Victor Justice, a Calvinist who hides behind fake names, and email addresses, and uses a VPN to keep me from blocking him, continues to send me hateful, vicious emails and comments. I have wiped Justice from this site, but his latest comment was too “good” to let it rot in the spam folder with Revival Fires’ comments.
What follows is his comment in response to the post The One Reason I Might Quit Writing:
Bruce, (This is NOT for publication…YOU DIG?!!)
You are truly a 100% certified piece of human waste!
“ I do want to make an offer to the teacher in question:
Invite me to one or more of your classes to talk to them about my political, religious, and social views. I will gladly answer any questions they might have.
I will publicly debate you on any issue — even the designated hitter rule for Major League Baseball. Please have your people contact my people and we will set it up.”I understand that I’m “banned” because I have out classed you on your own blog. I also understand that you secretly are jealous of my debating skills, and that you absolutely understand that too. But I almost thought I’ve seen everything until this pathetic post here today.
Just for clarification; I believe that if your story is correct. This teacher has no business whatsoever doing this to your grandchild. I’m saying —if your story is correct, because you have personally accused me of attacking your children and grandchildren, sigh. You made these false allegations knowing that it wasn’t true.
Anyway, where do you get the unmitigated gall to puff yourself up and pretend that you’ll intellectually mix it up with anyone, anywhere, at anytime? You are the biggest yellow belly, hiding under your wife’s skirt, cowardly troll I’ve ever seen!
You’re afraid, VERY AFRAID, of debating Victor Justice. You are afraid, even though you control the entire platform! LOL.
Just know, that I know, that you know, and that we both know, that you ain’t worth the crap!
Sincerely yours,
Mr. Victor Justice
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
Hey Victor, even those of us not atheists think you’re behavior is garbage.
That we do. Just about every word of Victor Justices’ post was wrong, including “and” and “the.”
VJ, it’s hard for me to believe that you would publicly debate Bruce when you continue to hide behind a nom de plume.
poor VJ, he doesn’t his idiocy shown when it comes to his claims of being willing to debate. Hmmm.
What in the world, as a Bible believing Christian myself, I can’t fathom what these people think being vile and nasty is going to accomplish. If they call you enough names maybe that means they are right? Lol
When I used to teach argumentation, I would warn students against ad hominem attacks: They are not substitutes for evidence or logic.
VJ, Revival, et al, would have failed my class.
I miss the days people remembered their logical fallacy lessons: ad hominem, appeal to authority, strawman arguments, whataboutism, flanderization, moving the goalposts … I guess I come to this blog for comment sections way better than the many cesspools out there.
I had to look at the ‘ hopping pastor ‘ GIF again- it’s so cute- and it dawned on me that the pastor hopping while making faces, looks just like John MacArthur when he was younger. Anyone else notice this too ? 😆
Poor Victor wants all the attention.
Hey ,Vaj Jay Jay ! I asked YOU a personal question some days ago- about whether or not Jesus himself,would / will approve of your behavior up to this day. Now, why haven’t you responded to this query ? You can pester Bruce, because he posted something about why he could discontinue to write- and yet you won’t even TRY to answer such a basic ,frank question ?? What’s up with you,dude ?! Where’s that’ holy boldness’ you put such stock in now ?
“I’m important! I deserve to debate Bruce on his own blog! If he doesn’t let me do what I want, he’s just a big meanie!”
“Also, I’m too stupid to understand that an enemy with a public face won’t shield me from making a fool of myself on his blog.”
Rocket Science 1, VJ 0.