According to the CHARISMA website, Jeremiah Johnson is a prophetic minister. In other words, God talks directly to Johnson. Johnson, an elder at Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida, recently heard from God about Donald Trump: (link no longer active)
Trump shall become My trumpet to the American people, for he possesses qualities that are even hard to find in My people these days. Trump does not fear man nor will he allow deception and lies to go unnoticed. I am going to use him to expose darkness and perversion in America like never before, but you must understand that he is like a bull in a china closet. Many will want to throw him away because he will disturb their sense of peace and tranquility, but you must listen through the bantering to discover the truth that I will speak through him. I will use the wealth that I have given him to expose and launch investigations searching for the truth. Just as I raised up Cyrus to fulfill My purposes and plans, so have I raised up Trump to fulfill my purposes and plans prior to the 2016 election. You must listen to the trumpet very closely for he will sound the alarm and many will be blessed because of his compassion and mercy. Though many see the outward pride and arrogance, I have given him the tender heart of a father that wants to lend a helping hand to the poor and the needy, to the foreigner and the stranger.”
Well, one thing is for sure…Donald Trump is a blowhard, the next Herb Alpert of God’s brass band of fools.
I so want to hear Trump’s ex-wives give their opinion on Trump and how he views “lies and deception” and Trumps “compassion and mercy”. And I can hear myself saying, “Preach it, Sister” as they do.
I refused to support Trump until God corrected me and told me that it wasn’t about me but about the man God placed His grace and anointing from for this time in our nation. God shut me up when He told me that Peter the disciple had a loud mouth as well and David who was anointed by God and the ONLY man referred to in the Bible as “a man after God’s own heart” yet he committed adultery and killed the husband of the woman who he committed adultery with. God also showed me tgat Trump was the one anointed for the office of presidency. I had to repent for pointing the finger and thinking God was not capable of using a man who had an ungodly past like most of us do.
If god appointed Trump then god’s a damn fool.
Matthew 5:22
Dawkins : The God Delusion chapter 7 verse 14
You are on seriously dangerous ground and need to repent to God.
My friend, God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. He will not share His glory with any man, not even Trump…
If I read that quickly, very quickly indeed, it appears to make sense. Stop and think about it and it starts turning into ‘word salad’.
What you say now Geoff????
I notice you didn’t capitalize GOD — meaning you must be referring to another god of your choice.
Yes Geoff, you speak about yourself in your own words conmdemming yourself as a fool.
But at least he can spell.
if it is true or not , a statement like that is almost boarding on blasphemy. God in his plan has guided societies and circumstances that have resulted in wicked leaders leading countries, it is all an over all plan , one we certainly have no insight in to
So Hitler, and his ordering 6 million Jews to the gas chamber during WWII, was god’a alleged plan, was it. How barbaric!
Yup, little “god” (satan) sure is a fool and a LOSER! Light overcomes darkness, Jesus overcame death and the devil. And God’s man Trump is still overcoming all the corruption in our government and restoring our rights. Looks like Jeremiah Johnson’s prophetic word was accurate! Stay tuned! Much more to come! “Victory after victory after victory”!
if this prophecy does not come to pass are you willing to label Jeremiah Johnson a false prophet?
It has already come true!
He did not say that Trump would win, but that he would expose the corruptness of our political system, and he is doing that.
No, Mr. Trump is making up lies and idiotic conspiracy-theories worthy of a tinfoil hat, and you apparently are foolish enough to believe him.
Trump has shown just how filthy the swamp can be. He has dumped his blackness all through the capitol, destroying everything and everyone in his way. He is truly the most corrupt and inept President ever.
It already didn’t come true the minute he spoke it, when he claimed. “Trump does not fear man nor will he allow deception and lies to go unnoticed. I am going to use him to expose darkness and perversion in America like never before”. Trump is the great deceiver and has lied to the country over 16,000 times, there is no light or goodness in him and he is one perverted President if I ever saw one. 1 John 1: 5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. One can not be a servant of light, when their soul is black and unrepentant.
I wish stupidity would burn people’s asshole, so they’d know they were being stupid. Yeesh.
