![dr david tee's library](https://i0.wp.com/brucegerencser.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/dr-david-tees-library.jpg?resize=800%2C800&ssl=1)
By Dr. David Tee, Whose Name is Real Derrick Thomas Thiessen, We Already Know How, January 10, 2024
God has power that we do not have nor can comprehend. Yet we do understand that this power is greater than anything else in the universe. We do not need science to tell us what God did. God has already told us and our origins are not a mystery.
Why should we go to unbelieving, blind, deceived, and lost people to get our answers about our origins when God has already told us what he did in the Bible
There is the truth and then there is false teaching. Biblical creation is the truth and you either accept it or you don’t. The other so-called option is a fantasy made up by those who rejected the truth yet needed something to fill the void left by that rejection.
There is no need to debate this topic. You either preach the truth or you proclaim false teaching.
The how is not only explained in Genesis 1 but it is also explained in other verses speaking on this topic throughout the Bible. God took only 6 days to create everything. If you cannot accept that, then you are left with false teaching.
There is no debate because there is only one truth and the Bible has the truth, not science. So there are no muddy waters to wade through and there are no old earth facts to worry about. That is because the facts support a young earth and the biblical account.
We know how God created everything because he told us and God cannot lie.
Bruce, from your illustration, I’m sure you’re over-estimating tee’s* reading age. May I recommend to him a wonderful series of board books for one year olds? Someone bought them when my astrophysicist son in law and my scientist daughter had a baby, and they’re so informative! Titles include ‘Bayesian Physics for babies.’ and ‘Quantum Physics for babies,’ and ‘Rocket Science for babies,’ and more. He’d learn so much proper science from them!
*I award tee the same courtesy as I do god, jesus, savior, lord, holy ghost etc. They’re not important enough to be capitalised and neither is he!
I thought these books were a joke answer
These really exist. And they sound like fun
BioLogos is a good Christian organization to help such. But they equate that with their gospel. A misreading and misunderstanding of Genesis. I remember when I worked at Our Daily Bread Ministries, the confrontation Ken Ham foisted on the president of that ministry at the time, Mart DeHaan since ODB printed a book saying it was OK for Christians do disagree on the subject and hold to evolution. It’s no wonder many young people lose their faith when they begin to have a well-rounded education. I love science, and I am fascinated with evolution. One of my favorite TV experiences (I rarely watch TV) was Cosmos with Neil deGrasse Tyson (2014). That was utterly fascinating, and I loved how he often spent the first half on a scientist and the last on the science. This is one of the reasons I am drop dead bored with so much of what passes for Christianity. The teachings of Jesus like on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 25, etc., have staying power and are more than worth consideration and admiration, in my opinion. So much of their teaching, sadly not.
unfortunately the same jesus says to bring those who don’t want him as their king before him and slaughter them.
That is a parable. Yes, difficult words in it. But in the end, I think there’s a good argument right from Scripture itself that God saves all. Judgment is real, and it’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God as Hebrews quotes from the Old Testament. And there is an aspect of retributive judgment, but when it’s all said and done, I believe judgment is restorative. If all were condemned in Adam, how much more will all be saved through Christ, God’s grace in him (Romans 5)?
It is a parable. That would mean that jesus may have meant somethign different than what it literally says. What would that be?
scripture also says that this god has already chosen who it will allow to accept it and damns the rest for no reason, Matthew 13 and Roman 9.
Happily the sadistic fantasies in the bible will never come true.
One more thing: I thought I was responding to something on my own blog. I write differently on my blog than elsewhere. So Bruce, you’re more than free not to include that reply I just made.
how and why would you write differently?
Well, I am myself, but I consider everyone in the conversation. I don’t take back anything I said here, not at all. It actually is just information, my own faith statement. My blog is called Jesus community so that what I write is within that understanding or sphere. If I’m writing to another blog, I write according to the sphere of that blog. I want to be myself, but with respect to the people I’m talking to, or the sphere I’m entering.
that’s what I was wondering, if you’d like to see your posts vanish since they weren’t quite the appearance yuo want to have.
I can’t take myself super seriously at all. I just do the best I can on the fly. So yes, you likely have a point in what you’re saying. I greatly respect Bruce and what he is doing on his blog, even while none of us agree entirely with each other. So, I just want to comment here accordingly. Thanks for your pushback. I do think you have a good point.
“If you cannot accept that, then you are left with false teaching.”
gee, typical whiny childish cultist.
I remember John R. Rice preaching that the Bible was the only authoritative book on Science. After all, science books change over the years, but the Bible never changes, because it was perfect the first time around. And yet the Bible says things that are clearly unscientific, such as the claim that the Earth is only a few thousand years old or the claim that the Earth had flooded. (https://mindsetfree.blog/flood-geology-and-scientific-creationism/)
If you enjoy reading the many ridiculous things that fundamentalists say, see Fundys say the darndest things (https://fstdt.com/). There, for instance you will learn that, ‘And on June 19th 1946, God looked down on this planned Paradise and said “I need a caretaker,” so God gave us Trump.’
Derrick Thiessen’s response, showing he doesn’t appreciate my wry humor 🤣🤣
As usual, the owner of the BG website made a response because we said something he did not like and disagreed with his opinion. The response article is called- Christians Say the Darnedest Things: The Bible is God’s Science Textbook.
We did not say that and the title was followed by a photo of a children’s library full of children’s books on the Bible. We actually had a very extensive library when we lived in Korea and we have been trying to rebuild it here in this country but print books are hard to come by here.
But also, as usual, the haters have to lie about us to make themselves feel good and superior. The interesting thing in that post on the BG website was the absence of any credible remarks that refuted one thing we said. He couldn’t do it because unbelievers cannot battle against or win against the truth
Why would BG respond anyway since we were pointing out a person claiming to be Christian and his erroneous views? There is no mystery about our origins. There is no mystery about how creation took place. Only those who listen to secular lies think there is a mystery and those people are on both sides of the discussion.
The choice is yours to believe God or not.
I’d say leave a comment on his site, but Thiessen doesn’t allow comments. 🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔💩💩💩💩💩
Tee daren’t allow comments. He’d be metaphorically crucified!
The fact that Thiessen doesn’t allow comments on his site says it all. He wants to be alone with the voices in his head.
I was so very tempted to make some comments of my own, but I don’t want to fall down the rabbit hole!
There’s no need to post a lot of rebuttals to Dr Tee’s (who is neither a doctor nor a tee) statement that the Genesis creation stories (there are 2, actually, and they aren’t the same as each other, but facts don’t matter when faith is involved) because we have a whole body of science with evidence clearly refuting a 6000 year old universe created by a deity in 6 days.
My reaction to his post was “sweet Lord, this is not someone with whom you coukd have an intelligent conversation about the origins of the universe as he believes a fairy tale and won’t budge.”