion that it is believed mankind must not simply be looking for a future, but he must literally create a “new humanity.” This new humanity will demand a new global social change for mankind.

In the sciences there has been an explosion of knowledge in the fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology, info-technology, cognitive technology, genetic technology, and robotic technology. A whole new world of unknown discoveries has now made its debut. With these sciences has been increased interest in the artificial interfacing of technology with humanity, such as finding ways to transfer human personality into an artificial carrier. This is now the aspiration, the hope, and the goal of those controlling governments, the global economy, and many world corporations.

World leadership collectively believes that the “old” mankind must be replaced with a totally new concept of humanity emerging out of the accelerating wonder of multi-technology. Those in power in the world believe that all of this exploding epistemology in technology and science will demand a new global philosophy, new ideology, new ethic, new culture, new psychology, and new concept of metaphysics. The old must go in order to make way for the new. These secularists are looking for a new man, a new birth of man, a new concept of man, and a new reality for this future man to exist. They have convinced mankind to believe that he needs to begin mapping out his own evolutionary path and direction of goals rather than the randomness and “chance” of man’s evolutionary past they once espoused. This new worldview believes it can stop the power of death upon humanity and then soar beyond the solar systems and stars to conquer the universe—mankind becoming God.
With such hopes by mankind, a new breed of atheism has emerged from the philosophical think tanks of the world. This New Atheism movement swept through Europe and now has arisen here in the United States as both a social and political movement. This movement strongly promotes secularism and atheism through a selected band of atheist writers who believe that “Religion should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever its influence arises.”

The Christian is not against the term secular, for anything not sacred falls in this category. But secularism is a clear declaration of an intentional rejection of God in acknowledgment, even to the point of being anti-theistic in its identification.
The New Atheism movement is dedicated to the promotion of the powers of reason found within man, believing that he is no longer to be held captive to the concept of God. This movement believes that science and technology will bring man to his own powers of creation to be his own God. Their hope of the 2045 Initiative is to “create” a “new man” with an enduring body and to place within this artificial “life” a transplanted human thought-life, including its personality and human senses. It is the belief that this artificial life will take the place of the present human body and that the ruling government of the world will be able to select what brains and personalities will be perpetuated in these artificial life forms. With such a “creation” of a new humanity, the population of the earth could drastically diminish. The created avatars would become the servants and workers for mankind. It will be a world of a “new man” without a soul, without accountability to an invisible Supreme Being, and living for “his master,” man himself.

But according to the rising powers of atheism, this will not come about without a “theothanatology,” a death of God in the thinking of man. Though Christianity is the most hated of all the religions by atheists, they are strong in the belief that all religions must be destroyed because all religions believe in some concept of “God.” This neo-humanity must be delivered completely from all concepts of morality, of right and wrong, of ethics, and of predetermined absolutes. Again, to them, only the death of religion can bring this about.
It is evident that atheism is becoming more and more prominent in the world. It has taken over the governments, the public educational systems, the voice of science, the approach to medicine and suffering, and has caused the denial of definitive morality. America, a nation that was founded upon the belief of God and His Word, has now become the leading nation in attacking God and in following the destructive powers of sin in sodomy and in atheism. Oh, what America could have been today in providential blessings in many ways if we had continued to honor God! But God has given us over to a mood, a spirit, and a mindset that are swiftly creating the tabernacle of evil resting upon us. The very philosophical air we breathe is fathered by the “prince power of the air,” the Devil.

How will America finally fall? Will it be through Islam? An implosion of debauchery and lust? A civil war? An assimilation by other nations? No matter how and when it comes, God’s hand will be upon it, and we will deserve whatever His appointment of judgment will be.

— H.T. Spence, Straightway, May-June 2015, The Powers of an Age Resting Upon Contemporary Humanity: The New Atheism


  1. Avatar

    The constant suggestion that there is some considered plan to bring about some new version of mankind makes this article puerile. World leaders just aren’t that forward thinking enough as to have a long term goal for humanity in this way, even if they thought it desirable, and getting us to tomorrow is about the best we can manage, given war, famine and disease.

    Many comments I would entirely agree with, though with the perspective that they are a good thing, not the undesirable that he clearly believes. The idea that reason triumphs over belief in God is not something to deplore; history tells us time and again that the opposite is true. Where religion is favoured over reason and scientific knowledge societies regress; the teaching of creationism in schools, prayer in preference to medicine, and selection of a president on the basis of their ability best to pretend belief in a creator, are but a few.

    That morality declines under secularism is similarly an assertion based upon a particular worldview, but without evidence. If we define morality as the right of individuals to behave as they choose, and insofar as they don’t interfere with the rights of others to so behave, without unwarranted interference from others, then we begin to be on the right track. I don’t deny that ‘morality’ is complex, but it is something we work out for ourselves as a sentient species, and religion has only ever hindered this. Indeed I would argue that the whole concept of God given morality is not only logically flawed (one has only to read one of Bruce’s posts about the OT to understand this), but it is philosophically bereft. If a person thinks he behaves well only because there is an unseen presence waiting to strike him down, then that person’s moral base is deficient.

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    As for the comic: sometimes it seemed as if Satan was nearly as powerful as God. He gets a chance to try and seduce Jesus, God makes a fun wager with him about Job etc. So yeah, a bit strange that.

    There is this funny line in an Australian TV-series about Satan. The series is about this naive young government employee (Catholic and very serious about it) and the pretty corrupt (Gov.) minister whom he serves. Religion is mentioned frequently (I watched it online myself) and in one of these episodes the following monologue, by the minister, takes place in a church:

    “When I was boy, I used to sit here and stare at this picture of Lucifer. God casting him out into hell. And I wondered why Lucifer was always smiling…. Why breaking the rules should give him such pleasure. Then I discovered politics.”

    The Damnation of Harvey McHugh – Episode 11 How Green Was My Ballot?

    There is also an episode where Harvey’s faith (or loss thereof) becomes at stake in a political game between the US and Australia: episode 8.

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    Man, I had no idea the goal of us atheist scientists was to make the Eclipse Phase tabletop roleplaying game a reality. Someone should have told me!

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