AND GOD SAID, “LET THERE BE FAGGOTS.” You will not find that statement in Genesis, Chapter One. But, Democrat Pete Buttigieg is sure God makes faggots.
If God made Pete a faggot, God is a blithering idiot.
Pete’s god is not the God of the Bible.
God created Pete a sodomite, and then God called for Pete to be stoned to death for sodomy, according to the law God gave Moses on Mount Sinai. This sort of talk is considered good edification only in the B Ward of the State Hospital.
Pete’s logic makes a great fool of God. God gave the law against sodomy, and then God made Pete a queer. Not lately, dim bulb.
This is a perfect illustration of the Satanic and demonic power in the lives and thinking of modern leaders in America. This raging beast, Pete, claims that sodomy has brought him closer to God. The only faggot god I know of that would cuddle up to Pete is Shiva, the faggot god of Hinduism.
— Steve Van Natten, Baalam’s Ass Speaks, And God Said, “Let There be Faggots”, April 8, 2019