The Black Collar Crime Series relies on public news stories and publicly available information for its content. If any incorrect information is found, please contact Bruce Gerencser. Nothing in this post should be construed as an accusation of guilt. Those accused of crimes are innocent until proven guilty.
Dennis McCarty, pastor of Pyburn Street Church of Christ in Pocahontas, Arkansas, will soon face trial for allegedly keying a college student’s automobile. According to KARK, McCarty verbally objected to the college student parking in a handicapped parking space without a permit and then, following in the steps of Jesus, keyed her car.
Pyburn Street’s website states that the church is “lucky” to have McCarty as their pastor.
McCarty’s trial on criminal mischief, a misdemeanor, begins on July 3, 2018.
Just waiting for his sheeple to say he did it for jesus so that’s OK. He’s a hero, persecuted by the authorities for his faith. They’re probably fundraising already to pay his legal costs..and it goes without saying, hallelujah, he’s been forgiven!
He is innocent.
As Matilda points out, the protocol now is to stand up for the real victim in this matter, the preacher doing his job of punishing. Just as Jesus would have done! Remember how HE turned over the tables of the money-changers? The college student must be punished! Why, if you don’t punish those kids, they wil go hog-wild crazy out of control! Where can I donate! (And I hope that God’s minister has a gun to protect the innocent believers as the world now falls to pieces.)
I received an email from someone purportedly connected to McCarty’s church. In the email, she threatened to sue me for slander. She also demanded I remove the photo of McCarty, claiming copyright. I posted her emails in the comment section. She is now claiming intellectual property rights for her emails — a dubious claim. But, I’m a nice guy, so I have removed her emails and the photo. The story,however, remains. My email responses also remain in this comment.
Churches are littered with people whom I call ‘assholes for Jesus.’ The Black Collar Crimes series enrages such people. Being threatened with legal action and physical harm, along with being called names — all part of the territory. And then they wonder why people don’t want anything to do with Christianity.
Email removed
I responded:
The person from the church responded:
Email removed
I responded:
No the anger is from BEING FALSELY ACCUSED OF CRIMES! Amazing how the LEFT loves to refer to the FIRST AMENDMENT only when they think it benefits them.
And emails ARE intellectual property. I’m a professional writer and I know the law.
Unless you are McCarty, you are not being falsely accused of anything. All you have is your personal opinion about McCarty’s character. You were not at the scene of the alleged crime, so you have no first hand knowledge to offer. I get it. You think your pastor is a fine gent. Evidently, law enforcement and the prosecutor thought differently, and the court will have the final say on the matter. And, your pastor may indeed be a fine person, but good people can do dumb ass stuff, including keying a woman’s car.
Emails, may or may not be intellectual property. Do some reading. That said, I respected your wishes and removed them. As far as me deeming you an asshole, well your behavior speaks for itself. Don’t want to be labeled an asshole, don’t act like one.
I am clueless as to how political viewpoints enter into this discussion. How is political affiliation relevant to this story? I am for the First Amendment, period. That said, the First Amendment does not apply in the comment section on a blog. You do not have a constitutional right to say whatever you want I have to publish it. I am the God of this site, and my decrees are final. If you don’t like this, by all means start your own blog and rage away — in CAPS EVEN!
As I mentioned in my previous response to you, you were provided with a page that lists the commenting policies for this site. Please follow them, or no further comments will be approved. If you want to continue to defend your man, then follow the commenting policies.
Thank you.
Bruce Gerencser
CEO, Owner, Manager, Webmaster for The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser
I might educate the owner of this blog that emails are also the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of the sender and you may not republish without permission of the writer.
You were provided with a page that lists the commenting policies for this site. Please follow them, or no further comments will be approved.
Heh heh, get busy on that lawsuit then. Chop chop, time’s a wastin’!
Emails are not intellectual property, unless they are part of a correspondence which can itself, usually as a matter of context, be deemed to be such. In short, if you send an email, the recipient is free to do pretty well whatever they want with it.
I guess they probably complained to the Friendly Atheist site as it was posted there too. What, are atheists still the bad guys, persecuting Christians who are arrested for criminal activities?
Since there was no criminal activity involved, I guess that would not be the case!
Yep. I saw Hemant posted the story too.
He will have his day in court soon. What Mr. Gerencser and Mr. Mehta are posting is public information. The accused is being afforded the opportunity to face his accusers according to law. News stories,ate public information.