I believe homosexual promiscuity is “worse than” heterosexual promiscuity. I say this for a number of reasons.
- First, an argument could be made that Scripture treats homosexuality more seriously. In the Old Testament, this lifestyle, represented by the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, faced stern judgment by God. That divine displeasure was carried into the New Testament when the apostle Paul designated homosexuality as particularly vile behavior in Romans 1.
- Second, while it is sinful for a guy and a girl to engage in extramarital sexual intercourse, their behavior fits within the parameters of “normal” sex—something that cannot be said of sodomy and the like. In fact, Paul uses such terms as “degrading,” “unnatural” and “indecent” when he discusses it in Romans 1.
- Third, homosexual behavior affects a person’s perception of himself, causing him to identify himself more closely with an immoral lifestyle than the godly behavior expected of a believer. The homosexual movement has spawned an entire community and culture within our nation—complete with its own Christian denominations.
- The final reason I believe that homosexual sin is worse is more of a sense than something easily articulated. In my years of ministering in the realm of sexual addiction, it has been clear to me that homosexual activity brings about emotional suffering and a spiritual corruption that runs very deeply. It doesn’t take much to see how deeply gays have been scarred as a result of the course their lives have taken.
So in light of all of that, I repeat: homosexual promiscuity is “worse than” heterosexual promiscuity.
— Steve Gallagher, Founder and President of Pure Life Ministries, American for Truth About Sexuality, Is Homosexual Sin Worse Than Heterosexual Sin? January 1, 2022
“ministering in the realm of sexual addiction, it has been clear to me that homosexual activity brings about emotional suffering and a spiritual corruption that runs very deeply. It doesn’t take much to see how deeply gays have been scarred as a result of the course their lives have taken.”
He sees those who are labeled sex addicts. He doesn’t see those who are well-adjusted… therefore there simply AREN’T any well-adjusted gay couples. This has to be an example of some kind of fallacy. Gays have been scarred? Maybe by bigots like him? Nah…
They cant even go more than 1 day into a new year without already complaining about “the gays.” They really dont have anything better to to do besides demonize us for no other reason than the fact that we are different. Well if they ever get out of their shining white( in more ways than 1) city on a hill and join us in the world, the may find it a much more colorful place, plus we have wine and cookies to share😁.
Well after carefully reading who its by, their whole entire grift is scaring the shit out gullible christians and getting them to send money so they can stop us, sorry boys, that cruise ship sailed awhile ago 🤣.
Ho-hum, here we go again. They never give up. All I know is that since I embraced my sexualty, I’ve never been happier.
Ah yes. Another Reverend Canard strikes again.
What really galls me is that such folks are more willing to condemn a gay or trans person than someone who beats up or kills that gay or trans person.
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well, nice to know that Gallagher has no idea what his bible says about homosexuality, or about Sodom and Gomorrah. No surprise that a pastor is either completely ignorant about his bible or chooses to lie.