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Christians Say the Darnedest Things: Democrats are Atheists Says Steve Van Nattan

steve van nattan

Democrats are Atheists. They may claim a religion, but in their souls they hate God, and they love murder. They are absolutely terrified that Roe and Wade will be revisited, and the conservative leaning Supreme Court will come to the rescue of unborn babies and rule against abortion. Democrats virtually live to see babies killed, and they crave news every day that another man has been emotionally and professionally destroyed by a feminazi making sex abuse accusations.

It is time for Americans to see that The Democratic Party, and the Atheist Evolutionists of America are one and the same animal. They hate God.

This is why Hillary, Obama, and all the Liberal Democrat leaders are all talking about “Freedom of worship” instead of freedom of religion. You see, religion is something that defines your zeal, and religion is found in the soul of man. Worship is something you do in a piece or real estate which is licensed by the IRS to do business. Once religious freedom is vested in a worship place, under the auspicious of the IRS, religious zeal can be outlawed in public life.

Thus, Liberal Progressive Democrats, and Atheist Evolutionists, are raging mad and belching hate non-stop. They live for one thing….. to kill God.

— Steve Van Nattan , Baalam’s Ass Speaks, Angry Atheists and Evolutionists, November 4, 2018


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    Nate Klaiber

    “Democrats virtually live to see babies killed”

    Based on this logic and scripture and on the percentages of stillbirths, miscarriages, and other fatal diseases, I have come to the conclusion that God is a Democrat.

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    Jim, how many babies can I kill today? But wait, if I kill God, as he contends at the end, does that mean that all the babies die? And then I am the ultimate supreme feminazi? It is worth considering

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    yulya Sevelova

    Well, Steve Van Nattan is nattering once again about nothing. Because quite a few Democrats have been Christians and and many are today. Today’s Republicans wouldn’t be recognized by Abraham Lincoln, because back in the day, the Dixiecrats were the Democrats. Like Andrew Jackson, of Trail of Tears fame. But during the Kennedy-Nixon era, the Dixicrats rejected the Democratic Party and switched to Republican , furious with JFK and his brother Bobby, about promoting equality, and over the Civil Rights Act of 1964, if I have the year right.

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