Actually, J.D., I have experienced this in my life and can attest to its educational value. I believe it was in college and had to do with tequila, very spicy Mexican food and excessive partying. Oh dear, thanks for the memories…
David and Peter repented, Trump does not recognize the need for forgiveness, because he believes he is chosen. There is no good in him. He is the man of lawlessness and all Christians who follow and are deceived will parish in Hell, unless they repent. God is giving you another chance in November to follow Jesus and turn your back on Devil Trump.
How did God show you that Trump was the one anointed for the office of presidency? You do know that there are people in psychiatric hospitals who claim to have special revelations from God. Perhaps you should visit a trained psychiatrist to have your mental well being assessed.
Trump’s ex wife Ivana (sp) did respond. She said he is a great leader and will make a great president.
She knows where her money comes from.
I have heard his ex- wife, and she think he will make a wonderful president. In fact they said she is helping him with his campaign.
I learned today that trump in slang means fart. 😀
“Trump shall become My trumpet to the American people, for he possesses qualities that are even hard to find in My people these days. ”
I find Pastor Johnson to be accurate on his description of Donald Trump. I also found reading Johnsons praise of ‘trump’ too funny.
Who knew trump and fart were interchangeable. LOL
And indeed, there are not many people like Donald Trump. This is a very good thing in my opinion as he is careless with truth and contains not a single drop of empathy or compassion for anyone else but himself.
Classy hairstyle though!
I visited JJ’s site and it makes me want to kill abusive fucks who harm children like this…. According to JJ, your first job with kids and is to reign over them with an iron hand, like Gawd-shit reigns over JJ. (at least as he sees it). You must ruin them to create good servants. Fucking assholes like this really sicken me.
My older brother, long into woo-woo, used to tell his kids to do something and then count to three before he went at them with a tool, a paint-stir stick or something ‘humane’ like that…. Thank-you JESUS! I have always told my bro he was wrong and is a sicko for hitting children but he claims GAWWWWD!
Fuck, this makes me rage. What a complete and utter asshole.
I will not even speak to his prophecy regarding hair-man for president. It’s a match, as I see it.
I so agree. I followed the link to his web site and found this gem: Dr. James Dobson speaks great wisdom when He says, “I firmly believe in acquainting children with God’s judgement and wrath while they are young. Nowhere in the Bible are we instructed to skip over the unpleasant verses in the Scriptures. The wages of sin is death, and children have a right to understand that truth from an early age.” Great, let’s just traumatize our kids. This is terrible advice for parents, but I heard s&*t like that all the time when I was a young mom in the church. I think this guy thinks of himself as God to his kids…what a creep.
I notice he carefully doesn’t say whether Truml will win the election or not. Very convenient that “God” sends him a vague message that cannot be proven true or false!
I love reading these clowns who say that “God told…” them this or that. For all their bible-thumping, they forget that whole thing about what to do with a false prophet.
Hey Bruce,
It looks like like this “prophet” has been “boozing” on the spirits all night. (smiley face). Where do get all these delusional people from?
John Arthur
It is not the first time God used a donkey for good.
I’d say it’s more of an ASS using God.
It is now February, 2016. Trump came in second in Iowa, won in NH, and the SC primary is tomorrow. One thing is for certain; Trump is not going quietly into the night!
If JJ is correct then those that trashed his words are fools, for not listening to Gods voice.
If JJ is not correct, i.e. Trump does not become president then JJ is a false prophet.
It is that simple.
This is only true if you are a believer. I am not, so all we really have here is one fool hearing voices in his head telling him that another fool will be president. It is great theater.
And the voices in his head came from the Almighty God Creator you blaspheme to your own regret without help.
And your evidence for the voices being your version of the Christian God is what?
Maybe Johnson has multiple personalities disorder.
Hi Gert,
If one is hearing voices in one’s head, then perhaps it is time for that person to visit a psychiatrist urgently.
By the way, how is it possible to blaspheme a non existent being?
all these christians with varying opinion on Trump.
it would have been better if every speaks the same about Trump
Trump admitted he’s never asked for forgiveness. No one can be a Christian without forgiveness. You can be a false Christian in name only, but not a Christian in the true sense. Trump and this Jeremiah lose all credibility right here.
