Don’t be amazed, my brothers, as you take a trip to the supermarket and all of a sudden, you notice many women wearing tight leggings. It leaves nothing to the imagination. This tactical move from the devil is ancient. Job, a servant of the Lord, was a righteous man who also had to overcome the stumbling block of lust. This was his solution…“I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman.” (Job 31:1)
Making our eyes look straight ahead, away from any potential landmine, is a way of avoiding falling into the sin of lust. Satan will station these stumbling blocks in every corner of your life to eventually capture you off guard.
And for the women who wear clothing that will make your brothers in Christ stumble, don’t think that you will escape God’s discipline. You won’t. I’m sure you wouldn’t want your own husbands to fall into the same trap with another woman. Rather, adorn yourselves for Christ.
— Spaniard VIII, Spiritual Minefield, Fixing My Eyes On The Lord So That I Won’t Stumble, March 28, 2021
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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Funny how all that repressed sex affects these Christians. Many gays point out that these fundies usually think more about gay sex than they do!
Background: many know I am non-binary. I am rather androgynous, but with a feminine lean. Pronouns are he/him or they/them. She/her is not preferred but ok. On any given day I will be called Sir, Ma’am, he or her.
I often wear tight pants or leggings. I do see men giving me “the scan”, looking me up and down, particularly focusing on legs and ass. How would Spaniard classify this? While there are some who look with a correct understanding of what they see, many are projecting their own views of a woman onto me.
I dress for myself, not for men or anyone else. Why would I be responsible for a mans misguided thoughts? Why should any woman need to dress to help men control their lust? And for that matter, why do Christians have so little self control that seeing someone and thinking “he/she/they are hot” lead immediately to full blown lustful thoughts?
Christians like to call me a deviant, but they need to look in the mirror. I’m not the one struggling with lusting over people I encounter randomly throughout the day.
I guess I can be thankful that I am not a woman tempting men, so I do not fall under Spaniard’s rules for proper dress.
Me thinks SpVIII should cover up his bulge . . . it’s showing.
Span is such a sad little boy. just like so many Christian, Jewish and Muslim men. Poor things just can’t control their dicks.
Or, of course, a man can learn to control his impulses, and simply admire what he sees, without being overcome with lust. But, somehow, that never gets on a Fundy man’s agenda. It’s so much easier to blame women for “making” you lust.
Oh shut the f#$% up, Spaniard. If you have trouble controlling yourself from wanting to rape women, that’s a YOU problem and maybe you should lock yourself at home instead of trying to dictate what I should wear. Just stop.
In the case of this Span8, I’d say it’s his misogynist culture that he was raised in that is driving his most recent post. He can’t help Spanning the Internet with his opinions,lol. A lot of fear- mongering went into his background also. This nuttiness is why so many are quitting church. Even if they keep the Christian faith, they dumped church.
So Satan’s “tactical move” is… encouraging women to wear leggings? Is this truly what Lucifer has been reduced to in the modern era? Not offering men riches, or worldly power, but just women with leggings at the supermarket? How the mighty have fallen… well, I mean falling is kind of what he’s known for but this really just seems like phoning it in.