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Tag: Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Christians Say the Darnedest Things: Democrats Persecuting Trump to Hide Their Abortion Agenda

sarah huckabee sanders
Cartoon by Steve Sack

Today, Chairman Nadler opened up a disgraceful and abusive investigation into tired, false allegations already investigated by the Special Counsel and committees in both Chambers of Congress. Chairman Nadler and his fellow Democrats have embarked on this fishing expedition because they are terrified that their two-year false narrative of ‘Russia collusion’ is crumbling. Their intimidation and abuse of American citizens is shameful. Democrats are harassing the President to distract from their radical agenda of making America a socialist country, killing babies after they’re born, and pushing a ‘green new deal’ that would destroy jobs and bankrupt America. The American people deserve a Congress that works with the President to address serious issues like immigration, healthcare, and infrastructure. The Democrats are more interested in pathetic political games and catering to a radical, leftist base than on producing results for our citizens. The Democrats are not after the truth, they are after the President.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, March 5, 2019

Christians Say the Darnedest Things: Donald Trump Chosen by God to be President

evangelicals and donald trump

I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times and I think that he wanted Donald Trump to become president, and that’s why he’s there and I think he has done a tremendous job in supporting a lot of the things that people of faith really care about.

— Sarah Huckabee Sanders, CBN Interview, January 30, 2019

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Has Evidently Never Heard of Merrick Garland

sarah huckabee sanders
Cartoon by Steve Sack

The president wants this process [the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court] to come to a vote because that’s what’s supposed to happen. In every single one of these instances [lie] where someone is nominated, they go before, they have a hearing [lie] and then the senators vote on it [lie].

— Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Press Secretary for President Donald Trump, September 25, 2018

Bruce Gerencser