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Deciding Once and For All Which Religion is the True Religion of Peace

A reader sent me a link to the following comic . Enjoy!

the true religion of peace

Non Sequitur, May 7, 2015


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    Not of dire importance, but I do have question about formatting. Is there any (easy) way for you to have a “comments” link at the bottom of a post as well as at the top? Or is there already and I just don’t see it. It doesn’t matter for short posts, but you have several interesting posts that are two or three screens long, and once I’m done reading I want to read the comments, but have to scroll back to the top of the post to get to the link. And I don’t just click it to start with because I don’t know if I’m interested in the comments until I’ve read the content of the post.

    • Bruce Gerencser

      What device and browser do you normally use? When I view a post on my Windows 8.1 desktop, the comments appear, in full, at the bottom of the post. On my iPad and iPhone, using the WP Touch Pro mobile theme that every mobile device should see, the comments appear, in full, at the bottom of the post. Same way with viewing the desktop version on my iPad and iPhone.

      Perhaps, you are talking about the main page? No comments appear and you have to click the comment link at the top or the post link to see them. I’ll do some investigating to see if I can add a link to the comments at the bottom of the post. I am using a premium theme, so I will likely talk to the developer about this so I don’t screw things up. I am pretty knowledgeable about WordPress, but my understanding of theme design is somewhat lacking. More than once, I have “fixed” an issue only to be greet by a blank screen and Bruce saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Followed by expletives. 🙂

        • Bruce Gerencser

          No, at the time, I wasn’t laughing. You work in the tech field so you know about those moments where you see all your work disappear. Can’t tell you how many sermons disappeared because I didn’t save them and the computer froze up while I was working on them. Enough to make a preacher cuss. 🙂

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        Oh, yes, if I click on the post header and go to page just for the one post, I can see the comments. But yes, I was talking about the main page – the entire post is there (instead of just a paragraph and “read more” link), so there’s no need for me to click on the header (to read posts/comments) until after I’ve finished reading the post and know I want to read comments. Then I scroll back up to the top of the post and I can either click on the header and go to a page for just the post (or just click on the comments link).

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