By a nameless author at The Godly Marriage Ministries website
To the average Gen Z woman, oh how far you have fallen! The average modern Gen Z woman has, as far as anything of meaning or substance goes, absolutely nothing to offer a man. They have fallen for the scams of feminism and materialism which removes all but the slightest reminisce of value.
You can blame your parents; you can blame society, or you can blame social media, but the buck stops with you! You are a woman operating with extreme self-importance and delusion, a woman operating not even close to your intended purpose, and it will never, ever make you ultimately happy.
Entitlement and Selfishness are the modern woman’s Modis Operandi, and boy is it serving them well. The modern Gen Z young woman, overall, when looking at the average’s, have the following attributes,
- Independent
- Materialistic
- Self-value from Sexual objectification
- Promiscuous
- Immodest in their behaviour and Dress
- Entitled
- Selfish
The modern woman knows nothing of their role, their purpose, the reason they exist, or what indeed will lead to an enjoyable and content life. They have been fooled by the post-modern movement into thinking that experience, sexualization, materialism, money, and class is their ultimate path to happiness.
Gen Z’s live for the experience, no matter how unGodly or evil it might be. Living day to day with their minds consumed of nothing more than a hot dress and a cocktail party.
Gone are the days where a woman reaches adulthood under her parents, finds a valuable man and begins to build a moral, valuable and purposeful life. Gen Z woman are now marrying much later in life, after going through a decade of adulthood single, and enjoying the pleasures of this world that ultimately have irreversible damage for their long term happiness, It is very hard to “unexperience” immoral experiences! When they do marry, their marriages have a foundation that is causing divorce/Separation at rates never seen in the history of humanity.
It is no wonder then, when we look at how Gen Z’s have removed God and morals from marriage, combined with what they base their sentiments of marriage on, that they are failing at these astronomical rates.
If you have read our article on Feminism, you will know that the data is in, and its conclusion is undeniable. The way women are choosing to live their lives in the modern world is not making them happy. Women’s happiness is in terminal decline in the modern world of equality.
A common theme that almost everyone in society held until the 1970’s was to find a valuable woman, that will be a good wife and a good mother for you and your family. Partner selection has always been critical for a happy and purposeful life! Men up until the waves of feminism used to seek, and find the following qualities in a potential woman for a wife,
- Modestly Dressed
- A chaste woman
- Loyal, with eyes only for her husband.
- A keeper of the home
- A sober woman
- Nonmaterialistic
- High confidence / Self Esteem
- Free from tattoos / Maladaptive Identity
- Hard working “A woman who does not want a free ride”
- Proverbs 31:27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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The person who wrote that probably voted for Donald Trump, and does not see the irony.
This just shows how warped the conservatives e Christian view of the world can become. Their indoctrination is so strong that when they try to make arguments and attempt to use logic, it fails miserably because it is only based on their internal feelings, and the viewpoints that they constantly swap with with their church clique, and has. I factual basis for a logical argument.
Partner selection? And apparently in this warped view men are the one who select. I guess a woman’s thoughts are irrelevant, because the only real words they need to lean is “yes dear”
And this person claims that Gen Z women have maladaptive personalities??? I am no expert , but it seems to me that fundamentalist Christianity is filled with legions of people who show maladaptive behavior.
I just don’t understand how Christian’s get so bothered by what other people do in their lives. Why can’t they just live their Christian lives, share it with their church cult, and let other people do what’s over they want? Perhaps they should worry less about others and worry more about their own lives and spend more time in prayer.
This person forgot to add 2 more:
1. She is against abortion, and would never have one, even if the pregnancy would kill her.
2. She is opposed to birth control, because a chaste woman would never need it. And, a married woman has as many kids as her husband wants. Even if it kills her.
The whole article is clearly written by a man. I initially thought maybe it could be someone like Lori Alexander but the entire tone suggests the wishful thinking of a male, longing for the days when a woman’s place was in the kitchen.
The real stupidity in the piece is what would be denied to society by this approach, and is denied in countries like Afghanistan and Iran. Women are educationally at least the equal of men, and there are arguments as to their particular traits rendering them even better. Science, the Arts, philosophy, healthcare, and all the other spheres of human endeavour, need the best brains there are. Denying access to the brains of 50% of the population is just foolish and has the effect of disadvantaging us all. In effect, the article is nothing more than the pinings of a second rate, probably homeschooled, older man, resentful of the fact that so many women are succeeding in life where he clearly didn’t.
GeoffT, you hit the nail on the head with your assessment. I could not agree more.
“Gone are the days where a woman reaches adulthood under her parents, finds a valuable man and begins to build a moral, valuable and purposeful life.”
Amen, 3 cheers, and yes, I purposefully raised a Gen Z young woman to be independent and know her worth for herself and her own accomplishments. She has a degree from a top-20 university and just completed paralegal training at the top of her class at a local commu ity college. She is employed at a law firm as a paralegal, has her own car and apartment that she pays for herself, is preparing for the LSAT so she can apply to law school (which she will pay for herself), has a 401k, savings, and no ties to a romantic partner. I could not be more proud of the way she is choosing to live her life. Whoever wrote that misogynistic article can go f$%k themselves.
Geoff–During the ’90’s, I had students from the former Soviet Union. Most of them were female. At least a few came without their husbands because, as one explained to me, they had more education and/or potentially remunerative skills. One of those women was a doctor and told me that the majority of physicians were indeed female.
We don’t need to look to Afghanistan or Iran to see what a country denies itself when women aren’t allowed equal access to education or professional opportunities. I saw it in my classrooms, among students like that woman: She couldn’t practice medicine in the US unless did her post-secondary education all over again. (In other words, she had to start from where I was at age 17.) I could’ve understood, say, a requirement for English proficiency and perhaps training in some technique or procedure that is used here but wasn’t used there.
It was sadly ironic that a country we were taught to vilify (and, to be fair, was hardly seen as a paragon of gender equality) could locate and develop women’s aptitudes, even if they were in “men’s” professions.
Obstacle–It sounds like you have raised an amazing daughter. Should I be surprised? (That was a rhetorical question.)
Missi–Most Christian fundamentalists I’ve met will tell you how important motherhood is and, therefore, how necessary it is to respect and protect women. But, as you describe, women are treated as if they’re nothing more than incubators for future fundamentalists.