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Is There Biblical Justification for Preachers Mocking People?

angry preacher

Many preachers are decent human beings; respectful, polite, and winsome. I may disagree with them about their theological and political beliefs, but I wouldn’t have a problem sharing a meal with them at a restaurant or a beer at a pub. I reject the notion posited by some anti-theists, that all preachers are evil.

And then there are other preachers — those who frequent social media or stand on street corners shouting at passersby, threatening them with judgment and Hell, or calling them names. I came of age in the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) church movement, attended an IFB college, and pastored IFB churches. I attended numerous preacher’s conferences and meetings. Again, I knew preachers who were decent people, but I also knew way too many so-called men of God who were assholes for Jesus. These men loved to abuse people they disagreed with, both theologically and politically, with mockery and ridicule. Years ago, A group of men from our church and I were preaching outside the City Center in Columbus, Ohio. After an hour or so, a group of men from an area IFB church joined us. I didn’t know them, but one of the preachers I was with did. As we were getting ready to call it a day, several Mormon missionaries came by handing out literature. As they were walking away, several men from the other church started shouting at the Mormons: MORONS! MORONS! MORONS! Their behavior angered me, and I made sure that, in the future, our church had nothing to do with them.

I also remember attending a preacher’s conference at an IFB church outside of Columbus. One preacher spent forty-five minutes, not preaching the Bible, but attacking, mocking, and haranguing churches, Bible colleges, and preachers he disagreed with. (He later cut ties with me because he disagreed with me over a minor point of doctrine.) I wish I could say that this man was an outlier, but I saw more than a few preachers who thought preaching the Bible required them to attack, belittle, and disparage churches and preachers that didn’t align with their beliefs. When called out for their abusive preaching, these bullies for Jesus retort, “You don’t like hard preaching?” or “Did I step on your toes”? “Your problem is with God, brother, not me.”

Recently, I stumbled upon an article by a Fundamentalist preacher justifying mocking Christians and unbelievers he disagrees with. This man has a penchant for name-calling and attacking anyone and everyone who runs afoul of his Fundamentalist worldview. He’s not a person I would want to be around, and I can only imagine how he treats the people who call him pastor.

Evangelicals are big on Bible proof-texting. Proof texts are used to justify all sorts of beliefs and practices. The preacher who justified mocking Christians and unbelievers? He had a proof text he thinks covers his abusive behavior.

In 1 Kings 18, we find a story about the prophet Elijah challenging the prophets of Baal to a God duel. Each side would take a bullock and put it on a stack of wood, and then they would pray to their deity, asking him to send fire from Heaven and consume the bullock.

Baal’s prophets went first:

And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made.

And then it was Elijah’s turn, but before he prayed, he decided to mock Baal’s prophets:

And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud: for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked.

Elijah mocked Baal’s followers, saying, maybe he’s busy talking, taking a shit, on vacation, or sleeping, and that’s why he can’t hear you.

And there ya have it, justification for treating people you disagree with like shit.

Thus saith the Lord, right? 🙂 Just remember, Evangelical preachers can use the Bible to justify almost anything.

Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.

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  1. Ben Berwick

    The trend of fundamentalists to be rude and nasty does seem to be a common one. It’s ironic that they claim to speak of love, and of truth, and of compassion, yet display none of these qualities.

  2. Avatar

    The ‘god said it, not me’ excuse is the favorite way christians rationalize their bigotry and hatred. With that excuse they are never responsible for any hateful comments, and any disagreement is an attack on their religion.

  3. Avatar

    I tell my small g/kids when they forget to say please or thank you, ‘Courtesy costs nothing and conveys much.’
    In the past I’ve replied to nasty, personally offensive fundy comments here and on other atheist blogs by saying, ‘So if I re-convert, will I have to post unpleasant, rude and obnoxious comments about other folk whom you want to charm into your faith and beliefs? You obviously believe it’s what your god, jesus and holy ghost require of you. No thanks.’

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    John S.

    I always love how the fundamentalists all argue with each other. It’s like fighting over the same pile of sand. Ultimately, they upstage each other by leaving and forming a new “real” Christian church.

