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Billionaire JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon Tells Working Class People to “Get Over It”

get over it

Jamie Dimon, the billionaire CEO of JP Morgan, thinks that Trump’s tariffs will be good for our national security. If the tariffs are inflationary — and they will be — Dimon says, “So be it.” To the working class and poor people who will be hurt the worst by tariff-driven inflation, Dimon smugly replied, “Get over it.” Nothing like a filthy rich man telling poor people to shut the hell up and get on with their lives. Easy to say when you have billions of dollars at your disposal. Things look much different when you don’t have enough money to live from week to week.

Dimon, with a net worth of at least $2.7 billion, told CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin during an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos:

If it’s a little inflationary, but it’s good for national security, so be it. I mean, get over it. National security trumps a little bit more inflation.

As someone who has spent his entire life bouncing between, abject poverty, poverty, and working-class poor classifications, it angers me when people of vast wealth tell me how my life will be affected by government policies that reduce the amount of money my family and I have to live on. “A little inflation” for the Jamie Dimons of the world is no big deal, but to people living from paycheck to paycheck, inflation-driven price increases on everything from the cost of housing, utilities, food, gasoline, medical care, and taxes can and does cause harm. Such people turn to government programs for help to keep their heads above water, but what do Trump and his administration want to do? Cut the social safety net that provides food, utilities, housing, and medical care for poor people. Why? To pay for trillion-dollar tax cuts for the rich — especially billionaires.

President Trump has opened wide the henhouse door to the foxes, and slaughter is sure to follow. Oligarchs — very rich business leaders with a great deal of political influence — now sit at the helm of the U.S. government and will do everything in their power to maximize profits and enrich their wealth, even if it means stomping poor, working-class people underfoot. And sadly, the people who will most be hurt by tariffs and anti-immigrant policies, voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump. They literally voted against their own self-interest. We can only hope that when these MAGA voters feel financial pain as a result of their ignorant support of Trump, they will repent and vow to undo — if possible — the harm currently being done to our republic. Ha! Who am I kidding? It is just as likely we have crossed a line of no return, and, if unchecked, Trump and his fellow libertarians will destroy our once great nation.

And to Jamie Dimon, I say, “Go fuck yourself.”

Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.

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  1. Avatar

    We have now entered the FO (find out) phase of FAFO (fuck around find out). People whose prescription prices are going to increase due to rescinding the prescription price cap EO from Biden; people who were scheduled to start federal government jobs but have just been told those jobs are rescinded due to hiring freeze. People who thought their grocery prices would be reduced day 1. It does amaze me how many people voted for Trump who told me to my face “he won’t do that” when I brought things up that would affect them personally.

  2. Avatar

    What? Prices did NOT come down on day one as Trump promised? Does this mean Trump just talks out of his rectum? If we can’t trust a billionaire ( he says he is one) then who can we trust? The thing about cutting billionaire’s taxes is they use the money to get more power which they use to get more money ad infinitum. Accumulated wealth snowballs and taxes are the best and only check and balance to keep wealth from piling up in the treasure caves of a few. Taxes are needed to fund Goverment and civil society. Taxes ideally function to equitably distribute the cost of running a country and optimize the well being of society writ large.

    A primal drive is to accumulate as much as possible for survival. Primitive man was limited in the amount of meat and fire wood he could accumulate in his cave. Only so much could be saved. The billions in Jamie Dimon’s treasure cave so far exceed what he needs for survival that it means nothing more to him than his glorification. Modern society facilitates greed and hoarding of un-nanatural and un-needed wealth without limit other than taxation. When survival is no issue, wealth is only a way of keeping score. That’s the definition of avarice. Primal instincts are not necessarily good or bad but modern civilized society needs to control these urges. Cannibalism fell out of fashion for a reason. Society needs to control insidious forms of avarice and taxation is a way.

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      Yulya Sevelova

      Those bigwigs in Washington all need to take a pay cut! As for Jaime Demon, he’s more likely to have a ” Luigi experience” than he could ever imagine.

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