Who created evolution? [This has to be the dumbest question ever asked by a young earth creationist.] This is a fair question as many people ask, including children, ‘Who created God?’ When you type that question into a browser’s search box, you get a myriad of websites providing the right answer.
No one created God as he always existed. That may blow some people’s minds but that is how it is. It is hard to imagine since we are finite beings and trying to grasp the eternal is a bit out of our scope and ability.
However, you do not get the same results when you type in the words who created evolution. What you get is website after website either giving the scientific explanation of how science works or explanations of how evolution works.
Yet, when you scour their works, not one person who promotes the evolutionary theory ever speaks about where evolution came from. They do not even bother to make it a separate entity and said that as soon as life began on this planet, evolution took over.
But where did evolution come from? Many unbelieving scientists want to put God in a test tube and study him but that is mere arrogance talking. No one talks about putting evolution in a test tube and studying it.
They are content with studying the supposed results of this process. They have no desire to do to evolution what they have stated they want to do with God. They are content to believe in a non-existent theory and process whether they know where it came from or not.
It is no surprise that evolutionists do not know where the process came from or if it is a created process or not. They do not even know where life came from.
Many people put their faith in science, yet, science is failing them as the members of that research field have no clue about the origin of life. They still do not know the original environment that supposedly spawned life.
How can unbelieving scientists know the origin of evolution when they do not know anything about our beginnings? This is the difference between Christians and unbelievers. We do not need science to tell us our origins, we already know.
God has told us about it in the Bible. The reason the unbeliever doesn’t know is that they reject the truth of the Bible. We get answers and peace of mind, and the unbelievers get questions with no answers and a myriad of ‘mysteries’. They do not get peace of mind.
The evolutionist or evolution supporter may mock Christians and call them all sorts of names, etc., but all they are left with is a void that they struggle to fill with absurd theories they cannot come close to verifying.
We Christians have a God that has spared us this trouble and effort. He has told us exactly what took place and how he did it so we do not have o waste any time or money seeking out the answer to our origins.
We can focus on our lives and go about God’s business knowing our heritage, and having no distractions because the mystery of our origins was solved a long time ago. Evolution has no creator because it has never existed, even in micro form.
It is better to know that we were wanted than to have to go through life thinking we are the spawn of something that does not care about us. God knows us as the Psalmist has said but evolution doesn’t even have a mind so it can never care or get to know us.
Why go with science when it can never produce an answer to the question who created evolution? Or why did it ‘evolve’ us?
— Dr. David Tee, whose real name is Derrick Thomas Thiessen, TheologyArcheology: A Site for the Glory of God, Who Created Evolution?, March 8, 2023
In summary…
Christian: it’s all so complex and amazing, beyond human ability. Since we done know how it was done, it must be from god. And this ancient story tells us how it was done…god did it. That’s good enough for me and I do not need to study it any further.
Scientist: it is very complex and we do not know how it was done. However we can use science to understand items and clues we find, and are starting to learn the processes. Our knowledge not perfect or complete, and it will change and be refined over time. We have a decent start, and will keep trying to expand understanding.
I’d like to know why we must turn to the Christian version of the creation narrative. It’s got no more hard evidence behind it than Terry Pratchet’s Disc World. I also love how he conflates the origin of life with evolution. They’re not completely unrelated subjects, but they’re not the same thing either. I’m pretty sure he knows this, so he’s being obtuse.
Just when we thought that Mr Tee had plumbed the deepest levels of stupidity and ignorance, he succeeds in surprising us by going yet deeper. He really should keep his thoughts to himself.
It’s funny how it’s ok for God to be mysterious but not ok for anything that might conflict with religious dogma to be mysterious. Evolution and the origins of life are only mysterious because we haven’t figured it all out yet. You’d think that someone trained as a scientist would understand that it’s normal and acceptable not to know everything. We don’t need to resort to fairy tales to answer questions to which we do not yet know the answer.
The christian does a lovely job showing just how much their religion depends on lies and ignorance.
Doctor Tee Hee says we get peace of mind from believing what religious authorities and the Bible tell us about God. Now I think peace of mind is overrated, not that it’s a fact that Christians have more peace of mind than unbelievers. Still, even if they do, I don’t want to have peace of mind if my facts are wrong. Ignorance can be bliss, but it’s a bliss that doesn’t last. I prefer a somewhat restless but continuous search for truth punctuated with joyful “Aha!” moments from time to time.
“We Christians have a God that has spared us this trouble and effort. ”
That really sums it up for Fundamentalism, doesn’t it? “Goddidit” isn’t really an answer to the question, just telling the asker “Look, someone smarter and better than you is already handling it so don’t worry about, don’t even think about it”.
I imagine for some people this is all they really want – more of a reassurance than an answer. Authority rather than information.
For some folks who deny evolution or scientific explanations of the origins of life, their objections are not only theological. They don’t want to believe that we came from monkeys or apes. Given that the names of those animals are used as slurs against Black people (I was going to say “people of African origin, but that would include all of us!), I have a sneaking suspicion that their unwillingness to accept the best explanation science can offer has a little (sarcastic understatement) to do with racism.
Alexandre Dumas wrote “The Three Musketeers “ and “The Count of Monte Cristina.” But that wasn’t enough to shield him from racial taunts, one of which he responded to thusly:
“Mon père étaiit un mulâitre, mon grand-père était un nègre et mon arrière grand-père etait un singe. Vous voyez, Monsieur: Ma famille commence où la vôtre finit.”
My father was mulatto, my grandfather was an African and my great-grandfather was a monkey. Listen, buddy: My family picked up where yours left off.
Listen, buddy: My family picked up where yours left off.
<I’m stealin’ this one! Bye-bye…>
I just noticed that auto-correct turned “Cristo” into “Cristina!”
Brian—It’s in the public sphere. Run with it.
Evolution was created by the same source as weather: nobody. We observed the results of physics, chemistry and biology, with the constraints imposed by gravity, solar radiation , and time. Consult Newton, Lavoisier, Mendeleev, Mendel and all the other individuals who observe, measure, and test ideas. Starting and ending with the bible does not add to knowledge.