Western civilization is under attack. White people are under attack.
I’m not Adolf Hitler, but when the left mobilizes the 93% of the world that’s not white, to then say white people are bad and we have 20-1 Black-on-white crime in the big cities. 10-1 in the rural areas…
It’s not the majority of black folks, but it’s a very active minority that’s attacking us. And the FBI and the ADL fight like the devil to cover that up. It needs to be repudiated. If we had 20-1 white on Black crime, they’d be against it.
What a load of horse shit, unworthy of response outside of debunking Jones’ claim about black-on-white crime in rural areas.
Evidently, Jones doesn’t know that most rural people are white. I live in rural northwest Ohio — in the county of Defiance, population of 37,778 (2020 census). Less than two percent of residents are black. There are four times as many Hispanic residents as there are Blacks. While local Blacks can and do commit crimes, most crime is White on White crime, and not the ten-to-one Black on White crime ratio Jones suggests.
Sadly, Republicans who only listen to Fox News, OAN, and racists such as Jones, North Carolina Republican candidate for governor Mark Reynolds (yes, Blacks can be racists), and Donald Trump, will come away thinking the ten-to-one Black on White crime stat is true. It’s not, but the people who need to hear this never read or listen to “fake media.”
And before someone objects, I am well aware that Blacks as a whole have a higher crime rate than Whites. Are you ready to discuss why that is? Or are you really only interested in another meme to support your racist agenda?
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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So a few Black folks do live in Defiance now? I worked at GM with a LOT of Black folks, NONE of whom lived in Defiance, all of them commuted from places like Lima. I don’t recall any Blacks living in Defiance at the time which was 1955 and 56. The times they are a changing.
If you want to get into the conversation of why blacks have a higher crime rate than whites, then there are going to be a whole lot of very uncomfortable people, and a whole lot of denial, finger pointing, fear mongering, and outright refusal to accept or believe.
Some people take that discussion to be very personal, very quickly.
Ah, Alex Jones is still a bigoted liar. I guess lawsuits that hurt these bigots in the pocketbook don’t do much to deter their vile messages.
It sounds like this guy hates just about everybody, except those who are in his exact group.
I can say that as someone who has always lived in urban areas, both up in Northern California ( Sacramento was/ is urban, Redding not so much, though) as well as Southern California,where I was born, I’d like to inform Alex Jones that there are two major reasons for higher amounts of crime among Black people, and this will be : child abuse first, because of the traditional beliefs about children, both from the Deep South, and diaspora abroad. There ARE attempts now, to end such habits, which were only recently questioned. Better late than never, I’d say! The other cause ,is sending all our good jobs and manufacturing overseas, cheating people out of the American Dream. When that happened, it created a hopeless feeling to many places. It’s still with us, with resulting damage. Case in point, New York’s governor, Kathy Hochul, deploying 750 National Guard troops to monitor Passengers on the trains and buses, something democracies don’t do ! Saw it on Yahoo News yesterday. I’m real surprised that Los Angeles Metro hasn’t done this yet, actually. If I were Alex Jones, I’d speak up for returning lost jobs and manufacturing to the US. It really would help with crime rates. Average people don’t have enough to look forward to!
Sick, violent comment deleted
I can’t count how many times I’ve heard the “Blacks commit more crimes” canard. The fact is that they are arrested and incarcerated at higher levels, in proportion to their population, than other races. But does that necessarily mean that they commit more crimes? Or does it mean they are policed more closely, and more likely to be fined or sentenced because they have less access to a good defense? I am thinking now, as an example, of a black woman with whom I spoke recently: She spent time in prison for giving a false address so her child could attend a better school. Plenty of white people do the same and suffer no penalties. Also, during the so-called War on Drugs, most of the arrests were of black and Hispanic buyers, users and low-level dealers of crack, while affluent White users of powdered cocaine went mostly untouched.
And, even if it is true that blacks commit crimes at a higher rate, does anyone look at the reasons why?