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Christians Say the Darnedest Things: Atheism is a Death Cult

atheism cult of death

As long as people have believed in God, there have been those who take the opposing view. The ranks of atheists have always been small, never amounting to more than four percent of the population. The key problem with atheism is that it lacks a strong “selling point.” The followers of this view find purpose in life by attacking the validity of the Holy Bible.

Atheists are so opposed to anything linked to God that their hatred gets in the way of common sense. One of their most grievous errors is a cultic fixation with death. I have read the views of several leading atheists and have found an almost universal embracing of death. For them, life is just meant to come to an abrupt end.


I see this welcoming attitude toward death as a form of insanity. If we managed to defy such massive odds to be born into this world, it would be foolhardy to so willingly surrender such a precious gift. I don’t regret depriving some worm of a good meal. They don’t even have enough intelligence to say, “Boy, Todd tastes good. Yum!”

Atheists’ cheeriness about the end of life extends to the second death. Even though they don’t believe in a hell, most express a bizarre willingness to take a swan dive into the lake of fire. Pat Condell is a well-known atheist on YouTube. In one of his latest videos he said:

“So can I say to the people who have said they are praying for me, don’t do it. I’m beyond redemption. I categorically reject God. I wholeheartedly deny the Holy Spirit. I’m resigned to damnation. And I’m absolutely fine with it.”

If there is no God to grant us an afterlife, atheists should be the main frontline cheerleaders of an effort to find immortality through research. One of them should be the Jerry Lewis of natural causes: “Yes, please donate so we can find a cure for what is responsible for one-hundred percent of non-accidental deaths.”

I don’t know of any leading atheists that plan to be cryogenically frozen. According to the game plan medical science will eventually advance to the point where it can revive and restore a dead person to perfect health. These atheists could spend their first few days of new life dancing on the graves of foolish Christians who trusted in a pipe dream.


I spoke with theoretical physicist, Lawrence Krauss, at a Las Vegas conference, and he said, “Atheists don’t like to use the word eternity.” Even though the forces in the universe may remain constant for all eternity, they avoid the term because God is too closely associated with it.

Atheists go as far as calling eternal life a curse. They argue that life with no end would eventually become boring and unbearable. One atheist said that if he, was allowed into heaven after a few thousand years, the empty perfection of the heavenly realm would compel him to ask God for annihilation.

I don’t see the warm embrace that many atheists associate with death. At the end of their lives they would lose everything they achieved in this world. Their loves, discoveries and experiences would all be instantly voided.

I can only conclude that the obsession with death on the part of atheists is the result of demonic delusion. Even a godless skeptical mind should know that one of the basic driving forces in nature is the desire to preserve life─at all costs.

One thing that helped me remain confident in my faith is the understanding that there are forces dedicated to attacking my beliefs. If God was a lie and there was no life after death, why would people have such a volatile allergic reaction to a message that seems so reasonable? When I see people who blindly embrace death, I see the fingerprints of the one who brought death into this world.

“You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).

— Rapture Ready, Atheism — The Cult of Death

Bruce Gerencser, 66, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 45 years. He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.

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  1. Avatar

    Where does one start with this?
    “Leading atheists”… for me, part of atheism is that I don’t have a leader. I get to do that myself.
    Jerry Lewis, cryogenics, theoretical physics.
    Atheists don’t like to use the word eternity?

    I do. I can use it in a sentence!
    After having already spent an eternity with a bunch of Christians, I can say for certain that I don’t want to hang out with them after I die.

    Death obsession? Demonic delusion?

    Okay then.

  2. Avatar
    Brian Vanderlip

    Typical gobbledegook from a shallow mud puddle.
    “One thing that helped me remain confident in my faith is the understanding that there are forces dedicated to attacking my beliefs.” Wowie! There’s some believer-logic there that just floors me. Because someone attacks belief, that belief is thereby true. Why do we even need the scientific method when this mud puddle explains it all so clearly?

  3. Avatar

    What rubbish. I’ve been an atheist all my life and the fight against the aging and involuntary death has been one of the most important topics I blog about.

    Some atheists do display a kind of determined bovine passivity about the “inevitability” of death, almost an embrace of it, and that revolts me. But this has probably historically been due to the fact that there appeared to be no alternative. Now that it’s becoming more widely recognized that a technological solution to aging is feasible, more and more scientists are working on the problem — and scientists, especially the most eminent ones, are disproportionately atheists.

    Eternal life in the Christian Heaven would be boring, since it’s “perfect” and therefore never changes, and the main activity seems to be praise of the Dear Leader, God — no wonder Hitchens called it “a celestial North Korea”. Living indefinitely here on Earth would be anything but boring. Look at all the cultural and technological changes of the last century, from 1920 to today. A person who was able to stay young and healthy during that whole period would not have been bored. The century to come, and the one after that, will likely be even more revolutionary.

