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An Example of How Young Earth Creationism Hinders Rational, Skeptical Scientific Inquiry

dr david tee's library
Dr. David Tee’s Massive Library

Dr. David Tee, whose real name is Derrick Thomas Thiessen recently wrote several posts decrying teaching evolution — If You Don’t Teach Creation, If You Don’t Teach Creation 2, and Reading Science Books.

Thiessen is not a scientist, and, as far as I know, has no science training apart from what he was taught in Bible college. He is no more qualified to opine on evolution than I am physics. That’s not to say that Thiessen doesn’t know anything about science. He knows enough to make it seem to uneducated Evangelicals that he is some sort of authority figure. This is common in Evangelical churches where preachers are viewed as authority figures in areas in which they have no relevant expertise.

What follows are excerpts from Thiessen’s latest posts. Laugh, ridicule, or weep, but never forget that scores of people agree with Thiessen, even if they might disagree with his ham-fisted approach.

— Begin excerpts

From If You Don’t Teach Creation 2

There is only one single view that all Christians must accept and hold to. That view is the creation act revealed in Genesis 1. Every other viewpoint that alters or disagrees with this one biblical revelation is false teaching.


Evolutionary scientists make a lot of assumptions. The reason for this is . . . they cannot replicate claims made about ‘historical evolution’. It is an impossibility as they have no way of developing partial samples to experiment with.

This failure is another piece of evidence showing that evolution is not true. We do not have to worry about scientifically replicating any results of god’s creative act as it is done on an hourly basis every day.


No, other approaches do make scientific sense if science would be more open-minded about our origins. Science cannot study the one-time act nor replicate it. But it can prove that all life goes as stated in Genesis 1. That means God’s creative act makes scientific sense.


The truth never changes which is why Christian colleges, etc., need to stand with God and the Bible. Neither has changed over the thousands of years this world has existed. Evolution is whatever the evolutionist wants it to be no matter who it hurts.


There is no scientific evidence for any alternative to Genesis 1. All scientific evidence for those alternatives is manipulated to show support and read into any experiment they make. Plus, science has not discovered or tested one mechanism they say is involved in evolutionary human development.


To many unbelievers and unbelieving scientists, scientific media outlets and organizations evolution is dogma and settled science, not a theory. Evolution should never be taught in any school except to show why it is wrong and never existed. It is a theory that should never be considered for anything else.


It [the Bible] also tells us how God created. There is no room for any other theory to explain our origins. We know everything about our origins as the Bible reveals this creative act correctly. The opinion of Mr. Wright is one that is used to justify denying what God wrote about himself and says that God is incapable of writing about himself and his actions.


Any form of evolution is not true, it is not honorable, especially towards God, and it is not right or pure. Plus, evolution is not lovely or commendable as it caused great harm to millions throughout history and today, and it is not in any way shape, or form excellent or worthy of praise.

Evolution is nothing but a deceptive lie that has no place in any part of Christianity or its academic institutions. One cannot take science over God as the former is not the ultimate authority over anything.

Science, like many tools, is used to destroy people and Christians need to be aware of it before jumping on board scientific research. Christians can not teach other Christians to accept science over God’s word. If they do, they are leading those students to sin against God. That is very wrong.

From If You Don’t Teach Creation

If you don’t teach creation [ism] as true, then why teach the Bible at all? Or another good question why claim you are a Christian if you think the Bible is in error?


Good exegesis does require that everyone accept God’s word and does not hint at him being a liar. There is no evidence in scripture or nature that a process was involved in the origin of everything.


The very first biblical verse [Genesis 1:1] does not imply a process. Neither do the words ‘Let there be’ Every step of the creative act supports a supernatural creative act leaving no room for processes.


First, there is no evidence supporting evolution. To get evidence, scientists would have to produce the original conditions and let life take its course. With no intelligent being involved in the origination or development of life, scientists cannot be a part of any evolutionary experiment.

Then their ‘experimental’ set-up would have to produce the same results as scientists claim took place in their version of human history. If millions of years are needed for this production of verifiable evidence, then evolution is not true. One does not have evidence to support their extraordinary claims.


While the information about the fossilization of life forms is true, evolutionists will ignore this fact and claim the fossil record supports evolution. Unfortunately, for the evolutionist, everything about evolution is read into fossils not taken out of it.

Fossils do not support an evolutionary process. They are pawns in a high-stakes game that evil uses to deceive people.


If Christian colleges are not pursuing truth but academic freedom, then the truth is lost and Christians are not getting the right spiritual food to grow strong and maintain their faith. You get what we have today, false teachers teaching false doctrine to vulnerable people. That is not a recipe for success.

From Reading Science Books

After browsing the science books placed on the tables [at a book fair], we came to the conclusion that we do not need to read unbelieving science books anymore.

