The Black Collar Crime Series relies on public news stories and publicly available information for its content. If any incorrect information is found, please contact Bruce Gerencser. Nothing in this post should be construed as an accusation of guilt. Those accused of crimes are innocent until proven guilty.
Stephen Brown, pastor of Seven Lakes Baptist Church in Stanwood, Washington and a teacher at Arlington Christian School in Arlington, Washington, stands accused of voyeurism. A USB drive allegedly belonging to Brown was found in Arlington Christian’s parking lot. The drive contained up-skirt videos of several of Brown’s students. According to KIRO-7 News, there are hundreds of videos that investigators are going through, hoping to identify other victims. Brown’s bond was set at $100,000.
Yeah, of course many Christian schools mandate that female students wear skirts so everyone is acutely aware of their status as females, restricting their physical mobility, and making them easier to access for perverts. Having been forced to wear skirts to a Christian school, I have a personal problem with fundamentalist religions mandating that all females must wear skirts. In elementary school where we didn’t have gym uniforms, it made recess restrictive. Boys could do whatever they wanted, but a girl stuck in a dress cannot. Plus, wearing a skirt in winter is just downright freezing. Tights aren’t nearly as warm as pants. Sorry for the rant.
” hundreds of videos that investigators are going through, hoping to identify other victims”
Man oh man, how many do you need to identify before you get it? Must each victim face interrogation and inspection before accepting the obvious? The photographer has a problem! Don’t quite get the psychology of the attraction here unless it is simply that seeing under outer-wear is forbidden and therefore persistently needed. Religion just loves to outragiously ignore natural human respect and boundaries. People have a very natural interest in bodies and the more restrictions imposed, it seems, the sicker the preachers get… When the hatred built-in to religion insists that women don dresses and hide their bodies, it also infers to men to further harm them in many ways. Even as children ObstacleChick points out that they are punished for being femaie.
I’m a resident of Stanwood, he was a creeper, who used his authority to play it off as just being a friendly Christian. God is not in that school, those poor kids and everyone he videoed. He has a 20 something year old daughter, and she always had friends over, I feel like this goes beyond the school and his church. God sees everything, and I’m sure the men in jail will take a liking to an overweight child predator. This pervert was out in public, stores, dr offices and holding church events He got an 18 day jail sentence (already served after he was booked into jail) and he has to register as a sex offender.