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Black Collar Crime: Catholic Priest Eugene Katcher Accused of Larceny

eugene katcher

The Black Collar Crime Series relies on public news stories and publicly available information for its content. If any incorrect information is found, please contact Bruce Gerencser. Nothing in this post should be construed as an accusation of guilt. Those accused of crimes are innocent until proven guilty.

Eugune Katcher, pastor of Resurrection Parish in Canton, Michigan, stands accused of stealing money, wine, and a television from his church.

CBS-Detroit reports:

A Canton priest is facing criminal charges related to stolen money, wine and a television from a church.

The Wayne County Prosecutor’s office charged Father Eugene Katcher, the former pastor of Resurrection Parish in Canton, with larceny on Thursday. He was arraigned at the 35th District Court in Plymouth and faces three counts of larceny in a building.

The Archdiocese of Detroit started an investigation into missing money and other items from the church in the spring and alerted authorities later. Authorities are not releasing how much money he allegedly stole from the church, but it has been determined he stole wine and a television.

The 71-year old priest retired in July, but after he was arrested the archdiocese restricted him from celebrating mass in a church setting. He is also banned from Resurrection Church property.

If convicted on the larceny charges, Katcher faces up to four years in prison.


Hometown Life reported on October 27, 2017:

A retired priest charged with stealing from Resurrection Parish in Canton has an opportunity to keep criminal charges off his record, officials say.The Rev. Eugene Katcher, 71, has been placed in a Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office diversion program allowing him to avoid a criminal record if he obeys certain court orders that are not disclosed.

“Father Katcher qualified for the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office diversion program because he had no prior record and was charged with a non-violent offense,” prosecutor’s office spokeswoman Maria Miller confirmed Friday. “According to the law, we cannot comment on any further details.”

Katcher could have faced up to four years in prison if he had been convicted in Wayne County Circuit Court on three counts of larceny involving allegations he stole collection plate money, votive candle donations and church property such as a television and wine.

He served as priest at Resurrection Parish from 2014 until July. Archdiocese of Detroit officials have said Katcher already had planned to retire before his arrest in July.

Under the diversion program, certain first-time offenders can keep their records clear if they have a history of law-abiding behavior and if they are charged with lower-level felony offenses.



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    Gary E. Moore

    Well, you wasted no time on the character assassination of Father Katcher. All charges were dropped as improvidently accused, so, where’s the redaction of the false charges? Where’s the vindication of his good name? You bantied his reputation all over the place. So, how do you restore his self esteem? What? Not even a whoops?? How unfair!! How unjust!! This isn’t right!! I’ve known Eugene since Junior high school. I knew as soon as I saw the charges, he couldn’t possibly be guilty, but I held my tongue. I let justice play itself out. And, it did…how about a redaction? How about dragging his accusers name(s) through the mud now. Let’s see who filed those spurious charges. Isn’t it time for a deformation of character lawsuit for my old friend. He did nothing wrong. I haven’t spoken to him in many years, but I have relatives in the legal representation business. Let me know how to contact Eugene, and my relatives will take care of the rest. He was no longer a public figure when you all went after him. He has rights too.

    • Bruce Gerencser

      “The Black Collar Crime Series relies on public news stories and publicly available information for its content. If any incorrect information is found, please contact Bruce Gerencser. Nothing in this post should be construed as an accusation of guilt. Those accused of crimes are innocent until proven guilty.”

      If you have a link to a public news story that says the charges were dropped I will gladly add it to this post. The last news report I saw was that he entered a diversion program. That means he admitted guilt, but if he follows guidelines set by the court the charges will be dismissed.

      So, I’ll wait for the link to the story that says the charges were dropped because they were false. Again, this series relies on publicly available news stories. Any errors in their reporting that you can verify and corroborate with publicly available news reports will be added to this post.

      I would also add that if you haven’t seen this man in years, you don’t know what he did or didn’t do. If this series has taught me anything, so called men of God are just as capable of “sin” as any of us. So spare me the posturing and threats.

      I look forward to you providing documentation for the claims you have made in your comment.

      Bruce Gerencser

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        Bruce, there are a hell of a lot of other news reports of this priest, and that he was being charged after apparently having his ‘fingers in the till’. As you say, he appears to have admitted his guilt, but gone on a programme that allows him to avoid being charged. I don’t understand Gary Moore’s beef.

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