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Christians Say the Darnedest Things: Satan’s Attack on Families and How Believers Can Fight Back

kendall lankford


This list could be pages upon pages long. But, here are some obvious examples of how Satan is attempting to destroy the family, which means destroying godliness, men, women, marriage, and children.

Gender confusion, perverted (woke) cartoons, divorce, sodomy, adultery, pornography, lesbianism, fornication, godless schools, cross-dressing, effeminate men, passive husbands, domineering women, pronoun confusion, feminism, transgenderism, hook up culture, woke college campuses, birth control, abortions, sex-ed curriculums, intersectionality, government propagated sexual perversion, subsidizing the murder of babies, etc.


The reason we learn about spiritual warfare is not to sit down in victimhood, but to rise up as victors. This is impossible apart from a relationship with Jesus Christ, but for the Christian, spiritual warfare does not end there. Like soldiers, we do not put on the uniform of Christ and think the battle is magically over. There is training, education, fighting, deploying, war-waging, raising up new soldiers, and the eventual triumph after a long and hard-fought campaign.

Below is another non-exhaustive list of activities we can be doing, as soldiers of Christ, to successfully wage war against the serpent. (P.S. it has everything to do with the recovery of the family)

Read the Bible and submit to its truth, pray continually, commit to a local church, get baptized, take communion weekly, love Jesus, and be discipled. Then, while you wait on Jesus to return, guard your virginity, date with purity, protect your eyes and your heart from Satanic perversions, get married to a godly believer, and be faithful to your spouse physically, mentally, and emotionally. Have frequent godly sex so that you are not tempted, make lots of babies, raise them up in the Lord, and refuse to send them to our perverted public schools. Instead, disciple them to grow up and have godly, fruitful, and multiplying families, teach them to worship Jesus fiercely, and to storm the gates of hell advancing Jesus’ Kingdom. If you cannot have children, adopt children, help others raise their children, and be the kind of member of your church that cheers for and supports godly families. If you have kids, do not forget to teach them how to date, how to marry, and how to raise children the same convictions, so that they can make for you an army of grandbabies, that you will assist in preparing for the war.

— Kendall Lankford, pastor of The Shepherd’s Church in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, Dangerous Families, April 13, 2022

Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.

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  1. Avatar
    Sage this what happens when you spend all your time hiding out in your country club church and limit your reading to only the proper godly material?

    Some of these Christian’s are way past the edge.

    Maybe I should start attending church just for the horror entertainment. Not sure they would let me in, though…..

  2. MJ Lisbeth

    “Have frequent Godly sex so you are not tempted…”

    Can you imagine Dr. Ruth giving advice like that?

    I notice that he spelled “godly” with a lower-case “g.” So what god was he referring to? Zeus? Dionysus? If he was referring to the God of the Bible, then he’s telling people to be a hit-and-run father.

  3. Michael Mock

    I still haven’t gotten past the fact that this guy keeps using “disciple” as a verb and it’s creeping me right the fuck out.

  4. Avatar

    Gross. I wish these people would just go away. If they want to segregate themselves from society and live their little godly fundamentalist lives, that’s fine – but they are forcing this on their children, and they REALLY are trying to force it onto the rest of the inhabitants of the US. I will fight tooth and nail to keep my ungodly feminist atheist freedom.

  5. sjl1701

    I am totally confused by these being called attacks on the family and perversions: “perverted (woke) cartoons, effeminate men, passive husbands, domineering women, woke college campuses, birth control, sex-ed curriculums, government propagated sexual perversion, subsidizing the murder of babies”. I don’t know what he means by a number of those things. I am a customer service rep by profession. My job is to answer questions and explain things. The way he is using these terms is confusing and unclear. If this dude is representing “God”, he’s a failure and I would talk to his supervisor about his incompetence. Another example that religion damages people.

  6. missimontana

    I have always hated “The American family is in danger” crowd. Families have been existing for thousands of years, through wars, famines, disasters, revolutions, genocides. Somehow the human race marches on, having so many babies the Earth is dangerously overpopulated. But because most of us refuse to submit to a Christian theocracy, the poor family won’t survive.

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