I’m with you, Mary Taylor! Imagine if Trump was a real copyright Christian. He could make abortion illegal and take away women’s rights altogether, try to impose Christian government on all of us and claim that his need to wipe out all his enemies is God’s message straight to him. Thank goodness he is hasn’t asked for forgiveness.
Everything this pastor has said is coming to past. He is a man of God, so this is my opinion. Amen Pastor Jeremiah Johnson!
Your opinion is rubbish. That’s a fact.
Robin, I agree, I’ve been watching in the news to see if the prophecies are coming true. So far what he’s said is coming to past. It seems that your comment is the Only Comment that sees that God can do all of these things. They make fun of and blast God and Trump. It’s a shame that all of these commenters are so AN-TI God and so AN-TI Trump. They are Pathetic Heathen who has No Use for God. And Yes, Amen Pastor Jeremiah Johnson, and Donald Trump !!!!
The problem, Ann, is that if there is no god then your comment makes no sense.
I might also say that, as an outsider, I always looked to Christianity as being, albeit untrue, at least a religion of love, tolerance, and peace. How naive I was! Since the dawn of this type of forum on the internet I see that Christianity is the very opposite of what I hold true. Trump stands for all the hateful, intolerant, spiteful, war mongering that represents the very worst society has to offer. That Christians are supporting him in droves gives lie to the claim that theirs is the way.
But he will punish us! We are so bad and have given up our right to be happy and so China and Mexico and unemployment and mass killings! Master Thumper Trump will build our prison wall and punish everyone so they believe again and God is great, I mean America is great and God is good and stuff like that…. Beat me, Donald, hurt us all… we so deserve it!
Thank you, sweet God for bringing the Master to us. We might have ended up with Cruz-along but for your divine intervention with the Master Thumper Trumpet Trumper! What wonders you perform!
Do tell, Ann Hampton. Which specific prophecies are coming true in which specific ways?
Forgive me if I sound dubious, but I’ve been hearing this stuff since at least the eighties — this or that event on the nightly news had to be the fulfillment of prophecy. Then, when it turned out that it wasn’t, it was some other news item that had to be the fulfillment of prophecy. Same prophecy, mind you, now clearly being fulfilled by some new event.
Don’t just make the claim. Show your work. If there’s a compelling reason for us to think that this is something more than wishful thinking on your part, we’ll listen — so you’ve got a great opportunity to save some sinners, here.
Hi Ann,
If you believe that the bible is God’s Word, where in that book does it say that Donald Trump will be President of the USA? I can’t find it anywhere. Neither can you, because it’s not there. You must be gullible if you take Johnson’s word as God’s word. Even if trump becomes president, how does this make Johnson a prophet?
Of course, if the book is not God’s word or if God does not exist, then there cannot be God’s true prophets.
John Arthur
Hi Ann,
If God exists but is not the Christian God, it might be possible that he has spoken in other ways, but how do we know? What evidence do you bring to support the view that God exists? If god speaks through Christian prophets, what evidence do you have that Johnson is such a prophet? If God speaks through the bible, how do you account for the bible’s numerous discrepancies or much immoral behaviour performed and commanded by god?
John Arthur
You must be terribly gullible to believe that there are modern day prophets hearing from God. This pastor makes it all up, then claims god revealed it to him. If he really hears voices, he needs urgent psychiatric help.
This is from Almetter Francis, God,s word is truth, if God say who, will be president no matter how it look,God is not a
If God said it He will bring it to pass.
hoogy molo booba monga doobee do dong dimsung hop be bongo hollow jew bo loo do nip nip… Almetter brings the final word and Amen.
It is madness to suggest that Trump is a bastion of righteousness determined to expose corruption. He may be showing up the failure of certain liberal policies but he is a billionaire whose God is power and wealth. He shows no sign of compassion for the poor or even christians. What would the jesus of the new testament say to him? Give up your wealth and follow me. And Trump would say fuck off. Evangelical televangelists like Trump because their God is wealth and power too. They too would tell the historical jesus to fuck off.
Trump as a wealthy white man isn’t going to make America a fair place to live only a good place for those who can help themselves.
