Dr. David Tee, whose real name in Derrick Thomas Thiessen, is a Christian Missionary & Alliance preacher without a church to pastor; a man who abandoned a child years ago and fled to the Philippines to avoid legal accountability; a thief who regularly uses content from this site without giving proper attribution; an obsessive-compulsive man when to comes to my writing and that of my British friend Ben Berwick. He cannot and will not stop molesting us.
Tee has written more than one hundred posts about me, and a substantial number of articles about Ben. Over the past six weeks, Tee has written a post that mentions me every few days. Ben has figured out how to completely block him from accessing his site, but I’ve been unable to do so. There was a time when I would respond to his attacks, lies, and mischaracterizations, but I no longer do so. I only respond now when he says something so egregious that I feel compelled to reply.
As you know, I’ve taken a break from writing. (We are going to a baseball game in Cincinnati on Monday.) I’ve been trying to catch up on a few things, especially emails and the Black Collar Crime Series. My goal this coming week is to get my podcast up and running. Imagine my surprise, then, to read this from Tee:
They [Ben Berwick and Bruce Gerencser]are never honest. The owner of the BG website [The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser] said he was taking a break from writing, yet aside from 3 guest posts, he has published more articles since that notice went [where?] than any other given week he was writing.
He then goes on to say this about Ben:
Honesty and integrity are two things we do not expect from unbelievers. But we can call them cowards as their actions are just that, cowardly. The MM [Meerkat Musings] website owner [Ben Berwick] is exactly like the little boy who didn’t get his way and takes his ball and goes home.
He wants to call the shots even though he has no credibility, or legitimacy to call the shots. We laugh at him and his actions because he has not grown up but likes to bully those who are different from himself.
He is supposed to be an adult yet acts in the most childish manner. he should change the name of the website to chicken little. If we are being harsh it is because his actions exemplify everything we have just written.
We are getting more of a laugh than anything else and write this in a lighthearted manner even though he will make false accusations about us. He always does.
What a prick. Tee says he is a follower of Jesus, but his behavior says that he is anything but.
Most of the readers of this blog understand that I took a break from writing. The posts that have been published recently, don’t fall into that category. Sounds of Sacrilege, Sounds of Fundamentalism, and the Black Collar Crime Series? These series’ require very little work on my part. I use templates that allow me to push out content quickly. I have a big backlog of potential posts for these series. So, during my time away from writing, I’m trying to clear this backlog.
Of course, all Tee cares about is calling me a liar.
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
Today is Father’s Day in the US. Let’s take a moment to be thankful that Dirty David abandoned his child. Can you imagine having a shitbag like him for a father?? UGHHHHH.
I’ve read his posts, and I find them to be hilariously hypocritical. There’s not one justification for how he twists the words and work of others, and I am tired of his non-stop deceptions and character assassinations. He’s clearly extremely upset that I’ve blocked him, but what he fails to understand is that he has absolutely ZERO right to access my site, and even less so if he plans to distort what I have to say.
My conditions for accessing being restored are not an attempt to take control of his site, as he so misleadingly claims, but rather an attempt to have him play by his OWN rules. If he wants to have unfettered access to my material to plaster all over his blog, then it’s only fair that I have the option to correct it, via the comments section.
“ Honesty and integrity are two things we do not expect from unbelievers”.
Two comments. Firstly, unbelievers are more likely to display these qualities, given the deception and corruption that lie at the centre of every single religion and religious denomination. Admittedly some are worse than others, but there are no exceptions. Secondly, how the hell would Mr Tee know, never having given any indication that he understands either concept.
Ben, good for you blocking that bully from your site.
David T sounds like a petulant bully. He’s mad that he can no longer access one of his favorite sites to lambast, and he continues to make nasty comments about Bruce and Ben. I think he’s too lazy to come up with his own content. He’s mad that he lost 50% of his source material by Ben’s blocking, and he’s mad that Bruce is taking a writing hiatus. Now David T is forced to continue whining or to actually come up with content on his own.
Happy Father’s Day, Doctor (haw-haw) T. The abandonment of children is your badge and that you absconded from USA to call yourself a missionary does not in any way relieve you of your horrid character, an unfit father who abandons the helpless. Call Gerencser and Berwick names all you want to and be careful not to see your hard-hearted self in mirrors of your everyday.
As you shave in the morning and stare at the real Derrick Thomas Thiessen, cowardly father, fantasize that perhaps the excuse you call Christ doesn’t hold your actions up for you to own but I do, man-of lies. Go home and face your responsibilities. Do you thnk that your fleeing into missionary work will get you past the pearly gates? Own your actions, liar. Make it right.
Brian Vanderlip talked about Tee the Terrible looking into a mirror. It’s as if Derrick does that every time he posts. I read this latest diatribe of his and said, “You’ve described yourself to a Tee.”
