According to the CHARISMA website, Jeremiah Johnson is a prophetic minister. In other words, God talks directly to Johnson. Johnson is an elder at Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida.
I have written a couple of posts about Johnson:
- Holy Spirit Tells Jeremiah Johnson That Donald Trump is the Trumpet of God
- Prophet Jeremiah Johnson: Dr. Tony Fauci is a Rat Who Must be Silenced
These two posts have been read thousands and thousands of times. While I think it is hysterical that Johnson is thought of as a “prophet,” it is evident, based on the traffic numbers for these two posts, that Evangelicals are paying attention to Johnson’s verbal flatulence.
Last Saturday, Johnson weighed in on the death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Here’s the text of “Prophet” Johnson’s “official response to the death of R.B.G.
“Parts of the American Church have become so lukewarm that they would have tried to comfort Jezebel on a sickbed that GOD himself threw her on! (Rev 2:22) They would have highlighted her accomplishments over the years and found the good in her. They would have found ways to celebrate Hitler and King Herod- all in the name of false justice and an unbiblical definition of love.
Folks, I’m going to keep sounding the alarm as long as I have breathe in my lungs… Too many American Christians have created a god made in their own image and not the God of the Bible. And for all those living under delusional “New Covenant” false grace that prevents God’s justice and wrath from being active, please look over these Scriptures.
John 3:36 The wrath of God is currently and continually abiding upon all those who reject Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
Acts 5:1-16 Ananias and Sapphira (believers) are struck down dead for lying to the Holy Spirit.
Acts 12:20-24 King Herod is struck dead by an angel of the Lord for not giving God glory.
Acts 13:8-11 Elymas the magician is struck blind “by the hand of the Lord” for being a fraud and son of the devil.
Romans 1:18-24 The wrath of God is revealed toward humanity by allowing them to reap what they sow. “Therefore God gave them over”.
1 Cor 5:1-13 The immoral brother is judged and handed over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh.
1 Cor 11:27-34 Believers are judged and become sick, some even die, for not judging themselves before partaking of the Lord’s supper.
Hymenaeus and Alexander were delivered to Satan for Blasphemy 1 Timothy 1:20
Jezebel is thrown on a bed or violent sickness and those who commit adultery with her into terrible suffering, unless they repent of her deeds. Furthermore, I [Jesus] will strike her followers with a deadly disease, and then all the churches will know that I am the one who searches minds and hearts. I will repay each one of you what your deeds deserve.” (Rev 2:22 NET)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg ruled repeatedly on the side of infanticide, partial-birth infanticide, homosexual ‘marriage’ (and officiated homosexual ‘weddings’), against religious liberties, and saw to it that the Supreme Court stopped dating their documents ‘In the Year of our Lord.’
Ginsburg has now discovered that there is a court higher than the one called ‘Supreme’ and she does not sit in the seat of the judge, but as the defendant.
She will answer to a holy God who remembers every ounce of bloodshed she is responsible for and every act of abomination she approved of. The justice of God knows no delay, and the law of God knows no limits.”
“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27).”
“…when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy” (Proverbs 11:10)
God will repay her according to the deeds she has done!
— Jeremiah Johnson
I have seen similar sentiments on social media in recent days. Evangelicals love it when well-known unbelievers/atheists die. This gives them an opportunity to pass judgment on their lives and consign them to eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire. While Johnson lets his mythical God and errant, fallible Bible do the talking, make no mistake about it, he thinks Justice Ginsburg is presently being tormented by God in Hell. According to Johnson — err, I mean God — Ginsburg was a vile, evil person who was an enemy of True Christianity®. Instead of seeing her as a defender of the First Amendment, Johnson sees Justice Ginsburg as a threat to attempts to promote Christian nationalism (and she was).
As is always the case with Evangelical zealots, the important issues of our day are banning abortion and make it illegal, and turning back attempts to give LGBTQ people equal rights and protections under the law. I have no doubt that Johnson, a resolute Bible thumper, believes abortion and homosexual are capital crimes worthy of death.
Johnson’s latest screed is yet another example of why Evangelical Christianity is the most hated religion in America, right up there with Islamic suicide bombers.
