Americans who love America cannot afford to put an unapologetic and unrepentant homosexual in the White House.
The stakes are far too high to make a mistake of this magnitude. Christians who express this point of view must be prepared to endure a withering blast of hatred and Christophobia. But endure it we must. We will need to hold firm against the onslaught in conversations with our families, our friends, our neighbors, the folks in our churches, and the editors of our local newspapers.
Our regressive friends on the left are consumed with outrage that an adulterer now sits in the White House. But we should point out kindly but firmly that if somebody makes that point, they have made our argument for us. By their own admission, they are agreeing with us that what a would-be president does in his private life does matter and is a valid concern for voters.
We’re at an odd place in our culture right now in which the very same people who are blasting the president for sordid sexual conduct 12 years ago are lionizing and swooning over someone who is engaging in sordid sexual conduct repeatedly and proudly today.
And while adultery is sexually deviant – because it deviates from the Creator’s design for human sexuality — homosexuality is just as (if not more) deviant, since it puts body parts [mouth, anus?] to sexual uses never intended by nature or Nature’s God.
— Bryan Fischer, the American Family Association, A Homosexual in the White House Must Be Unthinkable, May 22, 2019
Fischer later said on his radio program:
It’s got to be unthinkable for us even to consider putting a homosexual in the White House as our next president. If you’re an American and you love America, you cannot afford to put an unapologetic and unrepentant homosexual in the White House.
I wonder if Fischer is aware that the United States has already had a gay president — James Buchanan? (1857-1861)
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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I’m not “consumed with outrage because an adulterer is in the White House. ” I dislike that Donald Trump was elected because he is a bigot who is destroying the American ideals I believe in and who is, IMO, endangering the world by destroying the post-WWII world order without something better to replace it. I don’t really care about his personal sex life.
If I’m “consumed with outrage” it is at the lunatic Christians who think Trump is doing god’s work, therefore they should not question or condemn him in any way. They’re getting their conservative judges, limiting women’s rights to control our own bodies, and restoring the 1950s world order (in their minds) from Trump, so this nullifies every thing about him that in the past, they abhorred. Heck, they impeached a president for a sexual affair! Yet, they can’t abide a decent, law abiding, Jesus worshiping person like Pete Buttigieg. Hypocrites. Hypocrites. Hypocrites. I can’t say it enough.
I read the blog from Bruce and thought the same EXACT thing. I got my feathers all in a ruff…and then I read your response Maloyo…and the wind just got knock out of my sails.
The Christians are willing to have a pussy grabbing, adulter and prostitute loving POS in the White House (who is a “baby Christian”…I puke in my mouth every time I have to say that) than have a gay man in the White House (who has good character).
My daughter’s college boyfriend is doing an internship for his congressional representative from TN in Washington DC this summer. His job is answering phones and talking with the constituents who call. The top topics are “restrict abortion” and “overturn gay marriage” and “keep out immigrants”.
I’m curious as to how the congressperson is responding to those callers. Somehow the optimist in me says they can’t be in the majority, so elected officials don’t have to cave to them…
The intern on the phone just has to be polite and affirm that they have heard the caller’s message. Apparently, the congressperson doesn’t respond and mostly the data are ignored – it’s literally just giving the constituent the opportunity to be heard, to feel like they’re doing something.
No, I can’t imagine that Bryan Fischer has ever had a blowjob or in fact done anything pleasurable in his entire life. This is a man so possessed by hate and fear that happiness and pleasure are foreign concepts.
I don’t really want to, but I can imagine Bryan getting (or giving!) a blowjob. Hypocrisy is very common, especially among those who would place themselves on a moral high horse.
Not only that, but what great cover for the guy in the closet to moralize against the very behavior he is doing or wishes he was doing.
He probably gives BEEJAYZ, and gets fucked in his ass on a regular basis. Generally how it is, pass the pop-corn!! 🙂
And this guy doesn’t seem to realize that there’s a difference between someone groping someone else without their consent and two people having consensual sex. He doesn’t get the concept, like most of his ilk, of MYOB. They are pathetic, these so-called Christians.