Times like these i strangely find myself agreeing more with idiots like Anderson or Fred Phelps that if there is a God he would hate America.
God has Spoken. …
For confirmation of the above prophetic word please read Isaiah 45..and repent.
Understanding of Isaiah 55:8 & 9 will also be beneficial..
I find that bible verses, any, give me heartburn.
How is Trump a confirmation of any so-called prophetic word? Is this just so because you wish it to be?
Well, Looks like Jeremiah is truly a Prophet who hears God. Praise God!
Hi Regina,
So if someone predicted that Trump would win the election ( a minority to be sure) does that mean that they were prophets of God? If so, then would not any atheist or agnostic who correctly predicted the election result also be a prophet of God? The whole thing is preposterous.
There was always some probability that Trump would be elected (even if that was below 50%) that any prediction that this result would happen does not justify jumping to the conclusion that someone like Johnson (who guesses the result) actually heard from God.
John Arthur
Jeremiah seems to contradict himself….He describes Trump as NOT being one of God’s people, as someone who possess qualities that God’s people do not possess. Then, according to Jeremiah, Trump will be a mouthpiece of God. Where in the bible does the Holy Spirit speak through people of the world? BTW, I am a Christian.
Hi Mary, Consistency is not something you will find in Christianity. There are a million versions and still counting. You get yours from your own needs, perhaps including the need to follow a leader, a pastor, a wise man or whatever. Jeremiah does not need to be consistent any more than the rest of the club.
Belief is about feelings, human needs. How else would such silly talk be taken to heart? Jesus died on the Cross in such a such year for you, Mary, because you are evil-born. What a crock. The man, Jesus, who wandered around said some very interesting things for human beings to ponder. It is too bad we had to raise it all into the realm of woo because some of it may be very useful to us, not via Trump evangelical sycophants though.
It is my conviction the historical Jesus would not attend most American churches because they have nothing to do with what he spoke of…. they are sick little schools for hate, for blind patriotism, flag worship and big big denial about what the USA has been and has become. The Jesus who never fit in anywhwere would be in the streets, I imagine, making poetry.
Here in my neck of the woods, the patriarchal power structure runs a radio station that plays mostly sixties and seventies music, lots of protest and counter-culture stuff from my youth. The guy who owns the station owns half the city. Protest music has been enslaved by the man and is played as if it was fluff and party music. He OWNS it! It astounds me that his windows are not being broken but that is the time we live in. American Christianity did something similar with what might once have been a useful, helpful encouragement among us. Amurka co-opted belief, distorted it to fit a voracious greed, made a flag, began brainwashing their children from day-one about glorious bombs bursting in air. Now the big dumb rooster has taken over the yard and we are getting a brutal cockadoodledoo tutorial.
Please don’t refer to the black book as some kind of Authority worth referencing, Mary scheel. It is not, and certainly not in your America of today.
Mary I do wonder whether what is really happening here is that Donald Trump says things that Jeremiah Johnson agrees with, but Johnson can’t bring himself to call Trump a Christian because of all the behaviours in Donald Trump that seem contrary to Christian values.
Now that it has come true…..
Dear Christians:
What a shame on the NON-BELIEVERS as they will find out to late that their blasphemy is unrepentable and unforgiveable.
Does capitalizing non-believers give you a boner?
Hi Gert,
I don’t know what your actual theological position is, but among Fundamentalists there are those who are cessationists who believe that so-called “supernatural” gifts like prophecy (and the office of prophets) ceased with the completion of the NT. They wouldn’t see Johnson as a prophet. However continuationists would claim that prophets do exist, today.
Pentecostals and charismatics attract crackpots like bees around a honeypot and the gullible among the flock think that God is speaking through such “prophets”.
When you refer to non-believers, are you referring to non-Christians or are you referring also to those Christians who don’t believe that prophets exist today or are you referring to everyone who doesn’t believe that Johnson is a prophet?
