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Tag: Victor Nischik

1991 Current Affairs Report: Jack Hyles Stole My Wife

jack hyles praying
Jack Hyles Praying

What follows is a 1991 Current affairs report about Jack Hyles, pastor of First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana, stealing deacon Victor (Vic) Nischik’s wife. His wife was Hyles’s secretary.  If you are not family with Jack Hyles, please read The Legacy of Jack Hyles. (see all posts that mention Jack Hyles)

Video Link

25 years after this report, the followers of Jack Hyles continue to deny Hyles did anything wrong. The last comment on the video, posted six months ago, stated:

It amazing how all of you seem to hate a guy you dont know.  There was absolutly no evidence this happened and as a matter of fact in most cases he was out of town.  Vickie boy got caught molesting little girls so he turned things on Dr Hyles.  Any idot could see what happened.  Why do all you folks condem Jack Hyles but dont hold people you like and love to the same perverted standard?  Its because you didnt like what he was teaching….and what he taught came from the Bible.  You better hope you are right because if your not your going to give an account for your words.  And I will be there making sure that happens.