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“Bruce, Have Fun in Hell” Says an Evangelical Man

the missing link

Several years ago, an Evangelical man by the name of Steve left the following comment on the post titled, An Atheist Thanksgiving:

You went from being unsaved to a flat out reprobate buddy. You rejected the God of the Bible to believe you evolved from a rock which came from and explosion 13.8586.678 billion years ago. I agree that these old IFB pastors you pick on all the time have no spine and are just in it for the money but to believe you came from a monkey which nobody has ever seen a monkey turn into a human! Never! You just traded one religion for another. You traded Paul the apostle for that Pedo Richard Dawkins! Have fun in hell buddy

I will leave it to Brian — a former Independent Fundamentalist Baptist preacher’s son — to answer Steve’s comment:

I read Steve P’s post sentence by sentence and tried to find even one sentence that approaches an accurate statement. I was unable to see even one in the lot. Accuracy/truth seems very unimportant to Steve P. Is this true belief in God, this parrot-dull squawking? (with apologies to parrots, who at least make their dull repetitions entertaining!)

Some day, perhaps, Evangelicals will realize that threatening me with their God’s judgment and Hell has no effect on me. The only God I fear is Polly and the only Hell I know is Trump’s America.

Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.

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    It really is sad how there’s such a disconnect with science education that large numbers of US adults don’t understand basics of evolution. I mean, I didn’t either, but I was sent to a fundamentalist Christian school that taught young earth creationism. My Boomer in-laws were Catholic-school educated, but they graduated in 1964 so I doubt Vatican II allowing evolution to be taught had kicked in yet. (This is one reason I am against school vouchers – I don’t want my tax dollars going to teaching falsehoods like this – there are many other reasons that I won’t go into here).

    Threatening an atheist or a non-Christian with hell isn’t the flex you think it is, bro.

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    Yulya Sevelova

    There’s lots of sadistic creeps in the churches and this Steve person is just one of many. I’d like to ask Steve how he knows for sure that Bruce never got saved in his youth. Because unlike the dirty birds profiled in the blog here, Bruce never engaged in all those heinous behaviors during his Christian journey. Not once. Bruce never gravitated to such acts even one time. He indeed lived in the faith. There your proof that he was a believer. Plus he’s nothing like grandpa Teiken. Teiken the unrepentant pedo and kicker of grandchildren. I never did see pedos in action as I was going to church. But I did see plenty of child beating. Plus lots of spiritual abuse-not to mention swindling of fellow believers here and there. My best friend screwed out of his childhood home. Forced to live in his motorhome. It’s these same butthole types that pick on Bruce or Polly. The kinds of people in church one tries to stay away from in the building. I remember those days very well. I’m still a believer in spite of them. Those people are radioctive. Ultimately they are harming Jesus. But they are so toxic that they don’t care if they drive people off. It’s the main reason people are leaving church. American style Christianity and the pride and meanness that goes together in it.

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    Tragically Steve is right about one thing. I and I dare say no reader ever saw a monkey become a man. “Not One”. Which proves nothing Steve. Not even one thing.

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