There are good reasons for following that realization. First, all the authors are telling the same story. They all do not depart from the main evolutionary claims or themes. Thus, they are boring to read. We figure they are writing these works to avoid the perish part of the academic publish-or-perish mentality.

Second, they offer no new evidence especially any that would be considered groundbreaking or history-changing. No new ‘physical evidence’ has been discovered or reported from the evolutionary side of the creation debate.

Anything they would present would be preceded or followed by the words ‘We Think’, ‘We Believe’. ‘it is possible’, ‘we do not know’, and similar phrases all evolutionary scientists cover their theories with. The last one is the most telling as it openly tells everyone they cannot find an alternative to God’s creative act.

Their evolutionary theories, etc., are merely wishful thinking and a waste of everyone’s time. Third, those first two points add up to the fact that it would be a giant waste of time reading those books. 

They are nothing but false teaching and no Christian should be reading them unless they are looking for data and points to refute as well as show students why evolution and the Big Bang are wrong. These books provide no other type of valuable information.

Save your money or use it to buy solid, good Christian books written by true Christian scientists who believe in a 6 24-hour day creation. Remember, unbelievers do not have the truth and that includes all research fields under the science umbrella.

Every alternative to God’s creative act found in the Bible is false and untrue. Find Christian works that support Genesis 1 and 2 and learn the truth about our origins. Learn to strengthen your faith, not undermine it by accepting and adopting false information written by deceived people who are far from the truth.

Only God was there when creation took place and scientists cannot see back in time. It is laughable to think that evidence would survive billions and millions of years untouched by anything else.

— End excerpts

Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.

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  1. Avatar

    This one’s gotta be my favorite: “ Fossils do not support an evolutionary process. They are pawns in a high-stakes game that evil uses to deceive people.” 🤣🤣🤣

  2. Avatar
    Bruce Gerencser

    Thiessen quickly responded:

    “We do not have to go to BG’s website to check on what he is saying. We get notifications of his writing when he mentions us. But he did not let too much time pass as he wrote again. This tells us that he misses our content and attention.

    MM wrote specific topics hoping we would respond but we may speak generally about his content as it is nothing but personal opinion which he thinks trumps everyone else’s personal opinion. But that is the way it is with liberals, leftists, and democrats. They only think their opinion matters.

    They are wrong of course but first, to address BG’s title. He wrote An Example of How Young Earth Creationism Hinders Rational, Skeptical Scientific Inquiry and directly quoted three of our articles. First, we are glad that he does as that provides us with a wider audience and hopefully, more people will come and read our website.

    Second, we are glad our content would hinder ‘rational, skeptical scientific inquiry’. That rational inquiry is wrong and false teaching. There is nothing in all of history that indicates or implies that our origins were natural or scientific in nature.”

    I hate to break it to Thiessen, but me quoting him on this site will not drive traffic to his site. Readers trust that I’m accurately quoting him, so they rarely click on links to his blog. Some do, and even try to comment, but more often than not Thiessen deletes their comments.

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    Ben Berwick

    What’s particularly noteworthy is that he feels stung enough by my opinions to issue a meaningless riposte, in his usually cowardly manner. He’s the one who would sorely love to force his will upon others, not me, and not you.

  4. Avatar

    It’s telling that Tee never, ever, enters into any sort of discussion. He’s terrified he’d be humiliated by even the simplest of questions, from the simplest of minds (an 8 year old for example!). Tee couldn’t even support his own view if challenged, because the writers of Genesis did not, themselves, think they were actually giving a literal creation of the world (and universe). Rather, the writer(s) was as perplexed as everyone else by thoughts of the world and the possibility that there might just be one god, as opposed to many, and put down their meandering thoughts in the philosophical manner of the time. They did not, for one moment, realise that their imagined stories might still be taken seriously thousands of years later, and would laugh at the likes of Tee for their naivety.

    Were the writers of Genesis alive today they be at the forefront of evolutionary science.

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    Ben Berwick

    The other interesting thing is that Thiessen thinks I wrote in the hopes he would reply. That is exceptionally arrogant on his part, but then again, he has a massive ego, never thinks he is wrong, and is blinded by contempt for any viewpoint not his own, so it’s no wonder he thinks everything is about him.

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    Matthew Arntzen

    The famous saying “Lies, damned lies and statistics” needs to be updated to “Lies, damned lies and apologists”. Glad I got out of this blood cult.

  7. Avatar

    Mr Tee: “I believe in fairy tales. They’re true because my fairy tale book says they are true. If you don’t believe the fairy tales I believe, you are wrong and the fairy tale deity will punish you. The end.”

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    Barbara Jackson

    I studied physics in college but I was not good enough to get into graduate school so I finally got a degree in computer systems. I am now watching lectures about quantum mechanics from MIT on the web. I am 64 years old. I want to keep learning. BB is correct. Learning science can be difficult but science explains the physical universe.

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