One cannot trust scientists in any aspect of life. Their conclusions are influenced by their lack of Christian beliefs and adoption of the concept humans are animals, thanks to the evolutionary theory.
Humans are not expendable except in the eyes of scientists and some other people groups bent on wresting power and control from legitimate government processes. it is better to trust God and his word as he is the legitimate authority and he has set forth ethical and moral guidelines he will enforce.
His ethics and morals do not change from year to year or when technology is updated. His rules govern every aspect of life equally and the invention and application of technology is submissive to those regulations. They do not change, ever.
This is why we can say what is right or wrong. We have a set of objective moral and ethical guidelines that are not influenced by money, power, or romance. It is also why we can say you cannot trust scientists. They run by their own flexible rules that only benefit them and their work.
It is the scientist who is wrong, not God or the Bible.
— Dr. David Tee, TheologyArcheology: A Site For The Glory of Scientific Ignorance, Why People Do Not Trust Scientists, September 18, 2024
As always, he attacks what he does not understand, and decries that which benefits him. Without the pursuit of science, he would have likely died of dysentery, or some other unpleasant disease (indeed, we would all have died young). Without the pursuit of science, he would never have left North America for the other side of the world, as it would have virtually impossible. Without the pursuit of science, he would not have a website via which to moan about science.
“Dr” T must have really struggled in high school when it came to writing papers because the concept of supporting one’s statements with evidence from credible sources has gone completely over his tiny head.
Mr Tee should never get on an airplane, or drive a car, or use a computer, or seek medical attention, or go across a bridge, or use an elevator, or…….the list goes on. Don’t trust science? Go live in a cave, forage for food yourself, use animal hides from creatures you kill to make your own clothes.
Seriously, some stubborn Christians take for granted how many things in their lives are the result of evil science. How ridiculous.
“Their conclusions are influenced by their lack of Christian beliefs”. Wow that’s upside down reasoning. No, scientists as such are not wrong but are not by default right either. They are subject to every bias and corrupting force as the rest of us. There is no academic degree or license for being a scientist. It’s like Bruce said of ministers, you are one if you say so. History has many examples of science and scientists corrupted by personal interests and fabulously profiatble products like DDT, Vioxx, and thalidomide. That being so, blind acceptance of “science” is not rational and skepticism does not make one anti-science. Doc Tee raises a valid issue but he reaches a faulty logicallly tortured conclusion due to his bias. (Sorry Doc, you are bad at science)
What absolute nonsense it is to claim that morality and ethics can in any way be subjective. The term ‘objective’ is itself often difficult to define. It is objectively true that 2+2=4, because there is no way it can ever be otherwise, but how on earth can we say that regarding any issues which we traditionally treat as moral? It may appear to us that a simple statement that you must not kill is objectively true, but the least examination shows that this is not the case. Someone I see in the street has a phone I would like, so I kill him. Is it ‘objectively’ wrong for me to kill him? It’s not from my point of view, because I want his phone and I’m still alive. Of course we’ve matured as a society to realise that my actions are immoral, but only because of the moral and ethical codes we have developed, and not because of some imaginary rules laid down by an even more imaginary deity (and even then this would not render those morals objective). Taking it further, we may deplore the actions of someone killing in order to steal a phone, but we do condone killing in several circumstances, for example lawful executions, self defence, or in times of war. It appears obvious to distinguish these from the phone theft example, but we have still needed to reason our way out of a what appears to be a moral imperative not to kill.
Evolution is a fact! Science is not wrong!
🎶 first it was a glob of goo swimming in the sea then it was a monkey swinging from a tree and now it’s scientist with a PhD. 🎶
Another one.
ATHEISTIC SCIENTIST PROFESSOR:who here believes in God??
(No one stands up)
If God is real he could stop this chalk from breaking when it hits the floor.
(Drops chalk)
Chalk breaks!
PROFESSOR: see there is no God! It’s bull snot!
Next semester
PROFESSOR: who here believes in God??
(Christian young man stands up!)
CHRISTIAN STUDENT: he is real and he changes lives!
PROFESSOR: OH BULL POO! if God is real he could keep this chalk from breaking as I drop it.
Professor drops chalk but fumbled it it rolls down his shirt sleeve down his pant leg and rolls of his shoe unbroken!
Professor leaves room in embarrassment
Young man gets up and walks to front of room and shares the gospel with over 300 students.
And my all time favorite.
If God is real let him come knock me across the room!
(Nothing happens)
Young man who has served in marines gets up and walks over and with all his might knocks the soup out of the professor sending him across the room and unconscious for 3 to 5 minutes! When he comes to he is confused.
God was busy defending my buddies and didn’t have to for stupid 💩 like that so he sent me.
Here’s another good one. Christian catches Covid and gets taken to hospital. He refuses treatment from atheist doctors….and dies. Goes to hell because God says ‘sorry but by refusing treatment you committed suicide’.
God provided an ethical and moral framework??? Has he actually read the Bible????
Here’s another good one
More and more Pastor perverts are being exposed for sexual abuse of minors and young adults, some cases decades old. Maybe this is endemic, especially in evangelical churches that espouse “purity culture”. Maybe there needs to be action similar to that taken against the Catholic Church. Maybe this issue needs to be investigated in an objective manner to prevent future abuse (I.e. clinical and criminal investigations which rely on “worldly” standards of evidence, etc.). Maybe “God” is being used as a stalking horse for perverts to gain positions of power.
Have I ever told you what happens to people during their first few hours in prison? Let me give explicit detail including who is doing what to whom.
Praise Jesus!
What the hell is a matter with you, and what does that have anything to do with sexual abuse in churches?
Praying for you, that you will be saved, since you never were. Don’t criticize me, because Jesus!
Science allowed “Tee” to desert his family and flee to the other side of the world. Though not a good argument against science, it’s better than any “Tee” offers.
RF, since you bother to comment -again- today, remember that there are scientists who are Christians. They aren’t threatened by science or new discoveries. That Marine anecdote is kind of lame. If you are a Christian, you can’t go around clobbering people.
“ This is why we can say what is right or wrong. We have a set of objective moral and ethical guidelines that are not influenced by money, power, or romance”
Bwahahahahahaha.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“There is no right or wrong but thinking makes it so” Don’t recall who said that but obvious truth. Also true is that there’s no right or left but thinking makes it so. Now I’ve confused myself.