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Social Media

social media

I am no longer on social media of any kind. Due to declining health, I must do away with things that rob me of time, strength, and mental focus. You may still email me via the contact form or text me at 567-210-1145.

I appreciate your understanding.



  1. Diana

    Of course. That’s fine Bruce.
    Keeping up with media is tough enough for even the healthiest of us. I’ve been considering likewise at age 78. It all just becomes a bit much with age. Thank you for everything you courageously put pen to paper with in the past. A testimony of fortitude and strength to many over the years. Bless you. ♡♡♡

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    Yulya Sevelova

    Oh, Bruce ! This is such sad news to hear, that you won’t be writing your column anymore. I’ll never forget your compassion in writing me back in 2018, after a brutal loss I suffered . It’s a lot of work just the same,and probably very draining at times. I can’t blame you for focusing on your family life. You are a hero for exposing the abuses of American Christianity, and giving a voice to those of us who had to end church going because of it ! The only way I’d ever bother to attend a church again is if I lived overseas. That will be happening soon enough. Yeah, passport,baby ! Passports,y’all! Take it easy, and just concentrate on your health. I’ll never forget you and Polly, I hope things improve,not easy in these crazy times. Take care.♥️♥️

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    Yulya Sevelova

    I’ll always appreciate your kindness to me when I wrote you about a loss I suffered in 2018, given that kindness in the usual American church is sadly lacking, big time ! I loved your posts, you often made me laugh as you described daily events in your life, as well as incidents you went through that saddened me, and I could empathize with you only too well. As we all face the new year, unlike any other in living memory, it’s time to brace for a very wild ride. You and your family MUST come first, so I totally get it. You have been a daily part of my life, and I want to state here for all the religious narcissists, Christian Nationalists, other haters, that if one is already a believer, they / we aren’t harmed in any way by this blog. I’m not alone in feeling this way. It’s the abusive narcs who object to your posts! I can only wish you and the family a safe and Happy Holiday season, please don’t ever give up hope about new treatments in research, there’s new things all the time. We won’t forget you, thank you for inviting us who loved your work, into your living room and kitchen! That was how it felt. A home for survivors of abuse. Take care.♥️

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    John S.

    Bruce I don’t blame you one bit. My Facebook account was hacked and then suspended. I was offered an option to “appeal” otherwise the account will be deleted in a few months. Guess what? I’m not appealing. I’m just living without Facebook. It’s taken some getting used to, but I think my life is better off without social media.

    Best wishes as always!

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      Karuna Gal

      John, I got off Facebook/Meta voluntarily four years ago and do not miss it at all. The nasty, stupid posts and comments on Facebook made me drop it. There are plenty of other less annoying ways to stay in touch with family and friends.

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        John S.

        Most definitely, Karuna. I’ve actually started reading books again. It’s brought back memories of something I used to really enjoy doing, instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media.

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    Karuna Gal

    Bruce, I wish you, Polly and your whole family the very, very best. This blog has been a joy to read as well as a wonderful place to share my own thoughts. Whatever happens in the future, know that you have made a huge positive contribution to the world. 🙏❤️🙏

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        Yulya Sevelova

        That’s great news,Bruce ! I misunderstood – I was thinking you were not going to blog anymore, which could be understandable given your health and all. I literally start my day with your blog, I’m always learning something new, and love your winsome humor. Have a good night.

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