I am proud to be white.
But I am proud to be white and no matter how much you try to shame me you will not be able to make me recant. Beat me with a stick, ridicule me in public, email me all kinds of hateful comments, but you will not stop me from being proud of who I am.
It is like the story I heard about the young kindergartner who pinched his fellow classmate in a dispute.
“Tommy,” the teacher scolded. “You apologize and return to your seat.”
“OK Mrs. Jones, I’ll sit down. But I am still standing up on the inside!!”
Well, I am still proud on the inside. No matter how “racist” you say that I am.
Proud does not mean superior. Being proud of my heritage does not make me a racist…or a bigot…or a hater.
I am a proud nationalist. I think that our government should put the needs and the interests of Americans first. I didn’t realize that being a nationalist required identification with skin color. I hope all blacks are nationalists. I hope all Chinese are nationalists. I pray all Christians are nationalists. The fact that I happen to be Caucasian should not exclude me from being proud.
Racism is a made-up ideology.
I am proud of what I have done. I am proud of what I have overcome. I am proud of my heritage. Can someone please explain to me why that makes me a racist? Would everyone feel better if I were ashamed of being white? Sorry Chief. I ain’t gonna do it.
I’m proud of my heritage. I am proud to be white.
— Dave Daubenmire, Pass the Salt, I’m Proud to be White, August 27, 2017
The attack that’s going on in America today is against the white, heterosexual male. That’s the battle. If Satan can get control of the family, if they can get the white, heterosexual male removed from the scene, if they can get him ‘de-balled,’ if I will, if they can do that, there is nothing to hold back the forces of darkness in America.
It’s not racist, it’s the truth.
— Dave Daubenmire, YouTube Video, May 26, 2016
Should a Christian black family be able to be in relationship with a Christian white family? Of course. Should a Christian American family be able to be in relation with an Asian Christian family? Of course. Does it require intermixing?
Today, interracial marriage would be considered honorable, when 40 years ago it would have been considered a disgrace,” he said. Now is it a disgrace or is it honorable? Has the mixing of culture been good for America or has it been bad? Is America stronger today than we were 40 years ago or are we weaker today? And could it be are we weaker today because multiculturalism is spiritual AIDS and has brought an infection into what was once a great Christian American culture?
— Dave Daubenmire, YouTube video, October 17, 2017
Let me just lay it out there, because most people won’t say it because they don’t want to sound racist. Prince Harry’s wife is half-black. Now, wait a minute. That ain’t that royal bloodline lineage there, is it fellas? Isn’t there a little bit of mixed blood coming in there?
Did you see who performed the service? Was it the Bishop of Canterbury or some official WASPy guy? Was it? Did I miss something? Or did we see the ultimate—umm, how do I say this?—a blending of the races; one new world order, one-world government, the blending of the [races] in the House of Windsor coming together for the first time.
I’m going to tell you something, if there was any chance that Harry was ever going to be King of England, do you think they really would have let him just choose any woman he wanted? Of course not. So what’s the message that is being sent to us? … Is it a psy op that now, all of a sudden, sixth to the throne, he ain’t never going to be king, now it’s okay for the crown to be diverse?
— Dave Daubenmire, YouTube video, May 21, 2018
And yet, Daubenmire still insists he is not a racist. Sorry, Coach, but if it walks, talks, and acts like a racist, it is a racist.
Thanks to Right Wing Watch for their recent article on Daubenmire’s racist beliefs.