As most writers do, I pay attention to where my name and writing show up on the Internet. From time to time, I will stumble upon Evangelical blogs and forums having “discussions” about my story or something I have written. Today, I saw a new search engine, mojeek.com, in this site’s server logs. I typed my name in a search field, hit enter, and up came the results for “Bruce Gerencser.” I saw the usual results, but sprinkled here and there were sites I had not seen before. One such result was for Whiter than Snow Appliances, owned by a Fundamentalist Baptist named Tom Frederick.
In 2018, I wrote a post about Frederick titled Fundamentalist Baptist Man Tells Me I Am Following the Humanistic Teachings of Shaitan. I plan to bump this post to the front page, making it easily accessible to readers. Please give it a read to better understand Fredrick and his beliefs.
What my search revealed is that Frederick has a WARNING on his business’ website about me. Here’s the WARNING he placed on the front page of his business site (all spelling and grammar in the original):
If you have found WTSA by being tagged to a Bruce Gerencser’s atheist website then realize that he is on a mission to troll and dox us because I confronted him for his blasphemies. We advised you not to waste your time by visiting his site lest his atheism and vulgar writings, laced with curse words, get into your minds, start appealling to your logic then start corrupting your soul.
Read II Corin. 10:5 – KJV…
Shalom, WTSA
Evidently, my words are powerful. If Christians listen to them, they will get into their minds, appeal to their logic, and corrupt their souls. OMG, I must be Satan himself! 🙂
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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