As is my habit, on the first of every year I reset the banned and blocked lists for this site. And as sure as the sun comes up in the morning, those who have been banned and blocked in 2021 try to reprise their banishment in 2022. I have already banned (unable to comment) and blocked (unable to access this blog) three people, including Deacon John.
Deacon John is a “special” type of troll, one who goes out of his way to threaten me with Hell, often in graphic, pornographic detail. Over the years, he has gone by different names and used different tactics to reach me with his vile messages. Yesterday, Deacon John left the following comment:
The sad and short answer to this question is this:
The reason you “deconverted”. Is because you were likely never converted to begin with.
God’s Word speaks of a great falling away during the last days. False believers will weed themselves out like this. Sad but true 😭😢.
It is highly unlikely that someone could be in the Holy Spirit and the light of Jesus Christ then turn around and run into the demonic darkness known as atheism,anti-Christianity.
Yes you preached you knew the Bible front and back but you obviously trusted in Bruce for salvation and not Jesus.
This world is getting sicker and darker by the minute. ☹️
Evil is being called good.
Good is being called evil.“Woe unto you who call evil good and good evil that put light for darkness and darkness for light “ Isaiah 5:20.
It’s a world where we have women who can’t watch some eat a steak without bawling their eyes out because it was once a baby cow.
Or watch someone eat a BLT because it was once a baby pig.
But WILL NOT SHED ONE TEAR when a baby human is ripped apart limb by limb in its mothers womb. 😡
We have men who think cleaning a fish or skinning a deer is gross. But have no problem putting their mouths on another man’s butthole 🤢🤮.
Because that’s “LOVE”
First an abomination is ignored
Then it is legalized
Then those are called “Haters” they share the truth that it is an abomination!Atheism is one of Satan’s biggest strategies to keep the USA blind and away from the only one who can save them.
“Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world “ John 1:29
Now listen up.
Those who have ears let them hear!
One day everyone ever conceived is going to stand before Jesus Christ and will acknowledge him as Lord and King.
Children who died too young to make the decision to accept him or people not mentally make a decision to accept him are covered by his grace and will live eternally with him.
(In case you are wondering or have snide mocking response SIN is the reason for children dying and disease most NOT ALL but most atheists support baby murder pre born infantcide so why would care anyway)
Those who have consciously trusted him for forgiveness and eternal salvation will spend eternity with him rejoicing for their salvation! 🙂
Those who have chosen to reject him will live eternally separated from him in hell in despair and regret for their decision. And it is no party!
It will be torment and fear like you have never known before!
Demonic torment, fire that never goes out, weeping, gnashing of teeth,gnawing your tongue in agony,screaming, a horrendous physical thirst for one uno drop of water! Also a desire for unsaved family to accept Jesus and not go to hell.
And what is even sadder is that the lost and blind atheist thinks that is what soul winning evangelists want for them! NO! That’s ridiculous.
That’s why we warn you. We DO NOT want any of you to perish in a Christless hell.
And neither does he.
The Holy Spirit is more powerful than the deceiver.
Admit you have been deceived and you are a sinner.
Believe sincerely that Jesus Christ died and rose again.
Trust and accept him now.
As you can tell, Deacon John is a sick, perverse man, and his screed is a good example of how Fundamentalist Christianity can corrupt every aspect of your life.
ObstacleChick, a friend of mine and an occasional guest writer for this site, decided to respond to Deacon John, giving a brilliant summary of his comment:
Summary of Deacon John’s Screed, as interpreted by former fundamentalist evangelical turned atheist ObstacleChick:
1) Use of “no true Scotsman” fallacy
2) Mocking vegetarianism and/or veganism with a seasoning of misogyny included for good measure
3) Gratuitous abortion rant
4) Anti-LGBTQ rant, with fixation on rim-jobs (hmmmm….is this Deacon John’s Favorite Porn?)
5) Atheism = Satan
6) Age of Accountability used to try to mask the horror of doctrine that children, toddlers, and infants should deserve hell due to Original Sin
7) Another gratuitous abortion rant, with Blame the Bad Things on Humans Because SIN
8) HELL – the Crown Jewel scare tactic in the evangelical’s arsenal – it’s the Humans’ Fault
9) Monologue on the Glory of Eternal Torture aka Torture Porn for Your Tribe’s Enemies
10) Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am Repeat This Magic Prayer Chant and Voila – Eternity in HEAVEN!!!!

Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
Good job, OC! Logical fallacies and the like are boring.
That’s a good take down by OC. All in all it leads to a level of depravity in the life of Deacon John, and presumably many like him, that is never visible in other aspects of life. By which I mean that somehow evangelicals appear tone deaf to the perception, outside of their little world, that these types of view represent, and the disgust with which decent people view them.
Thanks, Bruce, I was feeling snarky and had fun channeling my emotions in a socially acceptable way. 😀
It was a perfect take-down and in addition to being humorous, it illustrates the superb critical thinking skills that you and so many nonreligious people have.
aw, poor Deacon John. Your lil’ sadistic fantasies will never come true and you’ll die unfulfilled. Shucks.
OC does a fantastic job.