According to Discover magazine, “Charles Darwin, the naturalist best known for his theories of natural selection, described evolution “as ‘descent with modification.’” That means humans descended from common (and now extinct) ape ancestors that lived millions of years ago, a process also referred to as “common descent.” While we share our ancestry with these animals, along the way, over millions of years, we all changed. “[We] each adapted to our own environments or specific circumstances or niches,” says Cofran. It’s believed that this human divergence from the chimpanzee lineage of apes happened between 9.3 and 6.5 million years ago.”
There are so many errors and lies in that paragraph! [So says a man with a Bible College education] If the Bible is a correct record of history – and it most certainly IS – then there is no such thing as millions of years. There is no such thing as ‘descent with modification’ because God made each species unique, and reproduction was always “after his kind.”
Now, we have an omniscient God. Darwin’s beliefs didn’t surprise God. So, why would God go ahead and create an animal with such similarities to man, knowing that man was going to create such a blasphemous, heretical doctrine that would lead millions astray through the years?
Man was presented with a choice: Worship and serve God or worship and serve His creation. Believe what the Bible says or believe the foolish inventions and imaginations of man. We learn a lot about those who will follow the pseudo-science. God says that they are fools with their foolish hearts darkened. They are not wise. They are fools. And God gave them up because of this.
— John MacFarlane, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Bryan, Ohio, Let’s Go Ape, December 14, 2024
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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There’s a recent post over at John Loftus’ Debunking Christianity on why stupidity is more dangerous than malicious intent. If there is a deliberate and knowing attempt to thwart, in this case science, then reason forces your opponent to have to continuously change their stance. Malicious intent recognises legitimate argument and has to learn to try and counter it, albeit often appealing to stupidity. Outright stupidity, as is the case with MacFarlane, is impossible to counter with reason, but does lend itself to ridicule. I have a friend (though not the smartest!) who was absolutely convinced that the moon landings were fake. I tried to reason with him but couldn’t, so I resorted to ridicule. Things like ‘so the Russians could put people into space, and wanted to be first to land a man on the moon, but didn’t spot that the US spaceship didn’t really take off’? Or how do 10000 people keep a secret when two people sharing a secret is considered risky? It worked, and he’s actually changed his mind, but now doesn’t acknowledge that he previously believed what he said!
Evolution denialism is just as easy to ridicule. Why did god put viruses on Noah’s Ark, and how were they collected when nobody could see them or even knew they existed? Why did god create the fossil record? Why was god so obsessed with getting people drunk, as with Lot and with Noah?
I always counter (which doesn’t move the dial) with: No, man/humanity didn’t have a choice.
And GeoffT I was thinking about a family member who has narcissistic personality disorder. They don’t believe in the moon landing. They know everything. Yet, if they suddenly changed their mind, they would also deny ever believing it in the first place. It’s a personality trait. You can point out that they changed but they really don’t believe they have. You could have a taped recording or have it on paper, it doesn’t change a thing. 🙂 It’s maddening actually.
Geofft & Zoe: both very insightful observations. It’s counterintuitive and confounding how some freely ignore reality, logic, and reason. That these people elected a leader proves they not only exist but proves their numerosity.
Pastor MacFarlane is one of them. He manages to contradict himself in one sentence: “… Believe what the Bible says or believe the foolish inventions and imaginations of man.”
What? (shaking my head) Rev, that’s not a choice. I wonder how many sitting in the pews asked that question?
But, but, but, God says nothing can pluck people out of his hand. Which is it?
(Pastor says, “Keep moving, nothing to see here.”)
Exactly. As you know, you can use the Bible to justify and prove almost anything.
I don’t believe God controls the weather. The CIA does. 😉