There are days when I don’t want to publicize stories such as this one, but we must not let zealots such as Johnson hide behind the safety of their church and social media. Vile words such as Johnson’s must be dragged into the light for all to see. By exposing them, we are helping to push back attempts to turn the United States into an Evangelical Christian theocracy.
On a side note, Fundamentalist pastor J.D. Hall claims that Johnson stole his “prophecy” from an imprecatory message posted by him 12 hours earlier. Let the preacher war begin.
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and sixteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Your comments are welcome and appreciated. All first-time comments are moderated. Please read the commenting rules before commenting.
You can email Bruce via the Contact Form.
I’m all out of patience. I couldn’t talk to any of these types of dudes for any reason.
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It is said the lottery is a tax on stupidity. There really should be a tax on this kind of stupidity as well. Why religion gets away with not paying part of the bills is beyond me. The last thing we should be doing is encouraging this drivel by back door subsidization.
I agree. Trump’s supporters say he did away with the “Johnson Amendment.” Not true, but his administration has stopped enforcing it. Obama and Bush did the same. Thus, Evangelical churches and pastors routinely violate the law, knowing that no one will hold them to account. Personally, I support abolishing the Johnson Amendment and allowing churches to endorse candidates, give campaign contributions, and say whatever they want. Freedom, baby, and with that freedom comes an annual tax bill. Time for churches to pay their own freight instead of being subsidized by American taxpayers.
One of my favorite quotes/sayings, “ according to someone else on this planet, you are going to hell.” Im not sure where I heard it but it probably is about the 3rd most assured thing on earth after death and taxes.
Now since he is speculating on where RBG ended up in the afterlife, let me make a prediction about his, he will die and end up in heaven as one of the many brides of Christ as part of his church. He will then find out at this big ole ceremony that Jesus isn’t white, american, rich or covered in orange spray tan. He will suddenly realize he will be joining a big giant polyandrous marriage where everyone shares everything and the presider of ceremonies is none other than RBG.
On that note, rest in peace RBG, you will be far more missed and remembered for much longer than any of these plagiarizing bastards.
I hope you are a “prophet,” Trenton. 🙂
Thank you for exposing yourself, Bruce. Your comment proves the words of God true:
1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
I love you, Bruce, in my spirit. I do not know if you ever studied this when you were a fake christian, but, the word of God says every born again regenerated person has two natures, our old Adamic flesh that is no good as Paul said in Romans, and, our new sinless nature in Christ. Lost people like you have one Adamic flesh nature which has to be confined to Hell forever to stop sin from spreading into the new earth God will create.
However, in my flesh I wrote a song about you. Hope you enjoy:
“Bruce and Ruth,
Two peas in a pod,
Children of Satan,
Dumb as corn cobs.
Both said no to Jesus,
And both said yes to Hell.
And so forever they shall burn there,
So sad, oh well.”
Repent and be saved. I love you Bruce. I want you to be saved and be my brother in Christ. I want you and I to hug Jesus together. I pray I am wrong and you are “merely” a terribly back slidden brother in Christ. If that is the case, I would show you more compassion and tenderness but based on your words you seem to have just been another lost soul who was a fake professor and never possessed Christ.
Tell me, Bruce, when you were an alleged pastor, what was the Gospel of your salvation?
“I would show you more compassion and tenderness but based on your words you seem to have just been another lost soul who was a fake professor and never possessed Christ.“
That’s because you are just another asshole for Jesus.
You violated the commenting rules, so this will be your only comment. I hope you said everything the Holy Ghost wanted you to say.
“ Thank you for exposing yourself, Bruce.”
Gawd, you’re a voyeur like your deity.
“I love you Bruce.”
Sorry dude, I ain’t gay. I know you have a Grindr account, so check there for bears to “love.” I’m not interested, but even if I was, your behavior on this site has shown you to be a pathetic little man, not someone worthy of my attention. Repent, and be a better human being. Thus saith the one true God, Bruce Almighty (check out my movie).
