Update: Come to find out, it was Feedly that was causing the problem. I downloaded a different RSS reader and the post feed now downloads correctly. The comment feed still doesn’t work, but I’m not inclined to mess with it since so few people use this function.
Thank to Neil for letting me know that his RSS feed for this site worked just fine. That meant, of course, the problem was local, and not site wide. ❤️
Are you a WordPress expert? If so, I need your help. I have been using WordPress since 2007. I have always been able to fix the problems that have cropped up over the years. I am not an “expert,” but I’m not a novice. This problem has me flummoxed, stressed, and wanting to pull my hair out — that is if I had any.
The RSS feed for posts stopped updating on December 17, 2024. The RSS feed for comments hasn’t worked in ages. This didn’t concern me because I am likely the only one who uses the comment feed. The post feed not working, however, is a BIG problem. Hundreds of people use RSS readers to read my writing. It is important that this updates every time I write a new post.
Here’s what I have tried so far:
- I checked the feeds at WC3 Feed Validation. The post feed shows as a valid feed. The comment feed shows the following error: It looks like this is a web page, not a feed. By the way, I am using the default WordPress RSS feeds.
- I have checked my theme’s functions.php file for spaces. There were no spaces.
- I have switched to the default WordPress theme and rechecked the feeds. Same problems.
- I have disabled my plugins one and one and rechecked the feeds. Same problems.
- I have regenerated my site’s permalinks, Same problems.
- I flushed the cache after every troubleshooting process to make sure I was getting a fresh copy of my site.
I have reached the end of my expertise. If you can be of help, please let me know. You may email via the contact form. If no one can help me, I will have to hire someone to fix the problem. Not the best time of year to be spending money on tech support, so I want to avoid hiring someone, if possible.

Your RSS feed for posts has been working for me. That’s how I read this post. And I received 6 posts yesterday.
However, the RSS feed for comments has not worked for some time. My RSS reader reports “invalid XML” for that feed.
The software that I use is “akregator” on Linux.
Hmm, this throws a wrench into my thinking. I am using Feedly on the desktop and Newsify on my iOS devices. Time to do more digging.