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The Advocatus Atheist: Seeing the World through the Eyes of an Atheist

advocatus atheist My friend Tristan Vick, is making his latest book, The Advocatus Atheist: Seeing the World through the Eyes of an Atheist, available for FREE, Kindle version only. Tristan is a great guy. Over the years, through every crazy twist and turn of my life, Tristan has been a friend to me. I encourage you to take Tristan up on his FREE Kindle book offer.

You can check out Tristan’s other books here.

Tristan also has a blog, Advocatus Atheist.

Please note that the free book offer is a limited time offer.


    • Bruce Gerencser

      It is available on all Kindle devices, including the iPhone and iPad. Amazon makes this very confusing. Ignore the Kindle Limited and “buy” the book. Just make sure it says the cost is 0.00. I assume this is the same for Canada as it is for the U.S. If it is not, please let me know.

  1. Avatar

    Thanks Bruce! It is confusing. I chose “buy” and my receipt came through as $0.00

    Kind of sad as I know I missed opportunities with other books because of the Kindle Unlimited issue. 🙁 Thanks for getting back to me so quick. 🙂

    And thank you Tristan Vick. 🙂

  2. Troy

    A quick and interesting read. I liked the chapters on Theology (matched my own opinions, but had some insider flair) and Jesus the Korn King (I knew Dionysis was a pagan Christ but didn’t know some of the myth was cribbed for the New Testament ) It is also unusual to read fresh stories like the Bill Mahr-Ben Aflack-Sam Harris and the teen who was charged for posting a sex act he did with a Jesus statue.

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