    I also love how many of these new churches are dropping their denominations and naming themselves something that implies they are not the “assholes you’ve heard about”.

    I agree that not all pastors are like this. I have a relative who despite being a Pentecostal pastor is very humble, kind and generous. His sermons mainly focus on non-judging of others. He detests the mega-church culture, insisting on maintaining a small church, pews, hymnals and all, in rural Kentucky. He isn’t perfect, but who is? I’m not an expert, but I’m certain Anti-theism can become its own version of a fundamentalist religion, too, with nasty disagreements, purity tests and divisions.

    I really don’t care what your religion (or non-religion) is. I don’t care if you’re far right or far left politically. It’s a free country. I do, however, care if you’re an abusive, manipulative asshole.

  5. BJW

    It’s sad. Their behavior mirrors abusers. I guess these preachers can whip their congregations up enough to overlook the nasty mocking.

  6. Avatar

    Now I’m trying to remember if I heard preachers mocking people. There were plenty of comments disparaging “worldly” people or the entertainment industry or “sinners”. There was definitely an air of “holier than thou” conveyed in these situations. And I did develop a particular disliking of the pastor the church I grew up in hired in the late 80s (who recently retired, so he was there a long time). I despised how he thought he was funny or clever and would follow certain comments with a smirk and a swagger. I couldn’t stand his face when he was all proud of himself, which was at least once per sermon.

    You’re right, there are plenty of preachers who will find justification in the Bible for bad behavior.

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    Cleora Borealis

    When I was a kid, my father encouraged me to learn about any religion and visit any house of worship I wished. He drove me or let me walk with my friends to their churches, but did not attend with me. He was always there, though, for my debrief and questions. I was very drawn to fire and brimstone types…what a show! But, I stopped going after a trip to one large Baptist church. The preacher, at Christmas time, was giving Jews a very hard time! At one point, he named a man and referred to him as a great Talmudic “scholar” (yes, he made a huge gesture with airquotes)! I was done! At age 17, I was so disgusted by that mocking that I was done with my church-shopping! I probably was going to be done anyway, but I had just finished a few summers as a Candy Striper at Menorah Medical Center in KC, MO. I felt that preacher was openly denigrating some of the best people I had ever learned from and I could not abide exposing myself to any more attacks on anyone based merely on religion. I’m very happily atheist and work very hard to be sure I am not attacking anyone else’s life and choices. My Dad’s life-coaching was pretty smart, I’d say!

  8. Avatar

    Belligerent attitudes seemed to be the norm when I grew up within the IFB in Ohio and Michigan. Militant, prideful, legalistic, and judgmental are just a few words that come to mind. I wouldn’t go as far to say that it’s a unique trait among American Christians, but it seems to be very typical.

    Generally speaking Christianity up here in Canada seems to be much more benign. I work for a small family business who are part of the Mennonite Church. Since I have known them they have always been courteous to everyone, and don’t talk about their faith unless someone wants to bring it up. Are there any raging Christian zealots up here? Probably somewhere, but not as numerous.

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      Yulya Sevelova

      Not only do these types of preachers mock people, they often threaten them directly,too ! As in, if they’re thinking about leaving that particular crappy church, they’ll be creamed on the highway by a logging truck, or die in three days ( it’s always three days)if they don’t commit publicly to allegiance to either God, that church or both. Generally it’s the Fundy Pentecostal types who do that, though John Hagee said he did that to some guy who was visiting the church he has. I have to say that for the most part, it definitely is an American thing. However, Ontario in Canada is a conservative stronghold, so logically you’d see such pastors there in abundance.

  9. velovixen

    I remember a preacher who spouted the worst kinds of bigotry cloaked in “the word of God.” He could read unease and objection in people (like me) and respond to our unvoiced objections with , “Those aren’t my words. They’re God’s. I didn’t write them. I’m just reporting them.”

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      Karuna Gal

      Christopher Hitchens: “…(T)here is no vileness that cannot be freely uttered by a man whose name is prefaced with the word Reverend.”

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