If I believed he could be trusted to quote me in a reasonable manner, and not take what I have to say and represent it so thoroughly dishonestly, he would have access to my site, but I am under zero obligation to grant anyone access to my site, least of all if they repeatedly demonstrate they can’t be trusted, which is the case with him. His prior editing of comments, some of the more recent nasty comments he’s left for me, and his recent savage attacks upon my character will not move me to see him as a reasonable human being, and I certainly won’t retract my block of him if he continues to act like a petulant child.
I’m rather glad Dr T., the diune godhead, isn’t raising his kid. Of course in His capacity as Vox Dei (The voice of God), no doubt the Black collar series offendeth Him the most.
Yes, so petty. Lambaste Bruce over writing on vacay?
I think he’s just writing to himself. He uses Bruce and Ben’s posts as fuel for his narcissim. Stands on a bully pulpit and tries his best to be someone other than he is. As long as his focus is on them, he’ll never see his reflection in the mirror.
I just checked the score at the top of the 7th–go Redlegs! Hope it was an enjoyable game, Bruce. (Oh, and David T is still an utter nutjob who thrives on negative attention. Weirdo.)
It was a wonderful game. Joey Votto’s first game of the year —- home run, single, walk, three runs batted in. The place as electric.❤️❤️
Had a great time, but now I must pay. The physical backlash is always severe. 😢😢
As is often said about Republicans on another blog that I frequent, “Every accusation is a confession.” The same apparently applies to fundy Evangelicals–at least to a fairly large chunk of them, including David Tee. Perhaps he goes after you and Ben Berwick because people actually read what you write? You’re his bully pulpit to get his message out there, since he does not pastor a church and I can’t imagine anyone regularly reading his screeds. Perhaps your determination not to respond will cause him to give up on you two?
@THATOTHERJEAN There are a couple of reasons Bruce (and possibly Ben) are targets. You nailed the first reason. No one reads the Doc T’s blog so there is the green eyed monster. There are other reasons too. Both blogs are manageable size. No reason to go after Hemant Mehta for example, any grumblings would get lost in the sheer volume of comments. By personally dispatching them and the blogs having a human face they are targets.
I suspect Doc T is mentally ill as well.
@Troy: no need to “suspect” he is mentally ill. He is. And it has been documented. As has his refusal to substantively pursue treatment for it beyond finding someone who would tell his itching ears “not to worry” about the (literal, not figurative) voices in his head.
“Every accusation is a confession.” Funny that I should see that, not to mention “Tee”’s labeling Bruce and Ben as dishonest, after hearing an anti-Trump conservative say essentially that about the “Hillary did it, too!” argument.
it’s also entirely possible that “mister tea” doesn’t know how guest blog posts work, or how to use a template for stuff… 😉
Tee’s response:
“We saw the response at the NG website and the title calls us petty. Yet, in the first paragraph all the BG website owner can do is spout one lie after another. Whether he realizes it or not, using a template is still doing writing and not taking a break.
He continues to place fully written articles in with the few guest spots and template-driven sinful series called black collar. We know he reads this website and we wanted him to know that his response failed.
We continually examine his confessions about his Christian lifestyle and we think we have a very good grip on why he failed as a Christian and a pastor. But we will leave that for another day. it just makes us sad when we think about his demise as a Christian.”
I knew this is how he would respond — justifying himself regardless of what I say and what I meant by the word writing. A typical post takes me hours, even days, to write. That’s not the case with the Black Collar Crime series. I can publish many of the posts in this series in 15 minutes or less. Sometimes, I have to do more research, but that’s not common. I use a template. All I add: title, introductory paragraph, news reference, and tags. Easy peasy. Even a dumb ass preacher could do it. 🤣
That Tee doesn’t understand this is not my problem.
BREAKING NEWS: Tee doesn’t understand how templates work! I’m shocked… well not that shocked. There are so many memes that could work here.
Because why not?
Hi Derrick!
That you have the audacity to point the finger at someone’s lack of credibility (see: “I didn’t assault my disabled wife, I just assaulted the door she was hiding from me behind” or “I refuse to support a child I don’t believe is mine because of a thoroughly undocumented childhood injury; by the way, may I have a picture of my boy?”) boggles my mind.
On the other hand, I could have all kinds of fun with the notion of you complaining about “people who are never honest.” I mean, there’s the fact that you were stymied by the use of the term “coronary artery disease” in the context of a question about your father ostensibly having a serious heart attack, conveniently leading to a request to leave the United States in the middle of legal proceedings that were not going well for you.
There’s also the fact that “David” does not have, and has never had, any connection to your legal name, which is an entirely separate and distinct matter from first-generation German-Canadians who wanted to be familiarly known by Anglicized versions of (checks notes) their actual names after WWII. (I am fairly sure that if you had ever legally changed your name, you would have said something a long time ago.)
You call Bruce “Chicken Little”? I call you a coward. And a reprobate, and a false prophet, and a wolf among God’s flock of sheep, and a lawbreaker. But mostly a coward.