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Atheism: A Deadly Worldview Conference

godless atheist

Knox Reformed Presbyterian Church in Mechanicsville, Virginia is hosting a conference titled Atheism: A Deadly Worldview Conference. Featuring Tony Curto, Ozzie Osgood, Dustin Segers, and Jeffrey Waddington, the conference will cover rip-roaring subjects such as:

  • Defining Worldviews: Atheism, Christianity and Pushing the Antithesis
  • The Fool Says, “There is no God”: The Foolishness of Unbelief
  • Engaging Atheists: A History of Apologetic Methodologies
  • Atheistic Bread: How the Diet of Atheism Leads to Death
  • The Problem Atheists Have with the Problem of Evil
  • Distorting the Bible to Their Own Destruction: How Atheists Mishandle the Bible
  • Christian Theism as the Foundation for All of Life

The conference will be held on March 6-7, 2020. Cost? $30. Anyone under the age of twenty-one is free.

Knox Presbyterian is a Fundamentalist church affiliated with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) sect.

A conference on atheism without any atheist speakers. Sounds like two days of religious indoctrination and apologetics training instead of a serious attempt to understand what and how atheists think. At least the conference title is right. Atheism IS a deadly worldview, but not in the way or for the reasons the elders of Knox Presbyterian and conference speakers think it is. We are coming for your children! Beware . . .


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    John Arthur

    The existence of atheists scares “the shit” out of many Fundamentalists who vilify and bear false witness against them. It seems not to worry them when Jesus told them to love those they consider their enemies. They often rage against atheists and demonstrate that their religion is far from loving-kindness.

    Many atheists do not misinterpret the bible, but study it carefully. They see that it is full of contradictions and cannot be any Word of God. One of the best books for creating compassionate atheists is the bible because this book has horror stories claiming to have come from God. Much of it seems to have been written by very violent, bloodthirsty, barbaric and ignorant savages who created god in their own likeness.

    The likes of Spaniard viii, Victor, Vicky and other ignorant Fundamentalists imagine that atheists engage in all kinds of wickedness. Well, we don’t try to justify the slaughter of little children and babies in warfare like they do. Christians should study the bible and deal with their “texts of terror” honestly. It is likely to turn them into progressive or liberal Christians or even to promote agnosticism and atheism.

    What Fundamentalists fail to do is to use scholarly historical-critical techniques in their study of the bible. They are too scared or too brainwashed in their Fundamentalist beliefs to allow for differences of viewpoint, unless they come under the umbrella of Fundamentalism.

    • Brian Vanderlip

      The existence of atheists scares “the shit” out of many Fundamentalists who vilify and bear false witness against them. It seems not to worry them when Jesus told them to love those they consider their enemies. They often rage against atheists and demonstrate that their religion is far from loving-kindness.

      Thank-you, John. So well and fairly observed, so simply true. (And I know this because I have been that Christian and watched that same Christian practice pass along a generation and continue its viral ways.)

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    dale m

    Here is the weakness of atheists. Ready folks? Brace yourselves. Take out the word “atheist”. Insert the word “JEW!” Get my point. They would NOT DARE insult 1% of America’s population. It’s organized and has the economy of the Israeli community to back it up. Take out “JEW” and insert “ISLAM’s MUHAMMID”. That too is 1%. They would burn cars in the street. A million would march on the WH. Now insert the word “BLACKS”. They make up about 9%. That church would be burned to the ground. Now, we’re nearly 20% of America’s population. Our reaction? We’ll send you a nasty letter or two. And if you continue, well ….. your credit rating as far as fairness is concerned, in our eyes, may go down a notch. So, (finger wag), we’re warning you. Yes we are. This will be you 53rd warning to cease and desist. Are you paying attention? HELLOOOOOO ?!? Now, imagine. A 10 million man secular march on the city of Washington and the WH burned to the ground. U think that would get their attention? Trust me. An atheist would be represented in everything conceived in the politics of Washington. Not to have one, the event would be cancelled. The threat of violence ALWAYS gets people’s attention. But to be honest. There are far better ways. More peaceful ways to get that respect. We just don’t have a leader yet who can demonstrate economic power. That’s the key.

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      It’s a nice observation, but because religious and other social groups go ape shit over verbal missteps, irrationally causing civil unrest, damage to property and risk of life, it follows that we should too? Eh, no thanks.

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    Tim Matter

    Isn’t a church with “Reformed” in the name code for Calvinist, which means they believe everybody was predestined before the foundation of the world to be either one of the “elect” or one of the “reprobate” and our salvation or damnation is already a done deal?
    What good could warning people or evangelizing do if it was already decided long ago?

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    What time is the baby roast?
    I like mine buttered, not too much crust, but the skin not flabby, either.

    Oh, and don’t forget the sage!

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