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Jack Chick: This Was Your Life by The N.I.B

The cartoonists at the N.I.B. have published a tract titled Jack Chick: this Was Your Life. Chick died October 23, 2016. Chick drew and published tracts that were used by thousands of Evangelical churches in their evangelization efforts.

You can read the entire tract here.

jack chick goes to heaven jack chick goes to heaven jack chick goes to heaven jack chick goes to heaven jack chick goes to heavenjack chick goes to heaven

You can read the entire tract here


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    Wow… lots of responses over the years for the effort spent kicking a dead man who never even knew you. You know, you could’ve spent your time doing something more productive than holding grudges. Know the tree by the fruit, bud.

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      ... Zoe ~

      And yet bud, here you are? You know, you could have spent your time doing something more productive than commenting on a four year old thread about a dead man.

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      Oh of course, nothing to do with Jack Chick tracts accusing millions of people of murder, conspiracies and containing borderline hate speech. Yes all those people he didn’t know. Yes folks, nothing to see here with the stone casters.

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      So in the Gospel According to Will we’re not allowed to criticize a horrible, manipulative P.O.S. because he’s now deceased?

      Dream on, Will, dream on… And stuff your tone trolling up your ass.

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