You;r “song,” Adamantmetal, is pure crap. Is that the best the Holy Spook can do with you, O Mortal Who Pretends to Speak for Gods? 😀
this is so sad but predictable from these so called ministers. why anyone in the 21st century believes this man is way beyond me. wishing ill on someone and speaking such hate about the departed is unacceptable. what ever happened to just good manners? why do these preachers believe everything about others’ lives are their business? they seem to have a constant need for attention. RBG was a great person and stood for the constitution. she will be greatly missed.
The god of the Bible was responsible for countless millions of violent deaths and continues to spontaneously abort millions of fetuses every year. But RBG is worthy of eternal torture. Convincing arguments for me to return to Christianity
Yep. Years ago, a somewhat liberal Christian tried to convince me that “God is love.” I said, fine. Explain to me that “God is love” in light of Noah and the flood. God kills everyone save eight people. Men, women, children, babies, and unborn fetuses. By all means, explain to me that “God is love!” Of course, she had no answer for me. And therein is the problem for Evangelicals. IF the Bible is what they say it is, then Richard Dawkins is right:
After reading your Dawkins quote I now understand why evangelicals love Trump; he reminds them of their god.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an amazing asset to our country. If it weren’t for her, women like me would still be further excluded from rights that we have today on the basis of sex. May her memory be a blessing.
These petty, vile evangelicals who take pleasure in the death and imagined eternal torture of people they judge to be not of their tribe are the examples of why so many reject their horrific “gospel” message and are leaving these churches in droves. When you worship at the altar of Trump and are smugly ecstatic over the supposed eternal torture of a judicial titan who fought for human rights, you are a low, despicable human being.
I looked that up, where J.J. had copied fro J.D.Haal, and he indeed did do it. Almost comical, though neither man is likable at all. They deserve each other. Fundie one- upmanship, lol.
I looked that up, where J.J. had copied fro J.D.Hall,and he indeed did do it. Almost comical, though neither man is likable at all. They deserve each other. Fundie one- upmanship, lol.
I’ll pass on being a prophet, great benefits but the risk of getting stoned to death is too high?
I wish these guys would realize they would catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Thank God my Christianity is far different than that. I also don’t believe God gives us authority to judge who is, or is not, in Heaven.
Here’s the thing, Sarah: most Christian denominations believe that those who don’t choose Jesus are burning forever in hell. It’s pretty grim, and I bet most Christians find a way to accept the idea. Except God burning someone FOR ALL ETERNITY for the errors of a handful of years seems pretty monstrous. Even if I admitted that, say, Hitler should go to hell, would him burning for eternity glorify God? If it does, your god is a monster.
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Unfortunately I got this long comment before it was deleted. All I’m going to say is that I have the same amount of compassion for any people who are tormented and subjected to suffering or cruelty. That includes Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, and anyone regardless of race, creed etc. I haven’t found your type of Christian to care about others that are not in your tribe. Most of you don’t GAF that small children were cruelly separated from their parents at our border, and over 500 children have not been returned. Now, your argument would probably be that they deserve it, or that it’s too bad but they brought it on themselves. (The parents, anyway.)* Never mind the severe emotional trauma the kids will have the rest of their lives. No, I really don’t see too much compassion in you or your type of Christianity. And I do have lovely Christian friends who would die to help someone out of their tribe. I just doubt YOU are that person.
*By the way, aren’t most of the people at our southern border Christian? Although they are Catholic so you might not count them. Cheerio!
Don’t you just love the way folks who worship a “compassionate” God are so quick to condemn those with whom they disagree?
More to point: RBG was no more an “enemy of religious freedom” than I am the Sultan of Brunei. If anything, she fought to allow people to practice their religion—or to not have one. In brief, it’s because of RBG and her allies that Jeremiah Johnson can preach his “revelations”—and I can reveal my atheism—without legal repercussions.
So J.D. Hall is claiming that God gave him the “message” first? All right, I’ll admit it: I fit the stereotype of a trans girl: I want to see a good cat fight! ?
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Rolls eyes Wow, hateful and angry much ?? You have a very strange concept of love. Attack, cajole, and insult a person, then tell them you love them, THEN tell them you would care for them more if they would just join your belief system. Not surprised tho, that a typical control tactic of christians. I have endured that for too many decades, so I will just tell you that among readers here that does not work. I suggest you go back to your group and love the people who are just like you, and leave the rest of is alone so we can try to care for each other. Obviously you are to busy thumping you chest to care for others.
