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Christians Say the Darnedest Things: How to Shield Yourself From Porn and Sexual Excitement

satans fiery darts

The enemy’s formidable weapon against men are enchanting women to entice you into adultery. According to Ephesians 6:10-18, demons are behind these women, they not being aware are being used to cause Jesus’ followers to sin against Him.

We men must keep our eyes pure because that is the entry way into our souls. This is Satan’s primary attack for entrance. How do we protect our eyes from letting darkness creep in?

  • Don’t watch anything that has women wearing almost nothing as to entice your minds.
  • Don’t read anything in WordPress that’s sexual in nature because your mind have eyes as well and will convert the sexual words into images.
  • Don’t look at porn magazines which is a landmine, throw it away immediately.

— Spiritual Minefield, How to Shield Yourself From Satan’s Arrows of Porn and Sexual Enticement, January 31, 2017


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    Don’t you just love the use of English: ‘the mind have eyes’, ‘porn magazines… is a landmine’ and so on. Coherence is evidently not essential when ranting for the Lord.

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    This pisses me off so fucking much!! Explain to me one single valid reason why women are expected to control our own sexual urges (just don’t spread your legs) and men are allowed to blame every sexual urge and “sin” on the woman because she is a “Jezebel”. Then, they have the gall to tell the pregnant woman to “accept personal responsibility” and that the unwanted pregnancy is merely “the consequences” of that “sinful” behavior. “And no birth control, Plan B or abortions either, you sluts.” The hypocrisy of the patriarchy is fucking bottomless!! And they then wonder why we march and wear “pussy hats”. Fucking morons.

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    So it is always about guard your eyes, etc, those evil women wearing tank tops and so on.

    But what I don’t get is: isn’t it in your mind anyways? I don’t think men need a picture anymore than women do. Won’t your mind make the pictures for you? Imagine a world without paintings, photographs and so on, not even carvings or statues. I’m pretty sure people would still have sex even if that was the case. Don’t blame the picture ! is what I’m saying.

    They pretend it’s the outside world that is the ‘problem’ but it’s not. It’s your internal biological sex drive which in their view is created by God same as everything else. So they should blame God for making them sexual creatures in the first place 🙂

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    Becky Wiren

    Notice how these Christians are so sex obsessed? When people realize that their fantasies aren’t (usually) a problem, because they aren’t real, and realize that adults can make conscious decisions on their sexuality and what to do with it, they don’t have to be overly preoccupied with sex. Because it’s a normal part of life. These Christians turn it in to a giant TABOO, and then make it even more fascinating. Then when Christians go against their limited beliefs of sexual activity, they really get off on it while feeling horribly guilty.

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    Huh. I build WordPress websites. I never realized they were the only platform in the entire world that held porn sites. Not Tumblr, not Joomla, not Drupal, not custom code — only WordPress. And that words written on WordPress websites somehow magically convert themselves to porn! And it’s all WordPress’ fault.

    Wow. My clients are NOT going to be happy about this!

    /snark at such extreme ignorance and stupidity.

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        It is our job to judge ourselves unworthy and to admit that we see naked people in our heads. Therefore, evil. Therefore God!
        Harm yourself and others in His name. The road is littered with mines that will unduly excite you spaniardviii! But have you ever considered that without sex,porn,love,desire and whole shebang, you wouldn’t be here… Oh. Wait… I think I have to reconsider that support of love and sex and images….. hmmmm.
        Aw shucks that was mean but I have this awful flu with chills, joint aches, headaches and generic misery. Carry on spaniardviii but please resoect your children and love them enough to allow them their own journey. If you go on like your blog with your kids, I can tell you they will end up sick sick puppies…. Let them be. Don’t judge and correct them to make the preacher happy. Have mercy.

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    And don’t have men and women touch that aren’t related. Don’t allow them to use the same entrances. Arrange marriages without them ever meeting. Don’t allow women to leave the house as that tempts men. Oh, and don’t breathe….

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