Dear Neighbor,
I live two houses down from you, the red house with blue shutters and white trim. Though we have never met, I want to “share” a few things with you that will hopefully make us closer as neighbors. I really want to have a personal relationship with you, your wife, and those two darling kids I see playing in your yard, but there are some things you need to understand first.
I am a born-again Christian. This means that I have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior. In humble obedience to the call of Jesus, after I was saved I was scripturally baptized by immersion. Through my baptism, I told the world (well, I really only told the two hundred Christians who were there that day) that I am a follower of Jesus. I am a member of EXCITE® Church. We meet every Sunday at 11 A.M. over at Secular Nation High School. We are really a Southern Baptist church, but we don’t use the word Baptist in our name because non-Christians have negative opinions of Baptists.
I am a church deacon, and my wife, Betty Lou is part of the worship team. Both of us also help with EXCITE® for Kids, a program meant to coerce little children into making salvation decisions. Our pastor told us that the younger a person is saved the more likely it is they will stay in church once they become an adult. We take him at his word and do all we can to make sure every child says the sinner’s prayer and asks Jesus into their heart before the age of ten.
Betty Lou and I, along with everyone in our church, believe that the Holy Christian Bible is a supernatural book inspired by God. There are no mistakes, errors, or contradictions in the Bible. Our pastor told us that the Bible is different from any other book ever written. God wrote the Bible, humans wrote every other book. It’s important you understand and believe this. If you don’t, the rest of my letter won’t make any sense to you.
The Bible says that every person must accept Jesus as their personal savior. If they do so they will go to Heaven when they die, and if they don’t they will go to Hell. Every human must make a choice to accept or reject Jesus Christ. So, I ask you dear neighbor, have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior?
I don’t know what your religious beliefs are. Are you a born-again Christian? You need to understand that there is one true God and religion — my God and my religion. And I don’t really have a religion like Catholics, Mormons, Buddhists, and Atheists do. I have a relationship. Me and Jesus are tight. We’re brothers, yet he is also my father. It’s complicated and I really don’t understand it, but it is in the Bible and if it’s in the Bible that means it is 100% God-certified true.
If you are not a born-again Christian then I hope you will fall on your knees right now and pray the following prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name. Amen.
Did you pray this prayer? Did you really, really, really, really, really mean it?
If so, congratulations!! You are now a born-again Christian and will go to Heaven when you die. Isn’t that awesome?
Now that we have that out of the way, you need to know some other things that will help you as a new Christian:
- Be baptized by immersion as soon as possible (hint, hint at EXCITE® Church)
- Join a Bible believing, Bible preaching church (hint, hint EXCITE® Church) and attend services every time the doors are open
- Start reading the Bible every day (start with the book of John)
- Pray every day — morning, noon, and night, and every time you eat (except when eating ice cream at Dairy Queen)
I probably shouldn’t be telling you this next one since Pastor Billy Bob likes to spring it on new members, but I just know you’ll be excited about this, so I thought I’d tell you. Jesus gave his all so you could be saved and the least you can do is give back to him a portion of your income as proof that you really, really love Jesus. Now, Jesus really doesn’t need this money, but our church and pastor do, so when you come to EXCITE® Church on Sunday, please drop at least 10% of your gross income into the offering plate. I promise if you do this God will open up the windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing. And if you want an even bigger blessing, give more money. Pastor Billy Bob likes to say, you can’t out-give God!
I should probably also tell you that true Christians, also known as the people who are members of EXCITE® Church, love what God loves and hate what God hates. At EXCITE® Church, Pastor Billy lets us know every Sunday who is on the Official Hate List. Currently, the Top Ten spots on the hate list are held by:
- Joe Biden
- Barack Hussein Obama
- LGBTQ people
- Abortionists
- Socialism
- Atheists
- Hollywood, except when they make a movie starring Kirk Cameron or Stephen Baldwin
- Aliens — the brown-skinned kind
- Demoncrats (Did ya catch that DEMON-crats? Ha! Ha!)
- Those who engage in any form of sex except monogamous heterosexual intercourse between a man and woman who are married to each other
If by some small chance you decided to NOT pray the sinner’s prayer, then I need to tell you that you are the enemy of God and are headed for Hell. If you refuse this wonderful offer of salvation and die, then God will have no recourse but to equip you with a fireproof body and torture you in Hell for all eternity. Surely, you don’t want to spend eternity being burned by fire and having worms infest your body?
