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Tag: Dave Hodges

Christians Say the Darnedest Things: Barack Obama Gathering Private Army to Assassinate Political Leaders

dave hodges

He [Barack Obama] is pulling together his SES, his private army. I have sources—and I think one or two of them might go on the record eventually — where Obama’s secret military force … is now partnering with MS-13 and they are going to serve as the Fifth Column when the United States is involved in a war and we will see political assassinations of law enforcement, of political opposition people. It will be the same kind of purge that Hitler put upon the communists when he burned down the Reichstag.

This is what is coming. What he hopes will happen, and this is something that I have also been told, is that the United States goes under the United Nations as a protectorate because we are in chaos and they take us over in a martial law move. What we will see is Obama installed as the leader of the United States under UN protectorate laws.”

— Dave Hodges, host of the radio program “The Common Sense Show,”  quote from Hodges’ appearance on Sheila Zilinsky’s “Weekend Vigilante” podcast

Bruce Gerencser