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Christians Say the Darnedest Things: John Piper Compares the Pleasure of Sexual Intercourse to Child Eating Ice Cream

ice cream

The most exquisite sexual ecstasies in this age are like a child’s enjoyment of ice cream. There is as much distance between sexual pleasures in this world and the ecstasies of the spiritual body in the age to come as there is between a child’s enjoyment of ice cream and the pleasures of his marriage bed twenty years later.

Childlike ice-cream pleasures are prelude and pointer to adult sexual pleasure. Similarly, sexual pleasure in this age is prelude and pointer to unimaginably greater pleasures of the spiritual body in the age to come.

— John Piper, Desiring God,  Matrimony No More, October 9, 2017


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    Bob Felton

    From Mark Twain’s “Letters to the Earth” …

    “First of all, I recall to your attention the extraordinary fact with which I began. To wit, that the human being, like the immortals, naturally places sexual intercourse far and away above all other joys — yet he has left it out of his heaven! The very thought of it excites him; opportunity sets him wild; in this state he will risk life, reputation, everything — even his queer heaven itself — to make good that opportunity and ride it to the overwhelming climax. From youth to middle age all men and all women prize copulation above all other pleasures combined, yet it is actually as I have said: it is not in their heaven; prayer takes its place. “

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    Hell, I read a lot of quotes and such in here I disagree with and some I think have to come from complete nut cases. But this all seems pretty much right on to me. I’d give up ice cream any day for sex. I’ve always liked sex. I remember it quite fondly.

    If ice cream and sex are indicators that heaven is even better, I’m back on board. “Swing down chariot, stop and let me ride.”

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    He’s lost me on this one & I’ll have to respectfully disagree; have had waaaaay too much sex in my life to feel like it’s like ice cream, lol. I’m guessing this dude hasn’t had much good sex!

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