And if you don’t pray the sinner’s prayer and become an awesome Christian just like me, then we can’t be friends and our children can’t play with each other. The Bible commands us to avoid people like you, lest you rub off on us and we commit sin. I really want to be friends with you and your family, but you must become a Christian first. If you don’t, then I will have to shun and look down on you like I do Atheists, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons, Buddhists, Liberal Protestants, Humanists, Secularists, Democrats and . . . well everyone who doesn’t believe as I do.
Perhaps you drove by my house the other day and saw my flag pole, you know the one with the American flag and Christian flag. Now, I know that no flag should fly above the Stars and Stripes, but since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Sodomites can legally be married, I thought it important to remind everyone about who this Country REALLY belongs to.
I hope you prayed the sinner’s prayer. I just know that you want your sins forgiven and you want a home in Heaven where you can spend eternity with people who think just like me. Would that be awesome? No one in their right mind would refuse such an awesome soul-saving, sin-forgiving deal, right?
Saved by the precious blood of Jesus,
Archie S. Sanctimonious
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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You made me laugh out loud.
I think I met that guy at a St. Patrick’s Day event downtown one year. He said he wanted to show me his banana… or a leaflet about his banana? Or something. Maybe I was supposed to be afraid of the banana? I offered to buy him a beer (he really needed to relax), and he just mumbled something and walked off.
ooooh sounds like Ray Comfort or one of his acolytes. I had such a good time debating him about his nonsense and watching him fail.
More torture porn from Joe/James/John/Tom/I Love Dick 🙂
Philistine Agags are gonna split hell wide open.
I feel very sorry for each of you as one day you will wish you had not been conceived.
I strongly encourage you to stay alive in this world for as long as you possibly can.
I take it this is supposed to make sense. If this is an attempt to sell Christ, it’s a very bad one. Insults and threats will NOT win you converts, much less convince anyone that there is a “God”.
It’s satire; what Evangelicals would say if they ever told the truth.
Thanks for the clarification. There are times on the internet when it’s hard to tell satire from other things.
” Joe” why does your ilk push for as many babies to be born as is possible,knowing that most would not make it into Heaven anyway ? So just WHAT is the point of that ?
THAT question will never get answered. 😂😂
Well, since I’m on their hate list, they can’t be talking to me, can they?
On a route I drive periodically but not every day, there is a smallish, ranch-style tract house (think California 1950s standard) that is amazingly US-flag decorated. The house is painted in the colors of the flag, there’s an enormous plywood(?) sign painted as a flag in the front yard, and some other signage that says “God Bless America”. The only thing that isn’t red, white, or dark blue is the lawn, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the owner flips through seed catalogs every year to find lawn grass in red or blue. Either it doesn’t exist or they can’t afford to redo their lawn.
I would put good money on a bet that the occupant is an Evangelical Christian, but I’m not gonna stop and knock on their front door to find out.
I don’t object to people flying the US flag, though I prefer to fly it above or next to the flag of the state of California. For all its problems, I like my home state. When Husband and I finally retire to our mountain home, I might fly the US flag, the California flag, and the rainbow flag in a a row from our deck, maybe even the add the Trans flag. But I fiercely object to anyone flying another flag ABOVE the US flag while they’re on US soil. Do your Christurbation not so publicly, please.
My only hesitation in flying a Trans flag is property damage. This is a fiercely conservative area, we will be Demoncrats (we actually don’t align with any political party, but I haven’t voted for anyone without a D after their name in decades, and neither has Husband) and too many of the locals fly the Confederate flag, never mind that California joined the Union as a Free state. Gah. My friends who are trans, I will not abandon you, but I kinda have to pick my battles carefully. The flag(s) I fly in an area frequented by hunters don’t keep me from challenging BS I hear around me or pestering my government officials and congresscritters to respect everyone.
If I am on their hate list, they should leave me the f#$% alone, right?
Maybe they’ll leave me alone too. They hate so many things about me: pro-choice, liberal Democrat, atheist, humanist, secularist, single female & sexually active, ex-Christian, LGBTQIA advocate, & on & on & on. I’m pretty proud they hate me; it means I’m doing something right.