Never look to Archaeology to prove anything [says a man who has an archeology/theology/bullshit blog]. It is not an authoritative field [but the Bible is, and David Tee is, right?]. it does dig up information but often that information is distorted [a distortion is anything that disagrees with Tee’s peculiar interpretation of the Protestant Christian Bible] by those unbelieving [unbelievers are non-Evangelicals who can’t be trusted] archaeologists who analyze the data, the artifacts, and so on.
— Fake Dr. David Tee, TheologyArcheology: A Site for the Glory of God, A Video You May Like, April 25, 2022
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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He could just as well say “liberal media” and “fake news.”
Tee’s response [damn, he’s so easy) 😂😂:
We have stopped reading and writing about BG but that doesn’t stop him from attacking us. We figure that since he is a Class a narcissist he craves attention from everyone.
He must miss the attention we gave him when we used his site for material so he dreams up ways to get us to mention him again. This time it is not the video he was worried about, it was our credentials. His insults and attacks are made in the following sentences:
says a man who has an archeology/theology/bullshit blog
but the Bible is, and David Tee is, right?
a distortion is anything that disagrees with Tee’s peculiar interpretation of the Protestant Christian Bible
unbelievers are non-Evangelicals who can’t be trusted
You will notice that he does not provide one credible rebuttal. Nor does he put forth any real evidence that we are wrong. He just wants attention like a spoiled child does.
We won’t provide a link to his website as there are enough of them on this site already. However, he needs to come up with better arguments in his opposition to the truth.
Atheists like to claim that Christians are making extraordinary claims thus the burden of proof is on us to provide the evidence. However, it is the atheist and other unbelievers who make extraordinary claims and refuse to put up any evidence to support their argument.
They think their declarations are enough. They are not. Atheists like BG need to put up or shut up. Nothing less than verifiable, credible physical evidence will do and that evidence cannot come from any experiment for evolution or the big bang theory.
None exist. Science has yet to use any specimens that are at the beginning middle or near the end of life development. In fact, there has been no life development except for the gestation period when females get pregnant.
They can’t as none ever existed and they would be dead and unusable if they did have any. Atheists can’t see this truth because they are deceived and have received a powerful delusion from God.
Rebuttal of what? I didn’t even watch the video. Rule number one: if Fake “Dr.” Tee recommends a video, don’t watch it, it’s a waste of time. All I wanted to focus on was Tee’s ignorant comment about archeologists. I know how Tee thinks, so I thought everyone but him would find my commentary funny. 😂😂😈😈
I’m pleased that I baited Tee into writing ✍️ about me, thus making him a liar. Of course, I’m a liar too, a “sin” I readily confess. Unike Tee, I’m human. 😂😂
I note that Tee still refers to himself in the plural. What a pretentious habit! Must think he’s the English Queen.
Tee is always saying “We.” Tee thinks of himself in the plural. He must have many people living inside his head. Maybe he consults with all of them before writing about Bruce.
Evidently, quoting Tee’s exact words is an “attack.” 😂😂
I mean, I don’t trust Dr. David Tee. He comes from the starting point of a certain conclusion and then tries to work backwards finding supporting evidence, and discarding whatever doesn’t support his foregone conclusions.
“Dr T”, quite clearly has no understanding of science and how actual scientists investigate things. He clearly does not know how experiments are done, much less have a basic understanding of how things are investigated. “Dr T”, a good experiment for evolution is the current Covid virus. It is showing us just how things change over time. Again he shows us how religion cause brain damage.