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The “Love” of God

love of god 2

Dear Human,

Let me, the one true and living God, show you my love by

Starving you

Burning your house down

Killing your children

Sending a tornado to destroy your community

Giving you a terminal disease

Giving you a child with a severe birth defect

Taking your health away

Reducing you to poverty

I do all these things because I love, love, love YOU

At times, I might even send other humans to

Rape you

Burn your village down

Spray agent orange on your village

Nuke your city

Falsely imprison you

Rob you

Murder your wife

I do all these things because I love, love, love YOU

There is nothing I won’t do to get you to love me

I will test you, try you, and destroy you, all so you will see that I love you and have a wonderful plan for your life

If necessary, I will reduce you to sitting in an ash heap scraping the puss from the boils that cover your body

I want you to know that I am the one true and living God

I do all these things, not to you, but for you

Surely, you can see that I love you

With much love and affection,


Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.

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    Kate Bartlett

    I suppose a Christian would say that God doesn’t do these things to us. That we have free will and behave how we choose and that he not only loves us he is love. And no matter what terrible thing happens that faith in his love will give us strength and sustain us. It seems that although he is an all powerful God he lets us sink or swim on our own most of the time. But we can pray to him which seems to make people feel like the power of his love will get them through anything. The more I write this the more delusional it all seems to me.

  2. Brian Vanderlip

    Thank-you, Mister G. I cannot tell you how much relief it brings me to simply hear some sensible talk instead of woo…
    The God-construct does not serve humanity. Think of the human caring that could be spread far and wide if ‘Vatican City’ was turned into basic help for the needy of the world!
    Put the pope into work-pants and let him weed the garden like the rest of us. Feed the poor and stop your useless prayers to the clouds… build a house for somebody, not a church for yourself. Get real.

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    It doesn’t take a genius to see that the evangelical deity isn’t the omnibenevolent, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent deity they claim it to be. With all the bad things that happen to the people that he says he loves, at least one of those qualities cannot be true. And don’t give me that “humans can’t understand God’s ways” baloney excise that you use to make your cognitive dissonance more palatable, Mr or Ms Evangelical.

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