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“I Only Speak What the Bible Speaks,” Evangelical Preachers are Fond of Saying

bible literalism

Go to your average Evangelical church on Sundays and you will hear pastors say things such as:

  • I only speak what the Bible speaks
  • I only speak when God speaks
  • Thus saith the Lord . . .
  • I didn’t say it, God did
  • Your problem is with God, not me

Those raised in non-Evangelical traditions are likely saying right now, “What the fuck, Bruce. This is nonsense.” Nonsense, it is, but when you believe a supernatural God saved you from eternal death and lives inside you as your teacher and guide; when you believe the Bible is inerrant and infallible; when you believe God literally speaks to you through the words of the Bible and a still small voice in your head, it’s not hard to confuse your personal beliefs and interpretations with the voice and words of God. Worse yet, Evangelical preachers believe that God supernaturally calls them to preach the inerrant, infallible words of the Protestant Christian Bible. As a result, preachers think the words they utter during their sermons are straight from the mouth of God. THUS SAITH THE LORD!

“Bruce, how could Evangelicals believe these things?” I know, I know, but if I am honest, I held similar beliefs for almost fifty years. I know what religious indoctrination and conditioning can do to your ability to think skeptically and rationally. God hath spoken, how dare I doubt his Word, right? It wasn’t until I learned that the Bible was not inerrant and infallible; and that the central claims of Christianity lacked evidence, that I began to question my sincerely held beliefs.

In Genesis 3, we find a story about Adam, Eve, and a walking, talking snake. (By the way, nowhere in the Old Testament does the Bible say the serpent was Satan.) In verse one, the snake says to Eve: Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? God had warned Adam and Eve that if they ate fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil they would die. Not eventually, immediately. Of course, we know God lied. Adam and Eve went on to have children and live for hundreds of years before they died. The snake was right when he said in verses four and five: Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

The serpent rightly challenged God’s claim, saying “yea, hath God said?” According to Evangelical apologists, the serpent was Satan himself, and he was challenging the very Word of God. Talk about reading your peculiar theology back into the text. According to the Bible, Adam was 930 years old when he died. Eve likely lived a long life too, though the Bible does not record her age at death. This means, contrary to what God said in Genesis 2:15-17:

And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Adam and Eve did not die on the day they ate the forbidden fruit. God lied, so the serpent was justified in questioning God’s truthfulness. Of course, the Bible was written by men; contains the words of men; and is fallible and errant from table of contents to concordance. It is not surprising, then, that there are mistakes, errors, and contradictions in the text (especially before printing presses and copy editors).

People have every reason to question whether God actually spoke the words recorded in the Bible. Investing time in studying these issues will show that the Bible is a human book written by fallible, frail, contradictory men — most of whom are unknown. And if the Bible is a human book, that means words uttered by preachers from church pulpits are human too. The Bible may have spiritual value for those who need it, but it is in no way a supernatural text written by a supernatural deity. And if you object to what I have written in this post, it is up to you to provide evidence for your supernatural claims. “Bruce, the BIBLE says _________!” And I should care why, exactly? If you want me to believe the Bible is a God-inspired, inerrant, infallible collection of ancient religious texts, you must provide evidence for your bald assertions.

Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.

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  1. Avatar
    Jeff Bishop

    I heard several secular speakers suggest this about the bible.
    If this was TRULY, the word of “GOD”, who is all knowing, knew us in or before the womb, made the Universe –

    Are we to believe he would entrust such important information to “MEN”? These men screwed it up big time didn’t they?

    It’s a documented fact NOBODY, including the POPE knows: Who wrote the gospels? When? Why are the Gospels inconsistent with each other?

    But god in his wisdom trusted MEN (you know the species he can’t stand and wants 99.999% of us to burn in hell) to document, preserve and dissiminate said work). So “God” can’t or would not write the document himself.

    Interesting the “Bible” and the canon was not provided to man shortly after Jesus death. No the Canon was (“agreed upon – LOL) at the council of Rome (382) Hippo (393), Carthage (397), and finally Florence (1442) – LOL, so GOD took 1,400 years to “edit and proof” his work? SURE! men were not involved, they just held the pen and God guided the ink.

    Bart Ehrman blew me away when he educated me about the truth of the “Gospels”.
    Of course the cultist will automaticaly dismiss him as devil garbage. They should, because he will rip their fantasy to shreds.

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    I remember in Southern Baptist church and fundamentalist (basically IFB) Christian school the contortions that were used to explain the story of the fall of man. It was said that God was MOT lying because once Adam and Eve at the fruit that STARTED the process of dying. No, they didn’t literally fall dead on that day, but they were subject to aging processes that would inevitably lead to death. AND their souls after death would be subject to eternal conscious and physical torment in reconstructed post-death bodies created specifically to be tortured or to live in paradise. So God didn’t LIE, the explanation went, it was just a nuanced situation SHUT UP, OC, HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE WORD OF GOD!!!!

    In college, I took a History of Christian Thought course where I learned about the canonization process. That was eye-opening, as well as the realization that God waited nearly 1500 years to tell Martin Luther to chuck the Apocrypha and that the Catholic Church was doing Christianity wrong…… Really, God, you were so busy you couldn’t communicate that message sooner?

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    But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

    Of course, preachers give themselves wiggle room. in this case, “Well you know, that mean spiritual death, which is separation from God,” or “They STARTED dying when they ate the fruit,” or “Well, you know one day with God is as a thousand days with us, and vice-versa. So there’s no way to calculate the exact time.”

    The longer one looks back, the more obvious it is how the greasy bastards have kept the wool over our eyes all these centuries. Charles Stanley was interviewed about his preaching career by a fawning interviewer not long before his death. The more the interviewer praised him, the bigger Stanley’s shit-eating grin got as if he was saying, “They bought that pile of shit I fed them all those years. Ha ha ha. The stupid bastards bought it!”

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