    When we do have a technological solution for aging, it will be interesting to see how many fundamentalists are willing to refuse it and renounce the chance at living as long as they want in the real world, for the sake of a Heaven for whose existence they have no evidence.

  4. Avatar

    If God was a lie and there was no life after death, why would people have such a volatile allergic reaction to a message that seems so reasonable?

    Because people who do believe in that message have a track record of hating gays, subjugating women, burning heretics, and generally being a huge control-freak pain in the ass. Good enough reason?

  5. Avatar
    Karen the rock whisperer

    Another religious custard-brain talking about people he’s never met, and misrepresenting the writings of those few he might or might not have actually read.

    But, he has to straw-man us. Actually engaging with the wide variety of views of people who don’t believe in life after death is probably terrifying.

    I’m 60 years old and not in particularly good health. I will die. My body will get recycled, my self will stop existing. I’m not okay with that, but reality is what it is and wishing otherwise is a waste of precious time. Does that mean I’m a member of a Death Cult? I don’t think so.

    I have lots of religious family members. Sometimes they talk about life after death. My dear mom-in-law talks about being reunited with my dad-in-law. Sometimes family members wish eternity in Hell on someone they don’t like, or feel have harmed others badly. I disengage from those conversations. It isn’t my place to challenge their theology, unless they get in my face about it, and they don’t. I suspect there are a lot of atheists like me. But we aren’t interesting to this author, because we’re not obviously in a Death Cult.

  6. Avatar
    Yulya Sevelova

    I looked up the site “raptureready”. You can almost hear the saliva hitting the ground, as people wanting Armageddon see-and even try to cause-any calamity they can, to bring this about. It was Ronald Reagan who drafted Rex 84, a martial law program that can be implemented anytime. Like to stop an election. Obama didn’t draft it. This, plus the fact that Nate Pyle, Robert Jeffress, and other fanatics hail Trump as the man who will bring on the end of the world. Google this subject and it will come right up. I don’t know personally any card carrying atheists. Some are happy with life. Some are not. I don’t want to live forever, anywhere. I like the idea of a secular government that allows religious beliefs, without imposing any. The Scandinavian governments got it right.

  7. Avatar
    MJ Lisbeth

    How can someone get so much wrong in just a few paragraphs?

    I won’t try to speak for other atheists. I will say, though, I am nor part of a “death cult.” If anything, I value this life because it’s the only one I am certain of having. That knowledge is the reason I can accept, I if not like, the fact that I will die, and am trying make the most of , simply be happy in, my life.

    Being an atheist, for me, means accepting reality. So I don’t “reject” the Bilbe: It exists, like so many other books. I simply understand that, like many other books, it contains nuggets of truth and even beauty, but they are not reason to accept the entire book, at face value, as an “ultimate “ authority.

    Finally, I am not interested in “attacking “ anyone‘a beliefs. I have my reasons for not participating in them, but I have no wish to tear down what someone feels he or she needs to “get through the night.”

  8. Avatar
    Barbara L. Jackson

    Atheism is just accepting reality. I studied physics as an undergraduate for a time and am not at all worried about eternity.
    I would describe myself as an agnostic because I do not believe anything about gods can be proven in the physical universe.
    The older I get (60) the more I know my hope of everyone getting along and treating each other well is unlikely.

  9. Avatar

    Accidental ignorance is one thing, but I think the RaptureReady article writer is guilty of willful stupidity, and I’m not even an atheist (very agnostic theist, pragmatic atheist in my daily life).

  10. Avatar
    Yulya Sevelova

    Heads up everyone–I just learned that if people want their votes counted, it is the little-known fact that one should be getting their ballots in at least two weeks earlier than required, because of overtime, and other cuts affecting mail rooms now. The new Post Master–Trump appointee is launching this ploy, no doubt to slow down balloting, no now you know. You can do a search on this to verify it. This relates to the Rapture Ready author. An ardent Trump supporter. Please spread the word about protecting your voting rights.

    • Avatar
      Brian Vanderlip

      YULYA SEVELOVA, thanks for the heads-up. Honestly, if Trump ‘wins’ in November, the populace will know the jig is up…. America is no more, Civil War II will begin (if it has not already begun.)
      Down with boo-hoo nobody likes me Trump! Dump Trump.

      • Avatar

        I think of Christianity as a death cult. There was certainly a lot of emphasis on death in the Southern Baptist church and IFB-influenced school I attended. One had to die to oneself. The deity had to become a human and die, supposedly taking with him the sins of the world, before he/his dad coukd raise his body from the dead. And early Christian’s urged people to give up everything they owned and follow the teachings of Jesus because the world was supposedly ending soon (we are still here BTW). So many people I knew focused on how shitty their lives were on earth but they were promised to be amazing in heaven, so why bother to do anything to improve current situations? And the whole eschatology narrative is one of destruction, persecution, death, and then there will be some sort of happy ending of eternity in heaven (which is described as worshipping the deity trio a the day long while wearing crowns and living in Trump Tower Heaven). Sounds like a death cult to me.

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