From time to time, Evangelical preachers from Africa will send me emails asking for financial support. Recently, Elder James Mwaba, allegedly from Zambia, contacted me, asking for Bibles and money for his needy ministry. What follows is the conversation that transpired between Mwaba and Dr. Bruce Gerencser, director of the C. Hitchens World Evangelization Ministry. 🙂 (All spelling, grammar, punctuation, and delusions in the original.)
Dear saints of the most High God, special christian greetings to you in the name of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ who is soon to come. Continue being faithful to Him who called you and send you for many be called but very few are chosen who are blessed like you. Continue the tremendous work you are doing by proclaiming the Everlasting Gospel which is needed in these last days of Earth’s history and very soon you will be rewarded. I’m here humbly request crying to you if you can help us materially in our missionary work here in Zambia. We are in much need local language bibles for these poor Souls who are hungering and thirsting for God s word but they cannot afford to purchase Bibles on their own in remote areas and villages. I write to you because through Jesus Christ you are my only hope. Your help will mean a lot to me and will bringing a lot of Lost souls to Jesus Christ. It’s paining me to see these poor Souls who are hungering and thirsting for God s word but they cannot afford to purchase Bibles on their own but unfortunately nothing l can do much as iam an independent and self -supporting elder here in Zambia. Your local language is Bemba. Your local language KJV Bible is Baibele OV 52. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon and God bless you all and May His coming rejoice your Hearts. Please pass my warm Christian Greetings to your ministry.
With much of christian love.
Brother James,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for contacting me about your urgent need for King James Bibles. I would love to help meet your need for the precious Word of God.
Please let me know what you would like me to do.
Dr. Bruce Gerencser, director of the C. Hitchens World Evangelization Ministry
Thank you so much for the kindness and concerning for my missionary work here in Zambia. God bless you. You can order from bible society of Zambia their online shop. Shop.biblesocity-zambia.org
But the bible society of Zambia they need transportation fee’s but if you order from this book store they don’t want transportation fee’s. This is the email address of this christian book store. bookstorefinalwarningchristian@gmail.com if you order bible from this christian book store l can receive bibles very soon. This christian book store they selling Bibles at a very good price $8 each. But Iam not forcing you you can do what you want to do. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Sorry brother I make a mistake to write website of bible society of Zambia. This is online shop of bible society of Zambia shop.biblesociety-zambia.org
But there is a Christian book store here who selling Bibles at a very good price $8 each and they don’t want transportation fee’s. But if you order bible from the bible society of Zambia they need transportation fee’s because it’s too far from bible society of Zambia to here2000 km , bible society of Zambia is in Lusaka your capital city here in Zambia so it to far. So it’s better to purchase Bibles from this christian book store here because they don’t want transportation fee’s.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Your local language is Bemba. Your local language KJV Bible is Baibele OV 52.
Hello real man of God. I’m waiting to hear back from you.
Sorry for the delay. I spend Sundays preaching and fasting, so I don’t typically respond to emails.
I’m fine with you buying the Bibles locally. How would we go about doing so? I want to get the precious Word of God to as many people as possible.
Dr. Bruce Gerencser
Thank you so much and God bless you. The poor Souls who need bibles is 300-400 but you can help what you can afford to purchase. If it can be possible to you, you can send this support to me through western union money transfer or money Gram and if you want to contact this christian book store this is the email address: bookstorefinalwarningchristian@gmail.com the price of one bible is $8 each. If you send the support for local language bibles for these poor Souls l can send you All pictures and lvoice to show you all the poor Souls who received free bibles through your faithful help.
If you want to send this support to me through western union you can use this details:
BOX 730086
What a great work you are doing here for these poor Souls who are hungering and thirsting for God s word but they cannot afford to purchase Bibles on their own God bless you. I’m not forcing you but you can do what you want.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon
Sorry brother in Christ. If you send this support through western union or money Gram send me all the details from the western union.
Thank iam waiting to hear back from you soon.
Hello dear brother in Christ. I’m waiting to hear back from you. Are you busy for God s work?
Thanks and God bless you all and May His coming rejoice your Hearts.
How did you decide to contact me? Do you use a bot to find people to send you money?
I did find you via website, and when I find that your Ministry really contains the accurate truth of the Bible,I decided to write to you. I find your website to be my tool for My missionary work as iam an independent and self -supporting. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Come on, James. Be honest. Go look at my site https://brucegerencser.net
I am an atheist. I love it when guys like you contact me, trying to get me to send you money. You might want to pay attention to what sites you are posting your “urgent” needs on.
Dr. Bruce Gerencser
Thank I checked out your website and thank you so much for your kindness and concerning for my missionary work here in Zambia. Yes I will be paying attention to every website. Thank you so much for your encouragement.
I’m looking forward to hearing back from you soon.
I’m an atheist. Do you really think I’ll send you money to buy Bibles? How about if I send you 100 copies of the Satanic Bible?
Drop the schtick, James. I “see” through your con. I suggest you go to Christian sites and see if they will send you money.
Happy New Year. May Loki be praised.
Dr. Bruce Gerencser, Snarkologist and Bullshit Detector
I thought you are a Christian, because you told me that you were preaching and fasting on Sunday. I can’t purchase Satanic Bibles God forbid. Iam a Christian.
I was pulling your leg because you went to an ATHEIST website and sent me an email asking for Bibles/money. I’ve received numerous emails such as yours from con artists trying to get money from unsuspecting Christians. Well, I’m neither Christian or unsuspecting.
It will never happen in Jesus name -Amen. Know one above Jesus Christ. God s great than you.
There is no God and Jesus is dead. Neither are greater than me. If Jesus was alive, what do you think he would say about you asking a child of Satan for Bibles/money? Surely, other Christians can provide what you need, instead of you begging atheists to meet your needs.
All praise be to Loki.
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
Sounds exactly like the scam spam emails I get. This must be one of the dumb ones. Asking an atheist blogger for Bibles? He would have been better off asking for school supplies for poor kids. The con has to match the mark. Otherwise, why bother?
He should at least use an online map software to verify his mileage, it’s only 930 km from Lusaka to Kawambwa, and that’s the long, no toll route.
But no need to worry, the map shows at least 9 churches in the area including Catholic, SDA, Jehovah’s Witness, Assembly of God and a few others. Surely one of those organizations can find 300-400 bibles.
That PO Box address looks suspect, and I can’t find a pastor/elder called JAMES MWABA , but there is a parliament representative by that name.
as scams go, this one seems very poor.
Back in the day when I worked in mortgage banking this kind of language was a frantically waved red flag. We had unwritten rules that anyone who mentioned in an application that they were going to pray for you, or it referred to Jesus, or said ‘God bless you’ was put in the likely fraud bucket (though only if they were checked manually, many just passing through the system on autopilot). I don’t recall a single such application ever completing.
That’s quite a scam they have going. It seems like they used AI to target any blog/site that mentions Christianity without vetting them first. That’s some lazy phishing.
The clues to artificial intelligence use in that exchange are overwhelming. It’s lazy phishing alright but I suspect it produces some hits. Got to admit his $8 apiece Bibles are a much better deal than Trump’s $60 apiece versions.
I laughed out loud when you said you were the director of the C. Hitchens World Evangelization Ministry. 😀