John Arthur
Dear John I’m sorry to leave you this letter but I have found a less Atheistic boyfriend who has a more open mind about spirituality and the existence of things outside your mental box…funny how things look so different when I hang out with other people… they may be outside the church box that you so cringe about… but they are inside the Ark of Gods Covenant,,,You might want to have a talk with Noah about your future, if there is any…If you only had understood the real meaning of
Hi Twinkle Star,
“Talk with Noah” ?????? I think Noah is dead, so there is no point trying to talk to him.
Peace and well-being,
John Arthur
Hi Twinkle Star,
You seem to make the assumption that I am an atheist. I am not. I am an agnostic Christian humanist. On rational and empirical grounds, I find little evidence for the existence of God. Claims to an experiential relationship with God are subjective claims, and persons who make such claims do not know (in any objective way) whether their experiential relationship is simply something going on in their mind and heart (without God existing) or whether their experience actually indicates the existence of a God external to themselves.
I am sympathetic to the Quakers and experience the presence of peace, well-being, harmony and wholeness in the silence.
What I am opposed to is Christian Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism which tends to be based on the erroneous view of the bible that it is inerrant in the missing autographs or that it is our infallible rule in all matters of faith and conduct. A holy book that has god commanding the Israelites to commit genocide, including the slaughter of little children and babies cannot be the word of any God of peace, well-being or wholeness.
And your holy book has god, himself, commit genocide at the time of Noah. It is also alleged that his cruelty knows no bounds, throwing people into a Lake of Fire to suffer everlasting punishment.
If I’m going to believe in God, let it be a God of peace, well-being, harmony and wholeness; a God who is compassionate and kind towards his enemies, not the cruel god of Fundamentalism. The Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Plain reflects the character of a God of shalom. And Buddha points out that the “way is not in the sky, but in the heart.” I have met many Buddhists who show a great deal more compassion than some Fundamentalists.
If you are a Christian, I suggest that you read John Howard Yoder’s “Politics of Jesus”, if you haven’t already done so. This presents Jesus as proclaiming the good news of peace and indicates what shalom (the Hebrew word) means.
Peace and well being to you.
John Arthur
Thank you for your kind comments about the Quakers, as that is the religious foundations of my youth. I have often said that my faith started in Quakerism but didn’t stop there. Try as I might, I cannot shake the conviction that there is Something More, a something I call God out of habit and cultural conditioning. As funny as it seems to me, I have also felt that Presence in some of the old cathedrals and churches of France, particularly in the cathedral of Le Puy, famous for its Black Madonna. I have also felt it in the Rocky Mountains, the Alps and my own dirty kitchen. While I reject the “American Jesus”, with its focus on patriotism and materialism, I continue to experience that Presence, often in the most unusual places and frequently when I least expect it. Until and unless that stops, I will still seek that Presence and the peace I find there. Shalom indeed.
I get the moves too, anotherami. I read Annie Dillard’s Pilgrim at Tinker Creek and rejoice with her at the magic moments of fire in the trees, the glory of being gobsmacked and knocked on your fanny by ‘seeing’. I do not feel anymore that this wonder in life, this ‘more than’ has anything necessarily to do with Jesus or God(s) and feel that it has to do with being alive. Sometimes we are awake and life fills us with kitchen or natural beauty or a ‘deepening’. Why that has to have anything at all to do with woo, I cannot fathom. Jesus may very well have walked around feeling such things and saying, follow me. Perthaps he meant do as I do and get gobsmacked and filled. I find that the peace that passeth understanding is a synapse firing/misfiring, is human, ever so human and that the magic is there for all and each of us if we choose, if we can laugh, for instance and let the stumble of everyday be an embrace. You have magic in you, anotherami. You listen to music and can be transformed in it; maybe you are music. I wish you lots of ‘presence’ and much peace. I used to play the flute too as a younger man, by ear. Loved playing along with Janis Ian, Elton John. If there is a patriotism worth living out, it is might be in the Arts, in holding up the flag of music and paint and literature, in waving poetry along parade routes. I think that if the writings of religion have any redeeming value to us, it is in their human-ness and not in their God talk.
Thank-you for writing here, anotherami.
Hi Twinkle Star
If you are sorry to write me this letter, why did you write it? It seems like you were lying. You seem to have used it as a not-so-veiled threat about eternal punishment. Maybe you are a Fundamentalist at heart. Am I correct in my assessment?
