By Charistmatic prophetess, Jennifer LeClaire, found on Protestia
Monitoring spirits invaded my house in the form of flies. If you’re not spiritually minded, you will think this is nuts, but it’s not. These monitoring spirits, these flies, they came out of nowhere. And every time I would kill one, two more appeared and I would curse them to die and I would find them on the floor.
Listen, after several days of battling this, I began to find dead flies all over my house. They were even in jars. They were everywhere. This is demonic. I’m not saying all flies are monitoring spirits and I’m not saying all flies are demonic.
What I am saying is that anytime you feel like you’re being spied on, when you see strange phenomenon, many times there’s an enemy behind that event or occurrence. So what you have to do is bind, blind, and deafen these monitoring spirits.
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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Never heard of this person. So did a quick look up.
First of all, if her name starts with “Prophetess,” she ain’t.
Second, she was the editor of Charisma magazine. (insert high decibel basketball buzzer here) Disregard anything about her from here. She passes the idiot test.
Demonic flies. What next? 🙄 Maybe check to see if a dead animal is in the wall?
“You will think this is nuts” – why yes, yes I do think this is nuts. There are a variety of actual reasons why someone has flies in their house. “Monitoring demons” does not make the list. These people would love science fiction if it weren’t for the science part (cUz SciEnCe iS of thE DeVil…)
No doubt Satan is shaking his fist at Li’l Miss Prophetess LaClaire and saying: “Damn you, Jennifer! Curses, foiled again!”
Then to his minions: “OK team. Back to the drawing board. Any new ideas? How about dust mites?”
Let’s think. Flies invading the house. Why? Do I check for the source of what’s attracting them or do I call the local Catholic priest to perform an exorcism? Might be close but I’ve got young kids that I’m not going to leave with the priest!
Probably drain flies caused by stagnant water in the kitchen sink. She can do a DIY exorcism by running a lot of hot water down the drain. You’re welcome, Jennifer. 😀
This just fly’s in the face of logic….
Get a cat, they will kill the flies. 🐈⬛
Or the cat might just walk out if the flies are there for normal fly reasons.
Once in the past I had a lot of flies show up on the side of my house. It seemed like a real fly party. I ignored them and they left. I didn’t know it was Satan monitoring me. I guess I was pretty boring and with nothing to monitor Satan sent them off.
Now that I think about it, that house could have been a portal to hell. It had a lot of costly problems. At the time I just thought it was an old house that needed work. 🤔 🤔
Seriously though, I don’t think Satan needs flies to monitor and report n humans.
You’ve heard the saying , “Those who tell,
don’t know; those who know don’t tell.”
Well, who is quieter than your cat? Do you know why! Your beloved Felix is spying on you. For whom? Who else…?
On the other hand, the “Charismatic Prophetess” tells.
Dear Prophetess,
Zoe: I will put this into practice right now: I bind, blind, and deafen you.
During some of my painful days of chronic illness with a dash of acute illness, I suffered some dark depression. My thyroid was out of balance along with other issues. I was deeply involved in this kind of belief. It was so bad I thought the crows squawking at me relentlessly were demons. And I thought the red cardinal was sent as a messenger from Jesus himself to comfort me.
I share this deeply personal story for those who are lurking. Please see your doctor, get some blood work done, and please please stop thinking crows and flies are demonic. You never know but maybe Dear Prophetess is unwell herself and simply can’t realize the difference between reality and her warfare spirituality.
You know, the more I think about it, the more I suspect Prophetess LeClaire might be onto something. Flies are commonly attracted to bullsh_t.
The thing with this fly invasion reminds of accounts people will tell you,about haunted houses suddenly full of pesky flies. And those damn things were hard to get rid of. Flies do weird things anyway. One time, I went to go see a friend,and found his front door plastered with horseflies! California horseflies are huge,almond- sized, white with zebra stripes. We had no idea where they came from,or why they chose HIS place ! They wouldn’t leave,so we smacked them with magazines. Talk about disgusting,lol . But now we have 🦟 mosquitoes from Vietnam and Egypt, and they’re worse than any fly can be !
LeClaire has an established history of bizarre prophetic claims. Back in 2017, she issued a prophetic warning about the “sneaky squid spirit.” Chris Rosebrough talked about that story on an apologetics podcast I used to listen to regularly – Fighting for the Faith (Pirate Christian Radio). He and charismatic apologist Dr. Michael Brown soon went at it on Brown’s own radio show over the topic.
Until recent years, most of the Charismatic nuttery that had been peddled for decades went unnoticed by people outside of their own circles. Thanks in large part to Trump and COVID, many of these fringe teachers broke into the mainstream consciousness. Mainstream evangelicals ignored or even denounced these people, but as far as I can tell, even their criticisms have now been silenced by political expediency. People like Kenneth Copeland have enjoyed newfound credibility by platforming right-wing figures.
No matter how weird people like LeClaire or Kat Kerr get, tribalism triumphs.