And, unlike Bruce, I am quite capable of loving you, although I doubt you would want to be seen in my company. The problem, of course, is that your form of love is petty, manipulative, and shallow and I would require much more respect from any person in my life.
As a Christian I pray she repented on her death bed only God knows that. I know she stood for abortion as a judge so that’s a huge deal
In Gods eyes. But let me emphasize God is not willing that any should perish, He loves us all, but won’t force us.. Don’t you all celebrate Christmas well that’s all about God sending His Son to take your place of punishment. All you have to do is receive Him. Just RSVP before you die. ✌️
So, human will trumps God’s? God is willing, but humans can frustrate that will?
If abortion is murder, and no murderer goes to Heaven, then Ginsburg is in Hell, right?
So, I assume you are a child abuse supporter? If the baby Jesus took our place and was punished (killed) by his father, isn’t that child abuse?
I “received” Jesus years ago, but he ran off and left no forwarding address. So, I divorced him and took on a new lover: reason. You know, the exact opposite of your delusional beliefs.
Time to move on, Suzy.
All praise be to Loki.
Bruce Almighty
Suzy, stop blaming the victim. In the execrably immoral mythology of Christianity, if your alleged god really cared about people suffering in hell, it wouldn’t have created such a place. Also rather selective about not forcing mortals before they’re dead, then blithely forcing them into the flames afterwards.
No one — and I do mean no one — pays my debts. I reject the concept of “salvation” unconditionally.
Keep your mythical dead rabbi on a stick. I, for one, am not interested in debasing my morality by agreeing to go along with an utterly disgusting divine protection racket.
Take your case before your Supreme Judge (the head abortionist of all time) Suzy.
Just RSVP before you die. ✌️
Ohhh, that’s precious, SUZY! Git yer coupon in before the sale ends or, well, yer gonna burn forever you wicked non-joiner!
SUZY, you have no idea how coo-coo your words come across here, how generic and thoughtless… You are a parrot, I fear and may once have had your own voice but gave it up for the homogenized milk of evangelical Christianity. I am sorry. But there is a way to begin to think again, to believe in your own mind and heart and to care about yourself. Run from the church as fast as you can!
You know, I suspect you are 100% all in for that famous “God lover,” Donald Trump. And right now almost 300,000 thinking BORN people have died due to his ignorant, malignant covid policies. But I bet you don’t care about that. Funny how your type of Christian usually cares more about human life before it is fully developed and born. I bet you are also against all those Muslim people living in the US, and also think refugees at our southern border don’t deserve to be treated with human kindness.
No, usually your type only cares about Christians of your exact stripe. (Usually, white, always conservative.) You really don’t want to come to an atheist’s blog and try to spread God blather, when you all have demonstrated you are bad people. Yes, I said it so you can understand that NOT ONE PERSON outside of fundamentalist/evangelical Christian churches thinks you all are moral, kind, or even slightly conversant with the Bible verse: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Not one of you has moral fiber since you have decided to kiss Donald’s ass as long as he gives you power to hurt those other people outside of your pathetic bubble.
PS: God is a famous abortionist. There is zero evidence that your Bible believed that unborn children were equal to full humans. It’s not because we love abortion, but because it literally isn’t YOUR business what a woman does with her body. You all put the fetus above a woman’s life and would be fine with her pregnancy killing her. It dehumanizes women, but you all don’t care about THAT.
He sounds right to me. RBG died without faith in the Almighty. Being a Supreme Court Judge buys her nothing.with HIM
Oh, you knew RBG??? What did she tell you about her faith???
Oh…wait…you were assuming…sorry. Or maybe god is telling you how he judges people?
I’m curious, do Jews believe in the Almighty? Just asking…no real reason….
Oh, so I’m assuming you think Jewish people won’t be in heaven? Gee, I didn’t realize that the Christian faith had nothing to do with the Jewish god.
Dennis, heaven and hell are myths. RBG and you and I are all going to the same place – eternal insentience. 100 years from now you won’t even know that you once believed in an Almighty or a HIM.