John Arthur
Hi Twinkle Star,
In your view, can’t atheists have an open mind about spirituality? You might be interested to know that some who attend Quaker meetings are atheists and they seem to be very open to spirituality. Sam Harris (not a Quaker), an atheist and neuro-scientist, thinks that meditation may be of benefit to persons who practice it, but (of course) he rejects the varied theological views that evolve from such practices.
John Arthur
I’m intrigued that posts about religion and deviant pastors (for example) generate only a few comments from bible bashing, apparent fundamentalists. On the other hand, a post about politics, albeit the election of a truly terrible individual, seems to attract believers by the score (with awful literacy standards, I’m sorry to say).
I’m native American! And a Pentecostal Christain. I disagree 100% about Jeremiah Johnson’s saying Donald Trump is God’s trumpet. Trump despises Native American’s!! How can our Almighty God use such a man? Do all of you White Christains know that? Us Native Americans still exist! We know GOD too! We have no other God’s but HIM! Even our ancestors prophesied that Jesus is coming SOON! I’m sorry, lol but Donald Trump will not be GOD’S trumpet!!
Wesley, please don’t sully this forum with Christian slave talk. Take your slavery to the stained glass box and feeeeeel it all you please but do not imagine it will fly in this blog! But, no matter how much you feel that Jesus is your savior, the SOON you speak of just didn’t occur and might better have been written, Jesus is coming again, LATER!
As for Trump being God’s trumpet, well, he sure is trying to seem a lot like that miserable prick, God, don’t you think? Have you ever seem such a thick bully in office before. the kind of miserable beast who would kill everybody on earth if he felt like it, if they did not profit his business? Trump seems very much like God, actually, quite similar,yes.
Praying the deceived evangelicals of America will see the light and not be blinded by the stardust, unrealistic promises and gold of Trump! The “church should understand the problem with electing an ego-maniac and man of lawlessness. The Bible warns us of a person, like Trump, of becoming the anti-Christ taking over the world and destroying it. His personality, ego, speeches and personality disorders mirror other dictators, like Hitler and Nero. So, even if you don’t think Trump is the anti-Christ, why would ANYONE with ANY brains and knowledge of the Bible vote for Trump, who matches the description of the anti-Christ! Things will turn out bad for America and Christians, if he is not removed! It breaks God’s heart to see His Church supporting the Devil Trump. Matthew 7: 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22: Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ They better watch out if they are true believers. I seriously doubt God approves of anything the Devil Trump does supports, says or does. To God, he is just another sinner in need of forgiveness and salvation and by his own words, Trump tells us he is always right and never needs forgiveness. The only thing Christ requires for salvation.
Trump is for Trump. Literally, like a demon possessed, he changes every day for every crowd. One day he has bright yellow hair, orange face and a hot, bigoted head for the younger, feistier crowd. Then, he is light blonde, skin normal and caring Donald. He is after those evangelical moms, their boring little lives and their lower middle-class, beer chugging, Bible toting Johnboy! Then, there is the Silver fox and pasty skinned Sir Donald. The savior of the super-rich! Then there is the ash brown Trump with a beige face trying to show his true color of BS, to the ignorant.
True believers will reject Trump and be raptured. Trump supporters will find themselves rejected by Jesus at the gates of Heaven and sent to follow and serve the eternal Trump in Hell. Luke 13:28 “In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but yourselves being thrown out. God is talking to the church when he said in Matthew 24:10 At that time many will fall away and will hate and betray each other and many false prophets will lie and mislead.
Don’t lose your salvation over Trump’s lies to end abortion and support religious freedom. He is using these things to deceive Christians and they better wake up and quit taking bites of Trump’s poisonous apple. Shame on you, Pastor Jeremiah Johnson, Pastor Ronnie Yarber, James Dobson and Jerry Falwell Jr. for being false prophets for the Devil Trump! Repent now to save your soul and the souls of those who follow you.
Pat Johnston, you are so so fucked… get thee to a nunnery… Your version of the bonafide faith is a plop of bullshit. Go on a self-directed isolation and just look at the shite you write…