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Christians Say the Darnedest Things: Women Are Emotionally Weaker Than Men Says Ken Alexander

lori and ken alexander

Now, pastor, I have to call you out here as you try not to offend your audience. You know full well that most women are weaker emotionally than their Christian husbands, but you just can’t say it out of fear. You make no reference to anything that the Greek text or context may have to defend this assertion that emotional weakness is not part of the context.

Here, let me help you out and give you some empirical evidence, even as you know from your experience that men and women process emotions differently and women struggle more with their emotional nature than men do in general. God forbid that your audience find out what they already know and have known almost all of their lives. It’s not by accident that 70 percent or more of divorces are sought by unhappy women who allow their emotions to rule over their once godly values for family, children, and most of all their Lord Jesus.

— Ken Alexander, The Transformed Wife, Pastors, Please Teach Wifely Submission Biblically, April 22, 2019


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    Brian Vanderlip

    ” It’s not by accident that 70 percent or more of divorces are sought by unhappy women who allow their emotions to rule over their once godly values for family, children, and most of all their Lord Jesus.”
    Emotionally blunted men, ‘strong’ as Ken states, say emotionally dull things like this… I am quite sure that is more than 70 percent of men who do the beating in marriages that are abusive. These men are emotionally ‘stronger’ and know that they have to lose their ability to emote and simply beat on their loved one. Such deep understanding in emotional matters is plain, simple Biblical truth! Women could never be as ‘strong’ as men…
    Ken, you dink.

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    If women are so much weaker emotionally than men, how does Ken explain all the mass shootings which have been committed (I think I’m correct in saying this?) in every single case by a man or by men acting together?

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    Maybe that divorce rate is so high because those unhappy women are sick of dealing with men who have no clue on how to deal with their emotions at all. Good riddance, true strength means learning how to deal with your emotions in a healthy constructive manner, something most people of the ken and lori’s ilk wouldn’t understand, because science and education are bad words in their dictionary.

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    I would like to see citations from the research studies that show that women are emotionally weaker than men. I would like to see the source of the statistics that show that 70% of divorces are caused by women who are unhappy because they let their emotions take the place of godly gender roles.

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    Lori Alexander bears a strong resemblance to the character Angela on The Office in both appearance and in her odd judgemental rigidity. I can easily imagine Angela leaving Dunder Mifflin to start a blog to self-righteously rant about the immorality of the world.

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