I was thinking about that recently. If Obama was a communist, what do we have today in the White House?
A pretender? A fascist? A dunce? An incompetent? A traitor to these United States and everything they stand for? A guy who is few French fries short of a Happy Meal? A tad cognitively challenged?
Biden sees Americans as domestic “enemies.” Remember when he called Americans who believed in voter integrity racists like George Wallace, Bull Connor and Jefferson Davis – all Democrats?
And we’re supposed to believe that this is the guy who won a record number of popular votes – 81.2 million – in 2020? I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually got less than half of that. For being part of that fraud, he will always live in infamy, shame, dishonor and contempt.
He’s irrational. He condescending. He’s frustrated. He’s angry. He’s embarrassing himself and this once great nation.
How has he done that? Let me count the ways.
- He’s turned our immigration laws into a joke – allowing more than 2 million people from 160 countries to move here during the Biden administration. He hasn’t screened them and promised them MONEY – your tax dollars.
- He has made it possible for Americans to kill themselves with fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is 80-100 times stronger than morphine. It’s killing more people between teenagers and 45-year-olds than anything else – including the pandemic, auto crashes and all causes of death. This is a byproduct of the massive border crossings and the plague of cartels.
- Remember Afghanistan? What a debacle! He surrendered unconditionally to the Taliban and ISIS – and left Americans behind, not to mention $80 billion in military equipment.
- He declared war on the police, turned America lawless and gave us a serious crime wave.
- The he went to work on the economy. Remember? We must never forget the way he flipped it. He took the most productive, energy efficient, independent nation in the world at such a vital time and squandered it. He broke the supply chain, and taxed us all when we could least afford it. Prices on food, gas and durable good – everything – skyrocketed with no plan in sight.
- Don’t forget what Biden did with his “domestic enemies” and the so-called Jan. 6 “insurrectionists.” There are still hundreds of Americans being more harshly treated than those incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay, while he lets those real terrorists go.
And, all the while, he kvetched, he stumbled over his speech, he forgot what he was doing, he forget where he was, where he was going. In between, the great plagiarist made up stories.
— Joseph Farah, World Net Daily, ‘There’s a Communist Living in the White House’, February 23, 2022
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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I saw only the last paragraph and figured that was tfg. No? Really not?
I see these delusional posts, and I wonder; as a former Fox News junkie and RW nut, was I that crazy and lost? Then I remember I found my old journals from that time, read them, and said “Yup!”
Not my finest hour. Years of my life that I will never get back.
As a non-American from the developing world, I’ve always known that the US is the MOST difficult Western country to migrate to (at least legally). The “green card” is really elusive; the most reliable way to obtain one is through marrying a US citizen. One of the people I know recently got theirs through this route, and it was not a laughing matter. Health checks, background checks, interviews, documentations – everything about the relationship and the applicant’s identity needs to be verified.
That is why I’m really confused by the insistence of certain American Evangelicals that the country is full of illegal immigrants. I’m not saying that there are no illegal immigrants in the US, but it is highly unlikely that the US immigration laws can be overturned in such a short period during the Biden administration.
I understand that a total “open borders” policy is not realistic or wise for any countries to implement. But I find it bizarre that the most zealous conservative Christians tend to harbour nativist tendency.
If one considers that the concept of “illegal immigration” is non-existent in the Bible – the Holy Family didn’t obtain their Egyptian visa before they decided to flee there – their pre-occupation with this issue is rather strange. And the Israelites are told to treat aliens living in their land kindly, as if they were local-born natives. This hospitality even includes an invitation to celebrate one of the holiest feasts, the Passover (Numbers 9:14)!
This is why I sometimes wonder if, for certain Evangelical Christians, the fact that one shares the same beliefs as them is not enough. One needs to be their “neighbours” in the most literal sense before one is received with open arms, without suspicions. In the end, it is tribalism I believe – and Christians are not immune to this, let no one think otherwise.
White Evangelicals’ true issue is that these supposed illegal immigrants are either “Goddamn Mexicans” or “Goddamn Chinese” or “Goddamn Ragheads”. Meaning, people from the continent and a half south of the US border, or East Asia, the Middle East, South Asia, Northern Africa. In other words, folks who aren’t White and don’t have Western European ancestry. They try to pretty it up, with “concerns”, but it is racist at its heart.
I live in Silicon Valley, in a city that now has no racial/cultural majority. Some of our citizens are certainly White (like me). but many others have immigrated from East Asia, South Asia, or the Middle East, using the vehicle of the H1-B Visa. They are engineers who’ve sought the American Dream, and then used their resident/citizen status to bring other family members in. I’ve lived in this city for almost 42 years, and it is very much a better city, with government more focused on the needs of residents, than it was when I moved here. (And even achieving some of that took lawsuits to disrupt the narrative of the Old White Guard.)
White folks talk around it all the time, but a lot of them are racist as hell. I use a warm water pool run by the county and our local university, and hear older White women talk in the locker room, when women of color aren’t there. There’s often Jesus talk thrown in. I don’t want to engage with these poor excuses for people, so I clean up and get out. What I WANT to do is get in their faces about their racism, but it won’t change their minds and might get me thrown out.
This idiot hasn’t a clue about politics. The Democratic party in th U S A is to the right of the Autralian Labor Party, so does that make it even more Communist than Biden?
Federally, the ALP is in opposition, but it rules in 3 of the 6 Australian states. So are some of our state governments Communist?
In the former Soviet Union and its East European satellites, cental planning by Communist governments was the dominant mechanism for the allocation of scarce resources and public ownership of the dominant means of production was the dominant form of production.
In Western societies (including the U S A and Australia), the price mechanism is the dominant means of resouce allocation and private ownership of the dominant means of production is the major form os non human resource ownership. So our economies are not Communist is the Soviet sense. Far from it!
Our political systems are democratic with periodic free elections. Under Communism elections are not free.
How dare this Fundamentalist idiot call Jo Biden Communist!
The supply chain issue is GLOBAL. Yes, there are issues in the US, but every country is having issues right now. I work for a company that has 3 manufacturing locations – US, Germany, and China. We are having supply chain issues in each location. That’s not a Biden administration failure.
Americans are too US-centric to realize the global nature of supply, and right-wing talking heads focus on the ignorance. The Biden administration hasn’t been completely effective, but right-wing blowhards are misrepresenting issues.
True. Plus, Joe Biden is a Catholic,and a Washington insider. I’d rather have Bernie Sanders, or my first choice, Mark Jacobs, Native American. Trump is openly Fascist, and made us more vulnerable to attack- like the unprotected electric grid. He wasn’t supportive of hardening defenses against this . Nor did Trump bring back manufacturing and good jobs Republicans defended open borders for decades. Because wages were driven down. They didn’t complain, until recently.