The current perspective of many conservatives in relinquishing their vote to Donald Trump is that he is the “lesser of two evils.” I propose that this description totally misses the mark since there is a difference between our fleshly disposition to do evil (Rom. 7:22-23) and a conscious decision to rebel against God (1 Sam. 12:14-15). One is the result of a carnal nature that struggles to do what is right versus a deliberate decision to disobey God’s laws.
There is no question that Trump’s words and actions have aroused doubts and concerns among many conservatives who place a high value on someone’s personal conduct. If one bases a person’s integrity entirely upon their demeanor in public, Hillary could easily win that contest with her polished comments and skilled rhetoric. Yet, is this what we are looking at in order to discern the true spirit and intent behind these candidates?
Given the record of Hillary’s political and financial pandering with anti-American alliances, her consistent denial of proven wrongs, her utter rejection of scriptural values of life and covenant marriage and her future plans for limiting religious freedom, it should be fairly evident that she has deliberately set herself against God’s ways. Trump, on the other hand, demonstrates a consistent pursuit of doing what is right even though his fleshly nature gets the best of him. Though in the early stages of this political journey, Trump is gathering around him godly counselors who hold to traditional values. He has created a platform that upholds biblical ideals. Regardless of his fleshly verbal outbursts, his actions exhibit a clear determination to do what is right by God in leading the nation.
Trump is not “evil” as much as carnal. Hillary is not only carnal, but is backed, knowingly or unknowingly, by a demonic force set out to destroy our nation’s sovereignty and our religious freedoms. The only way to stop this momentum is for the Republican candidate to defeat her—even if he is flawed. God can work with a sinner (think Saul of Tarsus) but will utterly reject anyone who opposes Him (Ps. 2:10-12). Unless the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, defeats Hillary Clinton in this election, the demonic nature of the political process will unfold with lightning speed and with disastrous results. Not only will the issues at stake become very personal for every citizen, but demonically driven.
This is not rocket science. One of these candidates will win and their agenda for this nation’s future will move forward. Even though we are citizens of an eternal kingdom and we do not look to man for our answers or salvation, the reality is that God is the one who established government for our benefit and good. A coming supernatural move of God will certainly empower and embolden us, but we have the choice whether we do so under a demonically-controlled system, or a system that is at least trying to do things God’s way
— Wanda Alger, Charisma News, This Election is About the Carnal vs. Demonic, October 6, 2016
They see what they want to see, don’t they? And twist the “facts” to suit their own purposes. Hillary is carnal? Are her sexual proclivities a part of the public debate? And those demonic forces? Mmm, mmm, mmmmm. I wonder how they perceive that she is going to limit religious freedom.
Wanda writes, “Given the record of Hillary’s political and financial pandering with anti-American alliances, her consistent denial of proven wrongs, her utter rejection of scriptural values of life and covenant marriage and her future plans for limiting religious freedom, it should be fairly evident that she has deliberately set herself against God’s ways. …Hillary is not only carnal, but is backed, knowingly or unknowingly, by a demonic force set out to destroy our nation’s sovereignty and our religious freedoms.”
Does Wanda live in an alternative universe?!
Where are there ANY facts to back up her absurd and destructive charges?
I’ve followed the Clintons’ lives, in all aspects from political to spiritual for many years, and read thousands of pages on their many different decisions, both the good and bad ones (like Hilary’s support and promotion of 4 wars(,
BUT there is no evidence
that Hilary is guilty of any of these charges.
I disagree with Hilary on a number of serious issues and won’t be voting for her (and certainly not Trump)
but she is an ethical individual who has done much for children, human rights, etc.
I vote for alternative universe. Obviously, she has no facts. I’m sure she feels no need of them. Sadly, I think any belief-system that actively encourages people to deny basic scientific principles such as the common descent of life, the basic geology of the earth or principles of physics makes it all too easy for them to deny other facts, such as the actual actions of others.
For many folks, belief trumps (no pun intended) facts. Many religious believers regard this as a virtue.
As a Brit I find it strange that a party could be considered the ‘christian’s’ choice in the way that the Republican party is in America.
Over here my observation is that evangelical christians will vote across the board: conservative, liberal democrat, labour, green party or other! In recent years some christians have voted conservative based on a few conservative MP’s opposing gay marriage. But an evangelical also told me that christians shouldn’t vote conservative as they have no compassion for the poor. My point is that it is a mixed bag.
Did ex evangelicals on this blog always vote republican when they were believers? Did that change after deconversion? Did anyone remain politically/morally conservative after losing their belief in god?
Many years ago, the Republican party adopted the mantle of Family Values – meaning that they were Christian, opposed abortion and gay marriage, along with some other moralistic ideals. I’m not sure which came first – the chicken or the egg – but Evangelicals were attracted to these positions. Or perhaps the Evangelicals were the ones who – by dint of large voting block – forced those stances on the Republican party. But most Evangelicals are anti-abortion, anti-gay and firmly believe in “Family Values.” These very conservative stances are the glue that holds the Republican party and Evangelicals together. The Evangelicals who vote Democratic are likely few and far between – although this year might be an exception. Indeed, many Evangelicals may just stay home this year.
The GOP’s platform defines “family values” as follows: “Our country should value family, life, and hard work. This is why we insist that public policy – from taxes to education, from health care to welfare – should be created to strengthen and support, not hurt, American families. Individuals and families should be able to maintain their independence from government, raise their children by their own values and build communities of self-reliant neighbors.”
The term “life” is code for anti-abortion. The idea of “not hurt[ing]American families is code for anti-gay. And of course “rais[ing] children by their own values” is the call for Christians. Indeed, the word “God” appears 16 times in the party platform. Although it is probably more ponderous than you would want to read, here’s the link. https://www.gop.com/platform/.
Let’s also not forget that this greedy millionaire who says he doesn’t need to ask God for forgiveness is a’baby christian’ (James Dobson).
Obviously James Dobson either needs to lie to himself, or needs to lie to everyone else. There isn’t one thing about Donald Trump that suggests he even has a cursory interest in Christianity, beyond a desire to win/rule over other people, to have power. I don’t think Dobson is stupid, I think he is aware that Trump is a bad person. But Dobson figures he can use Trump. I thought Christians didn’t believe in the ends justifying the means? At least, good, kind and loving Christians. I do know Christians of that type but I’m afraid the non-loving Christians dominate.