When he [Billy Graham] died, that was something very strategic from heaven’s point of view. I know that before the foundations of the world were laid, Feb. 21, 2018 was the date that God chose to take my father home. Why?
Moses was the great liberator. He brought millions of people out of bondage, slavery, got them to the edge of the promised land, and God took him to heaven.
My father was also a great liberator. He brought millions of people out of bondage to sin, and gets us to the edge of heaven, the edge of the promised land, and God has called him home. And could it be that God is going to bring Joshua [Jesus] into the promised land, lead us into heaven?”
I believe this is a shot across the bow of heaven, and I believe God is saying, ‘Wake up, church! Wake up, world! Wake up, Anne! Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming.
Jesus said that when the gospel is preached to the whole world as it is today in this service, as it is through churches, missionaries, ministries, Jesus said in Matthew 24:14, When the gospel is preached, then the end will come.
— Anne Graham Lotz, Daughter of Billy Graham, Quotes from a CHARISMA Article
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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as usual, the ignorance, arrogance and selfishness of Christians never fails to amaze.
Same old. Same old. This scam is really getting old. But I have to chuckle whenever they shoot themselves in the foot (… only when the gospel is administered to the whole world, will the end come …). That means their gospel must be supremely evil. So why let it happen? If everybody were to accept humanism, then the world would go on to becoming a happier and happier place to live in. So why not join us instead. At least we promise a future …. not a global cemetery.
The gospel has been preached for nearly 2000 years and we are still waiting for the end to come. How many thousands of preachers have to die before it’s the magic number that causes the heavenly slot machine to spew out its end times coins?
Billy Graham was as great as Moses, just as Thomas a Becket was a martyr for religious freedom.
Whatever else we can say about him, Rev. Graham was brilliant in one way: He may have been the first preacher to really use the power of television to spread his, er Jesus”, message.
What the hell is she talking about??
Any dressing for the word salad?
I looked it up. There is something called Jewish Yahrzeit (year-time) that is used to celebrate the dead. For Moses it is the 7th of Adar, and Graham did indeed die on that day as it fell near the day of his death in Feb. 2018.
As for Moses being great, I always thought he was a murderer.